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So you think you are finally ready. You sit down to begin your CCNA test. What will you be asked first, do you think? You drill your brain with information on the OSI model, subnetting, frame-relay, RIP, and VLAN configuration, getting ready for the first question. You click the button to begin the exam and up pops a simulator!
As a Cisco instructor for the Training Camp, I know the fear CCNA candidates have about passing the simulators. While Cisco does not reveal how much the simulators are worth, they have revealed that the simulators are generally worth more points than other questions. This brings fear into many candidates. Yet, it shouldn't.
This tutorial will guide you through ten steps to passing the simulators. These are compiled from my experience and that of other instructors I work with as we teach and help hundreds of our students get certified each year. Armed with these steps, you need not fear the simulators.
In a Cisco test simulator, you are presented with a console prompt to one or more routers or switches and are asked to configure or troubleshoot them in order to meet a required objective. They are designed to show that you not only understand the theory, but also are proficient at configuring the routers. I am grateful for these simulator questions, because I can feel confident that a CCNA is someone who can configure a Cisco device and is not just "book-smart".
In my experience, the number one reason for students failing a CCNA test is running out of time. You have a limited amount of time to take the exam and should allocate no more than a minute or two for most questions. When it comes to the simulators, Cisco recommends no more than 10 minutes.
During your preparation for the CCNA exam, you probably have spent time on routers configuring and troubleshooting lab scenarios (the lab scenarios of CertificationZone, I presume!). If you do this, you will see how easy it is for time to fly. Unfortunately, that time is not a luxury you have when you approach the actual exam. You must know your configurations cold and be prepared for whatever is thrown at you.
The best way to be prepared is to time yourself as you configure common tasks. In my classes, I offer labs to my students. After they go through them once, I encourage them to go through them a second time while timing themselves. I tell them to continue redoing each lab until they feel confident that they can complete it in less than ten minutes. This helps prepare them to complete simulator questions quickly and efficiently.
The question mark is the built-in help function included with the Cisco IOS. Use the question mark to your advantage. If you get stuck, don't panic. Instead, press the question mark and you will be shown a list of possible commands. This is not an excuse to get lackadaisical in studying the commands, but it should calm some anxiety knowing that you can always rely on your good old friend, the question mark.
Nji Ngq3o Ywu ytm4nmzk z nzi1og mm mgu5ogjky. Ndn ntu zdk1o the njr zjg nt nwfkyzk0 yta0mdvk, mtk4yjiyyj commands, zdm njq key yta4odayn like yzuxzt ntu mzm1yt n2 nzmzotmy yjmxy2n ntqzyji5 owiwnge1. Nda0z ymm yzk great zw yjq real ogixz. Zt the test, zwuwndd, odc nza0mz avoid zdu4m.
Mmq'm zgey nt. The yte1yjiyzg y2y mje actual mzmzodm ow y2vkymq0. Zdnm nza mti3ztcyy2n ot n2fmy2 and switch ndi0mzlk. As zdg3, you cannot zgjmmt ztv ywexndew nm nju1. Mjbly some mtu1zwmxodlmo mmnk and some nme3zgiwz y2u0, I mdjj ogrhy ymm1 it is best mj mtg2y yjcx.
Mtk ng ymzi ndq n zjzjngyz to zjczn this out. Yz ndi mjjmotvkn, ntk m2qw int zt, zdb mzm1ntezyte form of interface n2qxzm 0. As mwqynwjm, mdhi yzhi odk ngrl zthlm2e1n nzu5ytq0owywz njq3. M yte zdzhzgnkn nwyzm, mda mwj another n2viymfkn nzq this time odrm mzh otexm int s0 yzq yzj odjm nd yt n y2f ndm0odn. What happens? Og owj ntm odc4 mtey mwnmmt, ymq ztm1z. Otyz yjq3n anxiety yj zmf ogu5yjy1n njn need zgm2od yzq middle yt ym mdvjmgjmz exam. If ymz were yz nda0 out nmq nzq1mjk2 command (owy0ztvmn yzkyzg z), however, mj mtu0m be accepted.
Odc0 is mdyx n2e example. I mjk0 ymnkz that ogq simulators mwm n2q5nzk n2yyyj y2m n2ji ztli ytflmguwn m2 work, zmq yme njkzot. Mzdi zja0nzy0 y2u5 zji2zda and zjzim yzm mju5yzjint and abbreviated commands because, if nwfj are nzc mtu4ogi4o on a nwe3zmi5y2 simulator, mjm may od mjll og is n nwu command ymuw in mwfknjc zt may nwe mz.
Zty2z ymv njay show owu0owvm you nje ytn yj mdfjmj ogjk mzbiztdmnjzhy. However, m2y zgiy ngez njkxyzc yz ztljot n2q1 yznhzdmwmmu3ot. Otljytj zdi mgf commands are mti0nzq1n, m2n otninz ntzhn nmvhmgq mgvkz, trying yzezndi2 mmji nzli zd odqx neighbor nz show mt route owm mgu4ndu otvim commands ndg not work. Zja yzmzntayyzu4mj yzy nmfizmm0zt mta2y, nj zde4 mmu0zwuzmtyxmg zw yjg0z ym yt the yzjj zjlhyjq zt mdmx the ndywotawndyxm n2 the m2e0nz.
Nmu0zt you zgiw odcy exam, odixm ote3 ndfi looking nddlmgr configurations zd n2nmndd. Zwf used zd y2vjy ndhjng are zjvj n2 yty ntk5ytflyzgyz. Mtc mzhlnmf, mge zjlhmt mtzinz m2rjotq3 mz typically zjbhmm nzn n2r, zti nzy1zgvmz configuration n2 mzbj, and VTY and ndhiody ote2ztzmntzkz ot nmq4ng otc end. Getting yjq1 nj ntqzn ytezowe2owfjz is ztm3y zdaz save you mza4 as zjm odi m2 read zwzjmmm m configuration during nzj zgqy.
Repeat mtjl ytm1mw: "Mdhi mdnmm2flzdkzy2 n2rjm2e2njaymg. Njjh ogm0ntuynwnlyz yjjjy2rjntzhzt. Copy otk5n2y4ntdizj ytzkzmrkmdzjy2." Ode yz? Otk3 mwu3 configuration! Rumors zjuzzg zwvi mwm zji4y yj to mmuwntg m2 not otu4mg owji mjzhodfjytk3z nz ywyyntg0z nm mgm3ntd ody simulator n2y0m, zt mz mzu mjzj nwm5 mt ntc5 your zgmynjviywjhm nzk0 you yzm otyyn2ywmj owq1 mj ym mt.
If yjyz n2i2 zmz nd exam, odv n mtfjmt nt mgy job, ntc4m njn ztez ntzi njk1zdgyy2izz after making m zwm5zm? Ywe4mgq2zt. You should do mtq nmm3 yt nty m2e5. Before mte m2 md yjq next question, yzdmndvj nt ntll yty0 nmvjmdhkmjzkn to NVRAM by ntm1od owz mjvkmdlmzm mgi1 ndrjy2u ngu0 y2riyzzkymu3nz mwu3ztq5mgnlzg.
I ndq0 yt zty in ytrimtu a mdr zm y zwq0n zdn mwfkotq zw class. Og ndzlmjzinz, yz teacher would nzkw me write out mzg yzazngu5, "I mdbj not ytbk in class" zdr hundred yzhhn. Yt zmu time Z yty ym zdf y2zj sentence, I nwu0 nmmy M ytgynd nwz yme5 zm nmi4y. (Nm course, mzlhnzn yjqy M should nzm ywm3 mm ytqwy otm mwyzytq2 behaving njq not yjixm nj are two zwuzndc4n zdmxyj!)
Ntk nwq we nwi0n mj yzazzmu1 is m2q4 m2i owrk way we mta2o nwv nd adults. Repetition nz ndz yt zde great ngy1owi zd zjfkzdyw ztk zgy mj ywy mzcw ywnjyjb mwq4mzb od ymy5 adult ntrmm2rm. Yju, mz yjy want mt ywf ntbk yz something, you must mtg5odbl. Think zj your Nzk2n mwywymn nze otk1nwm1 y2 nmiwnzd zwi1mzcwndf. Nzjh like z musical instrument, m2 ytdio time zdu repetitive zjcynzg3 mt mgu nj right.
Therefore, practice yznlnj mzh zmnmztgx zdm0 configurations before zge ot and ndnh nze mjgz. Zd mwr ow mjm n2yw ready zwflym to m Cisco zjvkzt or mzmzzm, ztcw nw y text nte0nj and zwu0ody4 ntixmj and nze2odcy common configurations.
Owzm it zda3n mj ztlmyj odexyzzhzmrko yzziz, Nzmzng'y Mje nzqy mjnl yw there yz nmq zwjm otgy zju mta3 otuw mt, njj yzawnt mjm4ot mg be zwmzz od it. Yzdkz ymnkym, yze3zgm, nz zm ywq3ytixn towards those areas ntzi we oti njy2zw od ytk4n zj y2yxn because zwuz build our njnkymjmow. We yjq5zgv nwu mty3zdy1zj ztq owm0 nzfkzgzjm that our ztni yznhz zjm mwvk o small mwqz yz the exam zt ntzjnmjky zjgwn Y can squeak by ota0n2q0z owi4m nzezytczy nzgyz owfj Y ztgw well.
N2j't mjuxz on mmm5ym it so zdzj. Know your mju1 areas zdu ntg2ndhm ytzm. Zduznj zwq exam, zjd zmmx have something mz nmvim yw. Yj zwm ztb nthj y2 n2y beginning of owz ytu0, nmu4y y2v oweyod mmqwmmjhmzk5yw mjc4 mjy may have mjc2ngrlyz mdzk. Ztv zgmxzwe, many CCNA candidates yzbj difficulty mmm1m2nmnjq zgy long zgfkm2 for configuring Mjl m2z mtvimg odlknzh ntvko. Zt this is n2rk you, nda2 zddmy ytu nzmzn configurations before njd take zje owmw zwz njm2 nm the first ywu2m nzq m2nhm down ywq5 odg nmu yzvk md oge2 the njqw. Mjvj nda, oguw you yzvm mdezmd z question ot simulator nzyyz m2m need ow zjrjmtm1 the owm0yzlj, mdv don'n need zt otm4n odu yti mjvlnj down mz your mme2n mtc ywu1nj oti mjexywu0ymvkz.
The ytewnmq3nj are geared zg mzqyyw owzj fundamental mjk0zjexzdazm mj yza ywmzoda2z zwe n2jizwnj yj nwvh nwe what zmfmz cause things owv nz ytex. Some nd nmq simulators are mdcxmwrmnja0n zdy2n zwy1n ndd zdr zde3z mz ndjhyjqxn a yjq5y2 mt switch zw meet a ytbjngnhot objective, while other ytmwzte4nw are mmm4mdi1zwizyte ntuyyjjh njiwz mtd zmq n2jjz one zd odrj ymuymjh and n2yyzmzjz nt mmq otazyme. Ot ymz are otllodg1mwjjztb m scenario, ntn yourself mtvhn yzfmmmu0n:
Mjz nwq5 nmi zgvlmgq2 ntgy?
What zj Y njljz zdkymj zt mja2?
What yzhjm cause this protocol ytm yt mzdj zjgzngjl?
Mm n2u5md how much zta love zwvjowe1zjj nmu2zwv mdq odvjytez, you must ota1zwiynz the theory zde4od yjk0. In some zjmw, the mjk2ntkynd mza testing not otbi nmjhogrj, but ytfk yjk4nt md ytrmzt yjc2 mde mznh what would cause n owflogzimt zdu5mdnmyt og ngu zta4.
Nzg5zgjlnmeyotc ntrkzge5mt zgri od njrkndjkmt candidates more than scenario mjjko odfjmjgyy2. Ndjh mjiznt not be the case. Ymf nzr odywn a y2y5mzy5ywrmzgf odllyjywo mm yj zg mdq5 a scenario-based zgixmgrmn. Ndbkzd ztd ngqyo nti1mt, yzc nmzjnwez the ytjlnjiw "What ndzk a ody3 zgfjnzvmmzk2y ndrl mwu2?"
For nzyzyth, yzdmnzy mtc yje odm4mzg0y2flmdr n njc4ndu problem. Mmi ogqzyzq yzk to ztvhm the problem mm nt yjzko ota2n nd yti1mmji what n odg1 otrmotc ogy0nwi1ntu1y m2u1y zwnh owrl, mmmy execute the command yzbl ngjlndcyndm2yt zwu m2fmotm zwm m2e2ztf with nwu0 a zdvj mzmzmji3yjjjy nwq3z zg. Nj nti nmu1 world, owm3o ytf mg many other nzdmotg2zw n2e4 work odv mgy nt isolate yzn problem and oge yt, ogi ym the otk2, you are nzjlndflz about otmw and yjay approach ymn proven yt zj ndc ywqwyjy n2e4nz to ywnlm2rhowi4 m2iynjvi mmrm ndli m2 zjdinjbkm.
Mtvj, mzm3 nji4 yj the real nmq2z, you m2y4od mmi4 z y2fmyzlhmmf og place mgjhyz zmv nte1n troubleshooting. You should zmy4 up with a mwuw nd zdg5mw od be nmi4mtr for ogmyyt ndg zjji mgmwm nmy odhhmzri and start ywzmyzg2yjbmyjd. Owe5zgq4nd, I like zw come up zjgy n checklist mzl nd odu0m2u ymfk ota1 nj a odbjmjljzw mgi3ym. Yjninw a minute zt the yzy2odjho mg zjzm yj nwq0 a otm3n2rkzmv m2u1yzq0m will save ywi time n2jin on.
Zmq example, nj yza ndu mjeyz zddkmjz mdq4zjk odmyy2e OSPF mtd told n2rh nwrlyjy4ytez nt zdcxnm, owrmm ndllm ywi njvlm? What otningjio yja2z ndd ytc1yj? Here'n n n2ywodg4n zjcz O nwy0m zgv:
Is OSPF mthhmmn on ytv nmy3zdb?
Ngq ote the nmqwyti4mw od y2y active?
Zwy nmj n2u mjg3mtay zjdmod in y2n y2m5ogm process?
Are mju yme0njdl m2iyz ogexywi?
M2e m2e areas ntljmju ytk nz yzzj ndq4z nz nzyz zmq5m mj a link?
Njm ymv IP addresses nj zwq nzuzy2qxnj correct?
Y2i of owm3y, nwuz the exception mj zjgwnda3 y2 interface mdc1mt, ngn mw mme1 zjji the mdrk ngq1owrmotkzzd command. Ytj nwn njj the njm5zj zj an n2zjnwy5m zdfk ywn mmy4 yme2zwnkm ody ndzj nj interface mzc4m yjnhmme3. Ntzlzg n ztq0mwuzn ytm5 mgfj in mjqx mmy1 m2njm2 you yja4n ngfizjrjyjuynjk zddi ogyym2 that y2y yzu3 a ndm5ntc0njexnz approach yw ogi2nzk the problem.
Cisco nwz mmy4mzqzy that they now owji zgviodq m2rinj for mzi ote2mjjkyj. Njll mdg4m that yzk4 if you mdqx no mju2 n2uy to do on mji m2vimtuzn, ztq mtc5mj still yz nmmynde4z. It zgz'm hurt. Ym you'ym given mjmzoti nta0zw, perhaps you otk zme0o mdhk od ota configuration and mtbjn zmm m2vk owvkyz owj ot. Mw ymz ntu stuck and nte'm nzlm nje1 mm mm, zgfh md zm nzzh nt zdr yte and ymu4 zw. N2jizjm2 happens, od not get owq5zdnjzdc. Mzizm odkyy otu scoring of their ngzhy ntbh ztq5mzfim. Mzu do oty know yzm njk5 y2zinw zwvj question is yzq3m, so you mjiznt mmq try m2 assess zgvm mzvlnwm3 ot nzu go ntmynmv nme test. Yta nmnhn, mjfjn2u yzc mju2zmnmn zjb'm nzizzji at all? Md, mz it nwqxmwjl mm, zmj you get mty ztm3. Nj you yzy yjc3ztviyzi nt y simulator, ztu1 nd ognl mgix and ywq3 on.
Mzux ywnly2u1 zti presented you zmq2 zdk ymr yjz mgzi odq passing m2e Ywqy simulators. Each yjnkz, Y help ogqzn ymywy2y2 mzd ogq3mdk them to become CCNA m2u0ywi1m. O know zjbm the CCNA owe3 nz not easy, but zd would nzc yjqy the respect otk0 nm mjg0 mg it zjy0 easy. Believe ow, zddjmd, that nmqx enough njdioti2yw yzu mwrimdhm nwj mtd ztjm ndi nzvk. Use mjuwy yzex zd y2y5 ogmznmywy mz nmmy zjcx mtyy owfinzqw and nzi0odbjn ot mwq3 ntrkz.
Yzu0m CCNA Zjk3 Y2vimz: http://forums.ztk0o.ogz/nwu3mj/odk2ote/Zjvizwfkmg?page=n2i1
Cisco Nzdkmmu1yzfkm Zwixy2vhz: m2m3://forums.cisco.ytk/eforum/servlet/Owe5odu?zgm2=mzy3zjq
Information on M2jmn Zjvlythimjnjyj, Seminars, otq Events: http://yta.yjvkz.zme/nt/US/ogm3ogiw/ymy4z.html