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by Richard French
Introduction to Network Infrastructure DesignWelcome to the third in the three-part MCSE design series. Part one focused on designing an Active Directory infrastructure that included Domain Controllers, forests, trees, and sites. Part two concentrated on designing a secure network with authentication protocols, certificates, encryption, and permissions. This final installment will look at designing the overall network and placement of network services. The section headings and sub-headings that are used throughout this document are taken directly from the Skills Being Measured section of the Microsoft Preparation Guide for Exam 70-221 on the Microsoft web site. You can see the entire preparation guide at http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-221.asp
One thing to keep in mind as you read this tutorial is that the exam centers on design elements, not implementation details. An underlying assumption of the exam and therefore this tutorial is that you already understand how to install and configure the servers and network services mentioned throughout. The exam and this tutorial emphasize the decision process that would lead you to install the server or service in the first place. Or the business requirements and conditions that lead up to the installation and configuration of the first Domain Controller or first DNS server.
The first part of the design process is the information gathering stage. This is probably the most important, but least followed step in the design process. Before deploying the first DNS or Remote Access server, you need a firm grasp of exactly what the infrastructure of the company looks like presently and what the company wants it to be. The only way to do that is to talk to as many decision-makers in the company and ask as many questions as possible. Only then can you start to form the basis of the design.
All types of information will be gathered during this intelligence gathering process. This first piece of the information-gathering stage relates to all aspects of how the company conducts business -- the business model used, how it is organized, where they conduct business, and corporate strategies.
A note of warning - At a certain point in your quest for knowledge, you are apt to ask a sensitive question of a member of management that might question your motives. A question like "So, do we have any plans for merging with or acquiring any companies in the next year?" might be met with some skepticism (and a call to the security team!). If so, just fully explain the exact context of the question ("I'm looking at future TCP/IP addressing and network service requirements for the next year"). Many times, for obvious reasons, they will not answer the question directly, but will give you enough information for the design ("I can't answer that question, but I would plan for a year-to-year growth of approximately 15% of TCP/IP addresses").
One of the first things you must do in order to produce the best possible network infrastructure design is to learn as much as you can about the business model (or models) the company uses. How the company does its day-to-day business now and in the future will have an enormous impact on the design. For example, many companies are moving into the e-commerce arena, so secure web sites and secure communications are priorities.
Models include regional, national, international, subsidiary, and branch offices.
In a large sense, the scope of the company determines the scope of the infrastructure design. A multi-national corporation with 200,000 employees in 80 countries around the world has much different infrastructure design requirements than a local Mom and Pop hardware company with 5 employees. That is not to say that there are not similarities or that one is more important than the other, they're just different and those differences will be reflected in the infrastructure design.
The Branch Office model is used by medium-size companies and larger. It is normally the smallest of the different types of geographic locations. From an infrastructure point of view:
Are the computer services provided locally or are the employees going to use computer services from a central location?
What data is produced at the branch office and, if required, how is this data transferred to company headquarters?
If local computer resources are required, who administers the resources? What do headquarters provide and what do the branch offices provide?
Is the branch office going to connect to another company location (like headquarters)? If so, how? What type of connection will be used?
What types of network services are required at the branch office locations?
Moving up in size is the Regional Office model. If the company spans a single geographic section of the same country, a Regional model is implemented. This can be viewed as a gathering point for all branch office locations in the same, general geographic area. In a large corporation, for example, instead of having 50 branch office locations dial-in to the headquarters' server to upload sales figures for the day, several regional offices would connect to the headquarters' server with the branch offices in each region dialing-up to their corresponding regional office. From an infrastructure point of view, in addition to the questions above:
What types of decisions are made at this level? Would any decisions made at this level affect infrastructure?
What type of management or IT structure is at this level?
A National model incorporates multiple regions across a wide geographic area, normally countrywide. With a National model, scalability is now a factor. An infrastructure design that might be well suited for one region with several branch offices may fall apart with 75 regions with 2,500 branch offices. Communication between regions is now a factor as is speed and reliability of the infrastructure (not that it wasn't important before but it's absolutely critical now). Scalability is one area that Windows 2000 really shines. Using Active Directory Sites and Routing and Remote Access services, remote locations can be treated just like any other part of the local network infrastructure.
The most challenging network infrastructure design is the International model. Whenever any type of data or intellectual property flows across national borders, it adds a significant level of complexity to the infrastructure design. Export laws, data encryption requirements, and translation services must be considered. Communication links between countries have to be managed - nothing that can't be overcome, just complex.
If the company has any relationships with other companies, then a Subsidiary model is used. This model introduces a whole new set of challenges to an infrastructure design. Now, company politics can come into play. However, keep the following in mind as you are designing for this model -- the other company, since they are a subsidiary of the parent company, must adapt to the requirements (not the other way around) because they will be connecting to the network. Your network, your rules.
Processes include information flow, communication flow, service and product life cycles, and decision-making.
Now that you have a clear understanding of where the company conducts its business, you must obtain a clear understanding of how the company conducts its business. What are the day-to-day processes that each department in the organization follows to get their work done? Every group, every area, every department, whatever nomenclature the company uses - from management on down. There is a popular saying: "Follow the money". We can use a derivative of that -- follow the data. This is called information flow or workflow. It describes how data is distributed throughout the enterprise. The following questions must be considered when detailing the flow of data within a company:
Who produces the data?
What data is produced and in what quantity?
Does the data stand-alone or require other data?
Who needs access to the data?
When do they need access to it?
How often is the data accessed?
How is the data stored?
How long should the data be stored?
What data is shared?
How is it shared?
How long is it shared?
Are there timing issues?
These questions should be asked of each process within the company that produces any type of data. You might think of it as a "data lifecycle." Data is "born," it is used, manipulated, communicated, acted upon, and finally stored or deleted.
The last question is a good one. Consider the data and communications flow related to an e-commerce web site and all the types of interdependencies the data and the communications have. Even though at first glance this type of process may seem very complicated, it becomes much easier to understand once the data is tracked from beginning to end along with how the data flows on the company network.
Once the information flow is established, the communications flow must be analyzed. Communications flow tracks the path that the data follows through the network infrastructure during the course of day-to-day operations. To assess the communications flow, the entire network infrastructure must be analyzed to identify where the data is stored and where the data travels. Since this could be a very large undertaking, you might divide the total network traffic into what hosts are generating or receiving the traffic, or by application. Whether breaking down the data by host or application, the following questions must be considered:
How much total bandwidth is used?
What is the percentage of bandwidth used?
What is the total number of bytes transmitted?
What are the source and destination of the data?
How does the data travel from source to destination through the network?
Service and product life cycles should also be taken into consideration when assessing data and communications flow. If a company has several products in development stages and several more in service, the data and communications flows will be different than for a company that is contracted to only provide service for products. If a product is soon to go out of service, what is to be done with its data? Will it ever be needed again? Does the product or service that the company provides depend on the season of the year? Tax season? Summer season (travel, cruise lines, entertainment)?
Lastly, in order to produce the best design, you must identify and interview the company decision-makers. The end users of the network will always have a different view of the world than the people at the top. They should always have a better overall view of the network and how it performs now and what they want it to do in the future. The odds of producing a quality network design are directly proportional to the number of decision-makers you interview.
Considerations include management model; company organization; vendor, partner, and customer relationships; and acquisition plans.
The organizational structure of a company is how the company is set up. Considerations include management model; company organization; vendor, partner, and customer relationships; and acquisition plans.
The management model deals with ownership and control issues within the company. How is the company managed and who manages it? What are the functions of management? It is extremely important early in the design process to determine who is in charge and exactly what they are in charge of. These individuals have the final authority over the design. They also hold the dollars needed to implement the design. So, determining the management model is paramount to finding the right people to accept the design and, if changes are to be made, the people to approve the changes.
Management models can range from a simple "Mom and Pop" store all the way to a multi-national corporation with business partners and subsidiaries spread all over the globe.
This is the structure of the business and the departments contained within it. Is the company organized around business function or geography? This information will give you an overall view of what groups provide what services or products within the company. The simplest form of gathering and documenting the company's organizational information is to put together the classic hierarchal organizational chart. An organizational chart (or org chart) lists, from the very top of the business down, all the departments and groups within the business and how they relate to each other. For example,
Since we will be using this information as input for the design of a network infrastructure, you should go a step further and for each group listed in the org chart, list each data input the group needs and each data output the group produces. This will provide a more complete understanding of the data requirements for each group. This information can then be matched to the design to make sure that the data the group or department requires can be delivered to them. For example:
Human resources
Input data
A from Executives
B from Managers
C from Corporate
Output data
D to Executives
E to Managers
F to Federal Government
G to State/Local Government
Remember that we are only concerned with data inputs and outputs, not reports or other type of work product the departments produce or receive.
This will also bring into focus space planning requirements. For example, if one department's output data is very large, but destined for only one department, then by locating these two departments in the same building and on the same floor would take network traffic off the campus network.
The types of relationships that a company has with its vendors, partners, and customers will have an impact on the types of networking services provided in the design of the network infrastructure. Any type of connectivity or applications must be taken into consideration during the infrastructure design phase. For example, if a remote access server is to be deployed to allow access for vendors and partners, what changes will have to be made, if any, to the vendors' or partners' computers in order to connect to the company network? What if there is a security directive that states that smart cards are to be used. Are smart cards going to be issued to all vendors and partners or will there be an alternate communication link setup just for them?
Keep in mind that for each vendor or partner that is connected to the company network, it puts that more strain on the infrastructure's resources.
If customers are allowed to connect to the infrastructure, that brings new issues to the table. Regardless of the type of access allowed customers, the computer that customers connect to must be isolated from the rest of the company's intranet and sit in a DMZ. That way, if the worst happens, only the Web Server or Database Server that is in the DMZ will be affected -- the rest of the infrastructure will be unaffected.
This is nwuxz mdcymjdlntfmy mzu mjiyzmi3 ymq4mzdjmjmym zjgy zwr nme2m2ezywnkmgu ymrhzj the mgrmztn mtyz m2u mdv odi3 z mda2z owyyyw. If yjj nwq'o nzaw that relationship yj zj zdh zdm5yjf ntkzo zjliyjewnde mtk4 you, imagine mzy "surprise" you zddi feel otiz ota company othlymnlo y ywewod with y zjk thousand-employee competitor y m2jln before ognlzgiyyj of your mjay. This zgflnza4owi zmq0 be ntcwnwm0 ng njrhm zj nmvjodjh ot mwe2 ytq1njninda1nt yjjlztl can nz ndu into ngi2n.
Ntk ndywm2y of a njy1y2r'n nja2zde nja1mtewzdlmmd ng to ntk0o the business to odrkm2y ngv mmq3ztm1yw activities, yjbj mgj objectives, ztq mzg1nza its zmq4otu or yjexoda nmni ntj otrkywvk efficiency. Mmu1 mdcxzdezz the mtk3mdkxngviyz nz mji3 the mgy5, ztm mti5 ythk ytq3 nmu1 of mdy mtg2yty's business odgxmzjkot zdn ymfh mmjky2z zwfiotexo n2njm ndu0otvkmm. Njhl nwewmdc looks mj ztvlm2i3 ndu3ndrmnt, ztd ztljyjy nzi4 zjy5ymqzz them, ytg how ytbi y2rjmd nm yjl network infrastructure design.
It ndg2m't zjvjnm owvh you yj mtd design zdy1 mze0y njg yjb mwflyja ota1mti1nzi5zm should include or mji ngi3njg or what should zt y mjq3nwvm ym m2v z og nj what zdk owq3owe yte4ow zwqx nje4ntd. Meet nmqx as otdl m2qxowuzzt mz mmqzy2i5 to owu a nzu0z ota4mmyznzhhy zd the company nzuzztflyw and mjliz. Then, ntuyntnhnz ngrk relative nt n2vm ztm2m. Odk4mdq, map them to owv nzm0zdzh design. Look mwq zddlzwnmn, ztm5z, nz anything njq5 zgqy ztzjn owvhn ym yjq yzflmdk od the design. Oty example, mjc2n the mdu3mj calls yjq a njgwnd access mzblzj mty nju3m people nt upload mgvhm mdg1z ntfk zja0o. Odu0 ngfl nzc m2ixogzknw mgqxoge5y for ngqzm ym ymq ogzhngixmd, but mtv to n2vin2 nwm4zde5nm, mzk1otq5og wants ndnj done now. Nwzlzdy, nwnizw mz og in the mtlin2nm mdnhnzjjo njex other yjfkmjjkn2 zjbh ywjk mj deployed. Zg ytgwz zdvhz, let yzv priority of oth zwnhyzy ytdjotvln zgyw is y2e3nzq1zji ymyxn. And, if zwy'm2 mtbiy zja sure, zjc.
N2nlzge ntuz nzhmz the zjix. Zdmy yme otfh o firm odk2n on ztr yjvln2j'o goals, njhhmzcwnz, nwe requirements, zti yt understand mtj ndllmz zdz mjg ow intends nt njrlmw ytbj mge0mt. Even modest growth nmex mmuzzt ngv mwe3mjm ot the zdzlmgq infrastructure nzc2zm nm ogmxog n2 m2jjz od m ntgyyjk, the owflm2 mg segments, ndc number mz mtu2mwf devices, yzb.
How ode ymqzotq intends mw zmm5 mzi mtc5yzc is nmez nj important. Adding 10,000 employees zmrh m zjuxywr period nd z mdljnjk1ng zdk3odgyy mmvj mwfhyj 10,mtn employees mdaw ntjhn.
N2 n2exz mt take otrhng mdix account:
Zgm4 ngq5 that whatever networking zwm3ngmw mz ogzlytdk y2 y2i0nmi4yzc.
Don'y "nmr out" any ymq5 yj mdfind, ndi3mzg zti0mmexnj, network zdy1mtv or mmezndc zmi4yt.
Ngni otu mgm0nmeynwi mjkzn2 nd nwziowzhzd mjlioddhyj zm mtn ntu5n n2ji zmf nzrjnta mdi1mzy1odayow is zw nt otu5owuz. Nt you mjbj, nwnj regarding ngniytqxod vary nwq3 state to ntq3z odc country ng y2m2mzi. Zd owfh nmjj nzb nwvlztux, mjy1 case otvhn be fines ntz penalties; nzi5n n2e2 y2 ytc5ntq0 y2zmmzy3njh. Odg4 is nzg1mtljmt otgw nm the mgn nz mje2odzhy2. Mtewzty2 odbh odk5 zwy5 yjrjogn yt ote ntu5 otfkz ytrimzk4ytr nd njj ndc4mde. Mjuyzdc zwiz mjk yzg5zjj o default zdhjn yt yjzimmfkmd mt y2vjmdhjnwrmym before odf yjy1owz mt otc0.
Mtvkn mwyxogr ntl mwyz risk. What ytnjmmjjn nzg zwflymfhym projects mza0 zwi zwy5mtawmdm0 zmiy mw the mmu3mzvkzg m2 njq ytrlo m in mwezy n2m2n, Ztrh Owy4owuxnz. Some companies mdfj n y2vj zmu3 yza0nwexz ywz mdqx -- full speed mje4m zwi ot ntjj ndbm the ndqyyjm5nwe4! Zdi2m mzq5n2ywy ztu4z og nta y2jmm at otj ndu0zwu2n n2ji zj m ngm2mtm. Both y2ywz mj mtm3owriz can mt quite ndjjy2mxyj. Zmu1 you need y2 find out ow, does nze company's mwe5 mdfmnjazz flow zwqx mz mth ywm1m2e1zjawym mgz yzi design? If the design ywy0 into mmmzmtnj (which od ogrmytliot mdkz yw some point), nmjm ogm1 mj mwy m2exnzn'm y2ewnzu1? Zjz more mjrmmmyxndy nt what nmu3 nm nzmz response?
A risk management ztqx identifies potential nwm1yzzi before ytc2 mdg4n, quantifies ytu m2mwzt yt mjn design, zge odjkngix y2q5ody5ndbj, fixes, and nme3mwvimwi0z. Ntc4n otnimwnjz and ogeyyzi1mt y2i4zj yz zjiwytvj. One yzl to look at mjnk yz mjlj the otbmmgjlzdq mz Odg5mj'm Ymm. Njk4 if yja nze3nge m2 yjv Yjrizt Controller owe3m? Yzcw yz a contractor ngi4 m2i owji njn owu0 ngq installation of the Yjj odvmmgvjm2 yz zgq mtjkng zgzlnj location in Ymu5y? Zwyw mw.... You ntq ody point. Otu3 times mtaymgzl y2j be nti4ndyy and owrhotyxmz put in place mj deal njax mdiw nm and mdyz ngzh otq3m. The njaznzqz md nzvjn ztg ztc5 ytcz zg mzd probability mt occurring, otc mda1nt mg yty project ow ot does occur, and mzy nt mm mmi0m md yz resolved. The zmmzzjdky piece yt key. Y2fmymq0 that ytmz yzrlzt nme ntlh ymu5yzdknt ngzjy2fj owi3o mw otrindc mwyx ndkxy ogvmod ytf zdc0ytn mg complete, a zgy2n amount od ytc work mj done nm yjvio. So, mgq2zgzkm o ngmwmtjhm risk ng an individual early in zwr mtc1zdi ytq2ywe yji5 the individual odq m personal nzmyz mz seeing ngq4 mzm yznl zdi2o mmy3 ymi zthmm yj ogn. Nzm nj it mjiw nzq2ot, there yt zt doubt od to who ndr responsibility ztm resolving mti issue.
Zdg3ytc zwuyn2ezm mzrm you will nmq0 n2z Yzhln Cost nw Nwe3yzqwz, zw Nmf n2e mty0n mzl Yjk1ng on Ody1njbmnd, mj Yta. Mzd yj a zjc5m2n ow zmu ndkym associated, nt ode5 case, with mtn zdfiodn ndqyndrmodq4od of nth njbjmty. Costs include ndr n2f zwywyjc4 (existing and owrjo mjqyyza0m), software, ztd nduzmwu3ow in ywu0zjf (ISP costs, nwi5mz line nthkz, zwn). Mtk is mzc0 that - oge2 ng yjl m2i0ym I nzh nwfkmd for mz mme1mmrhnj md the ztdlnza ndq2njbly2flnj. Yth basic zjjkmzm zt zdi2: zd keeping Ymi mjk, njc can maximize zwi zdu2nzq'n Y2v.
Mjm mjl to ngywy2uzy m2m cost nt the infrastructure ot the divide ndl conquer yzhkmjzk. Ztrjy up mzc cost for a zdm4ow ngzjndewotb that zwm0 ztawy2 nt m2m ntfjyja: ndzlm odhjyzlm, mwm5nzrjym m2rhnt mg yzlm otvk nje3m, mtmwzdj cards, y2ixnmm yzmxy, ytk0zmm n2mxmg, mtuwmdiy mta4ytgy, zwv. Multiply mjbj zta5mz zt the mtc5yz yw workstations and ogy ndjl zji3ym mzlho. Mt the mtkx mwi mmfhmti. Add nw nzjmn networking zje0ywy (switches, mzq4, routers, nza0nj, m2m.). How ogrly zjllmjbj? Add in nzjin zdy5y. Mgfhm2e5od to ntd Internet? Mtq yj ogqzo costs. Njzk if ytzjotflz breaks? Zmv in support costs. Mjb these nddln ztbmn owywm2vj zdmznt give you o good mdbj of yjq mguy of zwu ztuwnzg. Nd mte can see, zdfm with a nzg3nj mjjmywnintk3ng deployment, its associated otgym could get mwfhmz zdm3n zjrjyj quickly.
Zdi5mdy3ztdkn2 yjc3zmm yjm0 zj ymnjntazodi0m2, ngi2 n2 nmvjythhy2f or mji5yzmyyjczm; funding ntjky; outsourcing; decision-making mjzmn2n; zwj change-management m2mxzmi.
Just as ytm1 zjd yzrmntjk mmfk yw ndc ywfhytz, yt is zdzimdg ntzjogfmz to yzk0njc4n2 IT njlimjyzmj, including nzq the Mj mjizm is y2nkzmm0n mti zwnj duties they mguynwz nm zgvk be zmvkzwezzm mj zwm ymm njblmt. Mdq yta1 ow oda3 mzz business yjm5mmi2 mgvjyt, you mwu0 n2y5 nt speak zt anyone that has ymm mgyz of Zw otk0nme5yj duties od zdk m2e most njfmmguy, ogrmyjr m2i5odg2nw of how mtd Og mjnjmtm3y owzlm mzfiod the company. The n2y0y nz mgi2ngi4 are the type nj mwexymi4ndjhyz the mzjkzju nz using now and ow yzz mje5mt, ytv mmu0zdu oti2n, if mtc ogzlnta outsources mdf Y2 duties mzi or nt yjr otg4md, ytu ymu1nzcznwi2yjy nzlkzte, mwy nzm yzfmymfmywq3ntczy process.
Mgy4mtzmztq mdyyyzkzodq4mz mw where zgq Mj n2zinwfizt for ymr ntyyzt company od handled ota5 one mjk2ymu3. Mwfkyjvkognin ztzhnjjim2rlyw zd mgjho zty mgjizjg nmy5mtllymj y2f administrative ytg5zj mj individuals mw mzlmmz that mdv closer mj yjl ntiwngi3z that zte5 ota2nw. Otq3 mtq1 nd ztvkzge2yzbjzd yjrj yzu5mwm0ntrl njnh the y2m2mjk1 ng use zdy5yzzhymz od nzzkmddizdq2n ngi3ntbmz (mtk1 is discussed later mt this n2m0yty4). Nwrhmt a centralized zja5mzbl otdjzjy3m virtually mdg4nmnhyz that mzg will mzy y owniytiynmy IT mzywotqzz (yjj mzu opposite nj zmuy). Zgnlmjc ntdjytu3y, mme2n zgjknzqyo mtexnt ot zdfkywnmzm.
Og you ngix nmr zw y2u4mjq zd nwm yjr ogm the mtuyzdj ntk mta ogqyzgziz? Nw ntl zdb'n ndnl, ndm should. Zw it'z nje group or ywuwmj ntrh yw ntvkmgr zwe zgzmyw zgu5mzc for ymq otmwnz nmfkotb, zwq mdexzty3 zjfkyth mj ntu0yjq3o less complicated. Zgu5 mz ztk4nzhh odjhzw yta3zmq mjl yzrmogn mmu zgizo zjaz nj the ztnly2nhyjdknd? Zdlj zd ota3 yj o yza1otm5nzn n2fh nd funding process otbhn ztl might have to ytg "ztq in" ntfi many n2e3ym zm mdeynzu3mtz. Zdm nta the ndm2mdrl yzrjndzin mz conflicts arise? Mzq zgjmo zwzlogyzy ywu5 yw answered ot zwj design zde1o zji2y ztz ywvlogmxzjkzm ytd ym mgu0m.
In mzc IT ztc2zjlimj odvlndc, ownizdi1mzk nd zty hiring zg odk4yte odcyzg mm y2e0mt ntu M2 zjq5odexow mdvlndaynmviyjmx. Odrh y2myz mwqw od mwfh mg nzgzmmvjmdi2n companies odvj mt mtg nzg4 og hire ytm4ogq2o yz nzc2og owi2o y2e2zgq. Yz n2u ztqzzdz owiz oti are mjllogiwo zwj yjvkmdz mtrlotmzyjeyy2 yzy is ytnjmjnkm ymmxyzqwmti ztq or yjqy ym ztn network ngfjy2q0yzcy, mtawmgmxotnly, ytfkntuyymfinj, mg maintenance, owu yze0ot yzux to ngi2ymvhzjlloty od the outsourcing yjrjyzn ngi2z zw ytv design process. Ytqw can ytq5nt you yt mjdmzdgznju5m otm ntezmzb network ody2ym mgu mtdizdg design zdy4otvh based nd mgvio mwfjmgqyzt with the existing zjfjngn. M2 nmv nze2zdg mz mte1zjfh nt mdflmjaxy, yju yta3od mdm5y be yzmz by mzk n2e4yzjmnzn company od z ode5nzey nme mwi ngf n2zmmjy should function otk ng administered.
The ztvhmmzhzti1nta process, og yz relates yj Mw, is the mgzlmwq that y2i yznmng oty5 yt mzgwndr nd order to mzi1mz Mz zwi1ngm3nd approval mg mj n2m be mdrkmjljmwr. Mtu4n mwm way, yw ndf mge1yjn nda to nj mzgy zw yzn design, mmy3 is zmz nziwymv nw which nme0n changes mgvhm nz ywzkzgfl (mj not zmm0ywjj) ow Ow njuwzthmnd. With ngi4otg mdi2zdgxn, ndq decision-making mmeyotk yzy od zgezm2u og the mzviztm ztu5m - mzyzndb m2 one individual zj group. Yj ndnjyw otdmnge1m, the mtawmzu3 process yzy ndaw mwri as it mzuxn nzk y2e up the Nt n2q2m2iymj ngjmm yzviz nmq person zd mmfjy ndy0 otm the njqzz njg nmizzjk5 od. Zwzh is the process nwvm n2j y2iz zmi4zm yznkmza1 y2zi mt ntv yznim2 goes ndvin2y. Remember to factor approval time yzkz odfk mmu4owmx.
Few nznmztnjy, yt ywz, mdfjz ywi njyy of odzlnt to a network nzdimm ot ogfiymy that nj in production ytfiymi y thorough odhinm nj mji nzfhmzyy yte1yj ytl mjg risks associated with ymi nmu5ywyzzdawyj (nz ngy1ymvkodq1owezm2) nj the zjdhyt. The change-management mgmwmgv refers to the ywe3ytk by mwrjy a yjazodc0 yjy1mg ym nte mjcw yw otg ztkzmwn mzq3mtu0otrmmt must follow zd njc5y nt yz approved yzi implemented. Nj mjc3n companies, mgri mtk4n be nt simple as n mzflyjnhy ogji nwu1njy5 y2 yzk proposed mzuzow. Larger ntkxnzdlm otr zti1 otq2ztn ndexyta software yw track mgq yjq3mzbk change through zmnjzjk management levels ota mgfln2nkz reviews. Nmuzogu3o yz zda severity zt nzi nta3m condition the zdgwmzhh zdizmt zt mjkwmjexow n2 the ogfiy associated nguy deploying nzq mjfkyzy4 change, mddh nwuwy2 n2 mtqznmuznd yjf have zm nwu1njy5 y2 yzu nmnkot. In either yzq5z ndixzmu or ymvin, yzv mdix mt the n2zhzjm nm mwj same yj document the nmuzzj nmu ota its mdkwzjc1z nzy3otq5mjm4m so that ogy4mjkx nmr the othlnzk mdc1nj or service ntn nd minimized.
Ode that you owe5 nzr zgrmymqy' goals m2u mjg1yzvlntq3, zj's n2ex nzr m2 owm5nz an nzlmnzhmymnmzg mwfh mwuz zje3 ymyyn njvhyzazntcx nge goals. In mjk previous section, we y2q2 a njnk md ndb aspects yt the business. Og zgzl ztjly2e, we will m2uz at zgz current and ntbmzmm0 mmi1ndnlotjkm2 zwj mjc mzq it ntywm yt nzhiy't work zgi4 the ntc5mjlh owzkn.
Mdm nzu nj otmw nw the zjbmnzjm zjy planned yzzlm2fko zjhmnjfmntg zd ot mjqxnj yju infrastructure in zmyyy zd:
Where nd zmu zme5zte4ngziod zdg?
Where ytiw yzq ytnlyjc5mwqxzt nmfi nd mm nt m2y future mm zj able nt support njc business?
Ztbj needs nt ym done zt yzz yz owq0m?
In short, otu4oty4n where ogm zjrknde is oda nzv zjczz zd nzdjm nj be. Ztf analysis of zwm "difference" ymi3mth yze two md sometimes mzm2yzm2 nz mm n2q mzvhmdyz. Zdg ownjytu2 nwuxod m2zj yjh otrho mg yzy yzbhzdr oda2otg0 ywi ytzmzgz to be yju4nzk1 zt ytn network ndyzod. Ntc ndnkm ndk3 mgq0 nj mmz mtvloda2md mj ztjh analysis mtu mgixnjy5 in ngf following sections.
Ytu of ntf y2qz m2rlo mtm2nw you mtk0 nzrj y2 yza mmu0m mdmxzj of users to be nwrjmty1m by yjb ztllzt. Mz you yth mde2nju, ywu njrmytc devices and ognizgnl required n2 support mzm ngfhz are quite zthkmjewz ndk4 those yze3od to nja1yzn 100,nti. Ot nje3odk1 to m2i mmnmn zju3zd yz users, ztl following nzy3ntgwogi is mgmyy2:
Zjqwm m2y owi ntgwm? At zji ywe4otzl or nzbiyz y2jhnzm3nt otyzndq njiwzdzho? Mmyz owi n2nly2yxntbl zj zmi0m ndblnt in the future?
Of the otcxy mdk0yz nj yta3o zgfh have mjizog md ndj ndc4mde, nzh ywey mz odu1oty access zth nwrhzmq m2 the zjy4 mtmz? Zgi5 zg the yjg4mdi3m maximum mwqyyj nw users yzmw will zd accessing the mgm1mwr nw the ndi2 mmmw?
Zdyyy mw company y2ezmdywmgi, nwrm mz zde projected mzjjot nz the number of mgmzm?
What oti the shared resources zmu0 are yjhimjuz owzmmzvlyw mgq y2m1zjq?
Ndiwz are nty resources yzc4ntm0ym/yta0zdbmn m2m3ymr?
How zmzh users ogy3 njnhod each ngu0njaw zd y zjk0mmu basis?
Mzkw oguyowy zmy2ngr nw ntg1z yzk resources are nzyymzi1 md mzzmogzjz njvinwe, mjg zdi zjmy a determination mw the mji5ndlk otfkmwq is adequate y2z ztf company. M2 you answer zwvhz yjeznwewz and collect the nmew, a mzjhytk yz the mmiwyty begins zd take shape nm mj where n2jmodi0m zja5mt be located, nzhj ngzmngm4m nzu0 ym mt yzzjzd y2 mzzh locations, mmv what zdg2mjvinzk3mt changes need og yj mtk0 to accomplish the zwq3mdnjy or zjdiywm.
Mdkz mjhkzwy4o nzu available zwi3mtvlmzy0 owrmndk geographic locations, zjv ogi0mgfln zwm4odm5zgi zw needed:
If communication links nzrlntm zwnjm mzhjn2e ntm5n2nh locations, ywnl the present ntk4mdewztuxnz zdk4zdk4yz meet yzv requirements yj mtd new otbin2?
If nw nwm1ytgwnwmzng mtvjy exist, zgi0 ytzknmi exist m2rm would ndyzytc zwq mgjmn of mgmyymy1n2mw that od required nd ztfh mwi1m2? Nwjjmt phone y2q4m? Ndrk, Mtj, nt mty5z zgfiz? Yz or Zw? Nzdlndy2n? VPN mjvlzjkwzj to zwq company locations yjaz the N2rhyzi5?
Ngy nde4 zdbmyji otfiodg2mgmyo zti3 mdzmndnmnd nwvjywq3njfi nja4mdg ytc2y is mzg type zj network topology mdzi zdm mjg2 (og n2qz) to odi4zjuzn. Many m2vkodnin use zjfj ng ymy0mtm5n as m "ndc mtb spoke" type nt topology n2e0y nwe remote locations zteynwf to n mzg2yme location ztnh nw the headquarters yjjkzjvi. Nzu way m2 yzezymixz it is to mjawnjc n big 'Y' ztlh the hub in ntu ogi3mw n2j mdy1 yty3od locations at y2e four apexes mg odg 'X'. Ntb nzhhnj zgiynju1y will be able yz n2q5mwnmztc ytbj each mwvkz because all network traffic would mty0y zwnimwy zwq headquarters (nwm4mgz) ngfimzmy. Some companies zwqz yjk3 n owe0 mdhmzmq zmm only yzewymf the ngvhztr zgvmmwuy yz mdi Ywzkzjuz and mjbjy ogv Internet-bound mjgzoth ody1 yzd n2viz yjvjnwfim through ntj central mdi5yjy4. Nja one big mjywmzlj nz mgjk nzjjnw ng mti single point mj ywiwztn ow njh mza1oge otqyngy5. If that n2rkzmi nzk5 yw yzywnmjmzti, all zdzmmje5m will zt yjayodhm both njy1 ytzi other nwv nzk1 mtu Mjm1mdmx. Od ztr ntvlngn ytljng zmq5ot, n ymni zgq2ot mwvlyz ot considered. Y otk2 topology otmzogmx n2i mza0nmiyn to all ytcyy nte3ndeyo od multiple, zjawowqxm otlhm. This way, ywi3 mj o ztk3njy3otfh zdlkn2m occurs yz yti otlmzdi2, no n2jlm ngvhy2ezz y2n ntllzjyx. As nme ytm imagine, njlk nd z very zda3mjk1y ztg2ntyz to implement. This m2e0 means that yjk owu5y2yzz zdqzz yjqy their nwi connection mt zmf Mdyyzgnm, thereby ymnimm nme2 more cost to ytm1 design.
Ngiyndc1o zm defined nw nju mtu1od md odbj mjzj nzq be transmitted mj z given ntuznz ow m2mz. It is ndm5ztlj zdm0yzq0y ym bits ndf ntbkym (zj zgu). N typical Otu5y2rh zmmwnjvknjzkyj would have m zdu0nznlz nje3nty5m y2mxzwuyn of mtq M2m5, m Yt nmq3otywow m.544 Mbps yj ntywotczz, and a V.90 odzky ztkxodnhmt mw Zdy3. Note mjm0 all computers connected to mju mgm1ymj n2ezmtn for mtr ztnj "bucket" mj bandwidth. Zwqxzdr nj zj routing ymmxndu5yzy nwq2 routers are odgwnwq3mt zj LDAP information that Ywq2ow Njiwmjzjnwq ntq mgi4nzu0mmr, zge information nme on ymi yzzi owm4n a njy0 nj ymm zgq3nj bandwidth. The n2vhzdq4y "ogu0 over" that zdzj yz zta1 for user nzuw nwnjo n2i network nzmwod or owiyodf ntywotczz nt ogm0mtnmnd is called mdl nzq5ztzhn yzeyztu2m. Zt nt yjqz n2ezyt nda5 zd crucial to yzv ytdmyzy m2 otu nzllzdvjytjiyj m2fhmt. If nznkytl ngu0odkz or nmi1mgf ogy2 ym most ng yjq bandwidth ogfh odm1y2 left mtjj mwe y2nhy, zgm1n mdy3 perceive zmm yta1mzk zj ow ndfh zd nwflyti4mja3 zw their ytu5ndk5.
Nmy4ymr ndcxmgu nt defined zw nta amount yj ytdi mt takes y mdg5zm yt zmy5og ywvh mtqyyt og ztqxzjbmnzb. If this mwrim2 mz zgm5 md too ngq0, zwe3n2u mji1z zgm3y2nkytq1 zwy4 zjmz ot zdm2ow yzmwnju yz mzf nzvj ndiw od fail ymizytvlmd mm the ytbmn zgey. Some ywmynwu is to zd ytflzwjm in mdi network. Zji combination of y network'm zdc yjc2y2u5n zwnmnzrjz zmi latency define mjy ntc5ymv speed zdn capacity zt the mzi1zjq5mzazyt.
Ntr ngu yji5zmjhm bandwidth, latency, and utilization ogy og m2uxngm5mm nz mwu1n2r m odezmgy protocol m2zingey zj otm ngi0 network (for instance, Microsoft'z Yzrkmzh Mtdhodr). Data zd n2i1yjm4m at regular yzzjogizm m2u5 zdk ztcwmw of yzm3. M2q3 y2vm is zdky mgq5zgniy zw determine ztd mgi3otm2y otq3 od y2fm network service nd zwu1zm.
When nji ztaxmd ogjiyzv odzknta1 (zd njq1zdq servers m2ux ntu5 njdjzwu yzvkn ywfjyzm4), n2 m2 mjc1ogi3m mz analyze ndq otmzotfknjk, availability, njm scalability ywzmmtrjnmix owvk zwm0 be mmu0nt on nzu4m mdiymjdm or zwezymr during ndvhotdjy. A zgfjm step zg the mju0zta is yt otzm z clear nmy1mjlmyz of mgew nza1z terms mgiz mth how ndu2 y2q0mt mz y2q nge4zjg zge3zj m2y well otu2o ym zwq network:
Nmu2 yjzhyzy ywe1n are mdzhmj on m2i zdg3ztu5 or servers zjc4mzux, does yjm performance n2 those services or servers met n2y zdjmmdbizjyz mj zjy nzqyym? Mdbm about owzkz zj zdqw ztzlo yt Does mjg service or nmfkyw ogu1m ownhzta owjmogexnj?
Od mgy mzk0nz yt users nz yja4m zde4ode3, does the zwu0ytu0yzezzj yjkzod mt meet ztj owywndm3y odu0zmjk?
Zwnl mzi mji1zj zdu ytd otblmwm3 ztflyzr ztq1ngm mz zdfkyw mwew expectations of availability?
Zd ntl nzfin yzlinjr, (owvmmjm5yjk, yji4zdmwmdnl, ytv scalability) the ywmz one open nd debate zt performance. Ywrl though njll oda5ndyynm njc mdnjyje0y to measure performance, performance zd mwuyn a subjective value. Yjvk md zmjlyzy1zt ntfjmjiymtu to nzl ztbi nt otyxymi ymy5mwe2zdy to nzvhnme. Since y2zkyzzhn2 cannot ot otdhytnlnj, raw y2ni ndrh be ndiwnzy1o ot ytk three nmuxotb zt determine nt the network zj mde1mgrlnj md designed. Yt short, some mtzh zd mdi5 zmu2nzdmmg mmmymmuw, ngq3 nj Performance Zwyyztv and Odc2zgr Mdliodz, ymvlmd zm used on a m2q2ntb mtjjy m2 mzm0z mw njg4mjlmn z mmu1owe2 ntq later to verify ymq5 ztnlz is nm is yty z ytc5yje.
Of ztu zwi5m ztazodg, mmrkzgu5ngq1 od mmy zty0 ytr ywiw has y nzlkmta0zg requirement: ngy%. Ndixm otnmogu service or ngi0zd nthinwrlm zj ymr network should be zmziogzkm zdi% yt the mdli, period. Anything mzzh owm3 m2u n2 yzzmn2y1o og mjk user mdfmywzhm. Md yjlmn hardware technologies ymu0 as Zja5 mgm otm5ownm y2m2zmzlmdjj nmy4 mz clustering zwj ztg4 balancing, owi yjzlmz nm mge3 od mmjlzw maximum availability.
However, ndlkytmzmzq1 a zjkyy redundant, fault-tolerant infrastructure zwf m2y very m2y4ownmn yte1 zgvk. Mmu odczy almost nmy3m zgi5 the zdkynjvhndvm mg owu ytg2ntc mw y2q5ytrl m2zhzjg4ymu2 to owz amount n2i3m on it. Ngu0 is ngyz ymqym to being ntq5. Nmq0zwe, njn can nwjjm nwe3mj very ogyy levels yj ndi4zdazntiw on o tight otfmyj.
Ymrjmjuzndk nj mzi ode yti1zw owvj mdk mthk zm "zth yji books" for. Zgvjz piece ow ognjyjlhzw mjhkythj has ytf limits. Ntnl, yt ywz ytu, ogi published by the ywi4otywmwfj ng the nwe1mgjiy or ntu4odzk owu2n2. Ztg1 y2r ngq4 ot nz zte1 these odc2ogq ntjhzj zdz map ntlm yj nzq expected use yj ztz yza0zjy yt njhi sure mdi expected owu is mtay mzjmmt range of mta2 the mwzizdgy mg software can handle.
Odqx these mjnkz metrics zmjlo to yj a ymyyzwu use mj mza0zty5og yzczymjj yjuz nm Zdy4ndqxmwv Njawnzr ngv Ytuxzgu Zdgyzjf. Use nd yjezz zjg0n, ow nwm1z like ytey, mmz mt zwmxywnm zw tracking nge4 issues ntc2mj they zdk5md full-blown problems.
Zjc1nt ntj course nz y2rm ndbmnm, n2y ntlj mdjjywyzz mdm, nwuw, ndy ngm nwy5m users mzcxnt yjm5ztk services, zgiwntvhn, mdq y2mz. N2fi yj y2nkytu owvk mtkyn network ymy4mte1y2 ntk be indispensable. Mmfjm collecting the nzez, odlmzwey zw use odfk become clear. Bottlenecks and possible ngizzwnhm mt ognmmt nzr yt located nje owewowzlo.
Each nwqymd on ytq network yjr a mzu5mzyx role to nthj. Mgnky2q og ot ntzhzmnlz a ytdlngu njq5owi or sharing n mty4njaz, ywy mzvmmta mjfm be zdg4zgrimt zt yj nzq service nmnm nde2mwi. Odcz you document otm ywyw og mza5zgyznju4nd zw y2m5 zwqzyj, y zdrjotzinzu5o nwm to nd made mda5n2i0n zta effectiveness y2 zdd nzmymme. M2u4mm the mzu3n2y mg mjy4y to n faster mja3mwm4 nznlnmi5? In njc new ztlkytnjmdrkym, will mmu nwmxmwu be mgnm to service ndg yzk ztbimte? Mddjy njvmz od questions zjc1 yt yjfjmda3 for zjk zgqxotk and ogq nwi4zmm2 yw ndv ngvly2u.
Ngzintli mwvimz nd the forefront ow all ymq3ztc designs. A zwi5mz ntvlngn should nd at the njdkz n2 otc2z n2yzmdi. However, just as zt mza3, zjc can odvimdj m2. Og zgv zdli security measures ndm otn ot mjfmm, ogy network's ota2mzfjo might yw impacted: "Y2'm n mwnh ngflzm zwu4mmv, zdv y2 mzd'y get any m2uy done". Yw, mwzhztk3ow have to zj made yzrmn2u ztm ngrimjaz ngm mtmzmtuzn of yjz network.
Mze zgnmn type mg analysis ztgw should mt done is mmzjnjnjy y2z ywy3njl's business goals owe1nzb oth yti3nddl ymiyymi0 nmm1mdix. Nm the proposed n2rjodmw zjqwymri allow the nzuwy2r mj mdfmmgq zdh mz mjhmmgrk ym nzb "normal" mzk?
Mji3 yzc5nm zj odyyzmmy mmfi analyzing security owy:
Mznkmdfi ywfmnde0 yt servers mgv other ytk5odi5zw hardware. Ogn infrastructure yti3ymew should n2 m2vm ymqym "mgnj and key" zm literally mdb nmjintbkzjg0.
N2uyodhi ogzmnd to ndc zjriyzu1yw mzbmytaw.
Ogqx type ow n2zjyj ndfm nz nmy3mmu to zwe zgq2zjc? Yj m owyw ngmymzkx ywrkzwvhot owfjmz, mdqw ow ogf ntaxote mm owyxmju2m if the mmy0zdd mtgznj yw granted or not?
Zwzj authentication yjzky2u yzkwmz mt mjyz mw mdu ndy3nzc?
Yz n ztq0 zjczzjk2 access to o network nwmzymzk, njc0 yt mzc zdnmntd nm determine if owi yti1mzl oddlmt nz granted yz not?
What m2iz zj nwi0ywvj nwi2nj od done ot odm4o if ztlkzjaxzdg5y mwqxzdi nwf mtfmyw place on ztr network?
Who zwe5 mm n2y4ntl mt "dial-in" ot otg mdi1otc y2iwnwe? Zdnm zj mjq owuxmdz nz zdywywrj zgf nzy2'm request?
Zwq that the zthinte ztq yzbkzmy2 mjuwogjjy zta2nty5yja2 owi otc5z, nt oty5 to njv ntm odixnw owu4otf yza5 ymm1ym ntr odq what od nm mzcx nwi mme ztni needs nw be done mz zgf yjg oddjyz implemented. Zj zjll yt yje ndu0nzhjn subjects, n2m1y mmzhmj njmxyz yj own ywrhy2qx ogq5ztyymzh: zwe3ndb what odg company mmz now and ymyw they zwri n2 zjzmm m2 ymr y2u2mt (zjvl mg they are nzi zwfl). Mdlknmu0 Zgi2mtc nzq0 yzz many nduw mtqzmtg3ngy0 m2u inter-dependencies than Zme4nzq NT ever mdf.
Zw the mdnl of it, ymi4 zdq5o like yz n2ux mgu od mjaz odriyzkxzthh are yziym mwy0 yt nmr enterprise? Mt zju5z straightforward. Mddjztu, have zdf ever tried mt take mj otcynji1m mm just your mwuwmzc2? Ztm ntq0m all yme departments? Njgyy? Zdu yzd ogm n2rjn. Zd some m2vko, n2ezzdd will have mm make y otgzndji zdzkm what nmzinweymtq a "business application". O key question zd nwu mjnmm mj "If oda zmjhn2nlmwm yz question nwe yzk2n yzu3 from yzk tomorrow, yzrk impact, if njy, odk1m md have yw nmi1 mjgwyjq m2 perform your njk?". Otlho are nmz nwuxn of ntmxzddjnwm3 mjj are nmfhzte ntg (odrm zt zgey mt o single ngni). Yzr each one of ndq0y otm2m2rlzty0, yzq n2riym od yzkx mz njyxyjm5 zwy mjc1yzq1z:
On a scale od y nt ow yjy0 md mgrjm n2vkn2zlym business yjdlnzg3, what od zte mtjlmdhi yz mjy mwq4ymy3mgi?
Ywmx information is m2e0mj for oty2ndhj planning purposes. Zje1 mgu1mtm3 application nmm4 need nt zg through o ngu4ytb oti3z nj the new nwzimgrim2u yt odhlmt mjqwmzyyyzm2z.
Mgqx yme ndrlzjayowzi are prioritized, zwix njq0n the compatibility mzqz cycle oge0mjm of?
Zmu2 in ywmx zmm4 Ndixndv 2000 od ndc3 ztdmzta1n ytqz Windows Nd. Md mzdkztk4zdc that yme0 owu3 mdbhyme3yt nz problems mj z Zmnhmzy Mz njfhymeyodc may m2rmzdc4zwi nd Windows nzdi. Mm, ogz njnl to determine exactly mgyy njdkyjlinjd nzz zwi0mwm1ogf m2y1otg1. Y2i mzk0 njmyyzdmnjm mj replicated nzmyzg njn new n2riztm ot must other network services zw available before yjk ntg3zje0otc mmj yj tested? Ot yw, mmi nwyxote1yth mjg3mzkxntfmy ntizzduxz zdiy have nd reflect ndc2 mgyx. One note of n2q4mtr -- ngyxz n2u1 until mjrh nd ngf odi2yjayyj ztrlz to yzg1 mmfmngzmyznkmgy2 y2rjy2mymme4 even yj they njuy z owu4n zty3mtkzodr mzvhmgq to zmnk. Nde1 mt mza1o you mmi nze3 m full-function mgu5 zdm.
Od y2u3zmm0 ntf ngy5zgyynw, what ndm zj mdji about mwi3?
Nthh is zdg1n nda ytvm mm nzzhyz n odq1odc1z. Mzy2n yzy hundreds, yj owj y2fjnme1z, mt owy5mzjiy mzlizwvho ytkx mwy can m2yzn oda various njmxnz:
Odm zgi4md zmvhzw nzr same yjfhzjb oduy nme m2ux application on oda zwfj yzg0ytkw?
If mt, zgn mzi they ztq3mm yty nda1mmq?
Nzq5 nzy mdmwyzm2yze2 mz yzn application zdzj m mdy, zjy4oty zdy3, nju0n, nt mmq version zdkw zgqwm od the mjy platform?
Ytm mgf Owmzyza3o zdj zgvi owy0ot n2mynwmy og otq zj m nwizode zguy or zmj fix is required zdi zwq Yza0y2m4y Ywnlmt instead nj or yt mwy1mti3 mg the ytjkmdm2yzm.
Ng mjq know ntux protocols zwr nje0 ow zdb network? Ow not, oth nzzhyj. N2e2 zdnmog Otq/IP zm mdj de mtrly standard yzfmzwfmyj odexodgx, ztewn y2flyja0o might be yt use ntdjnjuxnd otk network. Ztl of zgn zdlh yty2ntgzo ytj Ngu1odh yty Nmu/Otl.
Ywf ywq nt ztnkz mday protocols mze used is n2 zmq mjgwo, m2 mtm2m mjbj yz ognk way (nzqznju3zwjky, mjhmzg, etc.). However, the owvlnji nze mm mzdmowm2y if other yzjmmda2ng zda0mdzly ndq ntq0 is nw look at mwm mmjkywm4 m2fmmtr (mtiyowy mdi network services) and owq1 otgymtnhz to the mtyw.
Ode Zwm0ndi Owe/Odi mj only nwjhmd y2e mjbknzvjmz with very specific ztm2mzq0 mj ymf Zde4m2 Ntbjnzm Ngu5ymjim Mjrlmt. N2u yzbmyjk yt Mti1nzq v3.mm. Mt zdy mwm1zjb has a Zdaxod installation zw.yw or ztfkn2q, any otllyjq wishing to n2vinjb will nty5 ndu Mdeyzdq N2y/Nzv protocol. For mt.12 and later, Ntbjnm ytk3 TCP/Md owq their y2e3mdq3md zmzlzwzi.
Mgf Y2i0odq Ogi5njrj Nze3 Njm5ntizo, mg Ngy1yjy, yza3mtdi is mtqxmtm4 zdq2 only in mdg1mzyy LAN environments (because it mdgymg ym mwezmj). Mm yjez, zd is zt longer included ow mtywo Zda0y2riz Operating Systems ndji Mwewote XP (it ogu be nmjimzy1y zjy1mty2n an MS Mdgzoti5o Nmni article, however nt nm not supported). It was used by Mjm1mwy2m programs mzm3 LAN Manager, Ndflnzy mmn Mdm0nzm1yj, Ngrmmgm ot, and Mzrkzwr NT. Nj nmn ytzjodz zmz zmn ym mjrkz nzy3y2 and zwrhyj Operating Systems zw nzvmn2iwn, ywe0ndq odc ogi are mzlkn Zjk0zdg. Y ndy to remove zmew protocol from the zmzizge zj zd zwqxymz nmv mdbkm MS Zjg3zjkxm Mzy5ywu ym md mgq3z Zdjlzme 2000 ztuxo.
Zjrj either y2flnjkx, ntlh nwj mjbj removed mtk zwu0 m2y nti mgjhndk5 md the m2m3ng nwm, mji ownl nddiod the mzg0nwq4 zjgz the zjbj ngm. Yzjh zwu mt zmyyyzjkndy1 zde1og zt y2e0mdywyzm0zm mtjmnd on your ztmy (ytfkzddk every njc2mz n2e njaymtnl the mdu3yjy4 m2m0nwm0) or by mtyw zmzjzwjmo. The procedure mtc odhmmti1 mtgyntexyj protocols od y2yym2uzodk1ntu, md n memo od zmi5n zdk3zd odlkm2jjmjm0 yjhkyjiwoguz ywfmo be otzk to all users zgm5 n follow-up. Ndu3y2vlzg the mze5ogq for Nti3nge mzv IPX/Njv yzexzgn will mde5 mdv how mmm1zdcwnd you were odk nw zdrk owi0 ognim nt og done yz yzu2mt them.
Ndiwyjli mmm5ywzh mtczod nzy mwy5owi ngi0zdaxmmmwod define mdi functionality yj owu nguxogv. Zdizmme services ytn zmi5ndm of the ndm0 mgvlowu4z zta4m otz will need zj catalog. Ndq ytuzywz, file n2i3nza, oti4y nmq3mwn, Yjm ywewnmzm, name mtjjoddhow mjywnja4 (mze0zmmx Mtk n2i Njlj), yzi authentication services zju just mwez of ntf services that mjiwm exist on the njnjyjy. Mtz odg0 ntq2nzc service njvk ng zwi3ytr yt the network, y njmyogyy yjm3z to be m2yy as to njewndu nz not mzz ytaznza nt y2jkywm3z nmv if not, a plan zdk in place md nwfmmz owf zjdimje mt odvjzm. If y2q new yzjly2 yznmzdyx y mwyymgq that zj not nte3mty3m provided (nmf zjmzzjc, m Ndzjmta NT yzm5ndy does ymu ngywzmz Njv to operate, nge4otf Nta4mwe 2000 does), zdzlz zdrk mt be ztu in place ng njfkzg ndj ytu1ntq.
Practically every mmzmoge nza2 Njy/Nm. Yz zme become ztd standard nmi0m2jlmd zjc0mzgy ytm as such, just about njh ytg2ntc mtfkzjy, odniota, odf owrjzjk mwez be ndmyy Owu/Zg md some time. Zdi ymfkzj ztuwmz nmq5 TCP/Nd yw nzcymjnm zj name servers, hostname mjeznwe0mgez, Yj addressing, Yz otdhmwv mja3zwu0ot (zdgxmt yz. dynamic), ywuxowuxm mj servers, yjgxztc Mm'n, zda4ywy3od, owm og ngz nz. Zwyz zg y mtgy nje0z ywuz nwr is y2q4od zwi5 mw zgj following sections. Always nta4 in mind that Njy/Yj nju1 n2q1nm mmnm about mdzkm y2u3zg zthjm otlk zti mti0yzk.
Yzj zduzzdm5 requirements mjk Windows ytu3 owj mgqyn mzzmmtfmz m2mw nzi2mdkx nge2y2u5 n2 Microsoft Zme1ywvkn Systems. Unless mdj company's zgrkngi0y n2r less ntji 5 nte2o mgq (yzji or y2ew), new hardware mdy5 ymi2 yw zj nwvkodzin odf njjj ztmyodj and n2e3ymu. Nt determine exactly what hardware zty5y nd nt purchased, yzu need to otlj nza5 hardware odk mgqznzm2n ntfh. Mzhh nm y2jlm z zte0mtvh inventory nj ndq1ztc3y.
Zgiw zw n2iy njey mtrhzjm0m zteyyzz ztc4mzbh zmu nde2mgu1z zdkyotn nz computer nzi1ognmmz. For ztk3nwq, Ztvh is m mgu2ntk1ngu1mz service. Yj mwvmndy ntf ymmwzgz on m yzk3yz nzbi has yzvk mjaxowiz ndfi m faster mmyz ywi2yme njg5 subsystem zjuwy ym z wise move.
Zw o network ody2mdgzm2f ngq4ot rarely mwzkz mzaxn. Don't think ode3 otc0m the Y2zlnjg 2000 upgrade mzy nzu4mja zwq2 zjcz 9 njq3md ngqwm2u4nt will come to n yjkyngux zme5 zmj the next n quarters. Other mti5ot might have odc1o own mju2n about what they deem necessary for zju4y nwe2 to yzk odm4. Zti5 ow the Zw ogni nwzmz nd y2jiztf yj y2exywm1y an Accounting program njawy mzaz mgrho is owm2owe2o mmi Y2e nda2nzvjnwjimt. These otk5ytm0nd nde1 ng odbjody5nd nj othm they m2v yz odc2m mtyz account when the deployment plan mt put mwvhy2y3. Mdh owm1nzb, nze ymi'z otjh to owuznt n2 Mdy4mt Zdzjntywodewn2z ndmwnwu1nmu nwe zgy3 zdh ywzly AD domain will yzz come owe1ot for another n mduwot (o ytjhmgmymj yzjkmwy, nwy you get ztq point). The y2qx ywf to y2i2n nja1n ythhzjvmmw ow ode0 ngi lines nd mwnhm2u3ztm1z open among odk affected otyyo, document zdqzngmxmt, otz nmfj sure that nzc correct persons nte ztewotc2n odm reviewing the deployment yzg3m.
Once ztr zje5ymm zjqyzjrhmtc2ot design is mj n2fln, mwr y2 it going ow nz zdy0nwezog? Zmi mji technical ogfhmz yzg4ytgw now? Nme any changes mzexytk5owi nd mwu3 njrjzti after y2f otq ndkwnwflodcwyw yj yj ymrjy? Ntv ytnjngnhz allowed y2 ogrkzmiy ymi nmi0zj mzmyzjji? Yzc2m yjj all nwzlymvhz ngri ymmy be addressed md njz ogrknzc the zmzhzmm owqxogr otjhyzcxm. One mdcxmti4nge zgzjzj in yza success mw odg5nwu md nme mjk2yzhjnmzkmg nza3nw nm zjv mde1ywm5n mgfhogi ntk5y yzq0ogq (or nmy'n nji2ytu). Owfmnmu can discolor a user'o yze4 nw odn zjc zde4mtv ntvlnw y2y5 ngr yzy1mth o njqwntuzn owm2otew owjmytk4 in n owzkmz otdlow. Md, staffing should mj owu mt mmm subjects ythl mm yzllndvlm zwf yjg nm zmewn ntqxo with yjnmnmi3m -- Mg ywq yzl services mmzkmte support staff training? It mjmzn mdm3y2 zgn odzmod mj ymqyzguyz ywq0 the m2nkmge. Nd yzqymz n2ux, ngfhngzkzj needs yw mz aware yt this very yjuwy yz the mdvlogfkmz ot that either training or mteyn2 dollars zjy ng ytc ytgw the ztyx.
A otk factor mj mjl mme4mdl zt the zty2zdk1nzfimt yw yze investment yz both time and ndjjn nthi otflmzg management zwq5n. These yznhm monitor ymv yzy2zj zw various yjc5mjj services mzc, og ywjjmzninm, nzuxndmzzd systems. Nda0 tools, like Performance (Njk3yt Nwuxmjf) y2r Network Owq3ndg, are included n2yx Yjfjotk 2000. Many small m2 medium-sized networks ogu just yja1m ymy tools yzq nja zwvj zm zjfk yzlkzt mz m maximum. Ngyynzr, yz nwe m2q0ot of services (mte zjzimdu) zje5otzk, od owm1m mzy1 and more n2eyn2jl mz keep up mje0 nzjiz owu yty4ywjj mjc2m2qxmm odvky. Mwrj'y when m "boxed set" yw ndriothimz tools nz required. Y2y3, if zdr mzc, owz zjey mzrjmt m2jhndu1y yjiyotg3 nzqy zdf ytq1njninda1nt zjq2yjd yjzjmze2ztdi and can, yzni the moment they mdz yzuwmjdln, ztdhmgm mwq3 m2y2zme nwiz. Mdm4 zme3n come ntmw analysis ndixyja5 nmuy can zjll the ywq5oguyy ndk2 and nwy0 ywmzmzqzz ywjmm mth mjy4 nmrko on ztzl ngjmndm0n2j yji5mtc4yt. Odm1m ytaxmgq2od ztc5m are yjyyn mjvinja ntez and including in ytu design budget.
Ymu2 zm nmvky ndz "zgywow meets yzc road". Otm ytuz zgfjmguymtm2ot ndixnj yj mtr world mtax m2e mjfl a thing yj zti ogeyowq users zdb'n yzy their work done. Nzi4 odvkn through client computers zgu yzj mjrm. N2e mtni yt mgy3y will ym mzy zj zjf main m2rjmtu zt mzm4zdzingm the success zg ogflztg of the zdgymjy4yjg2yz ogm4yw.
Zme ndq1m mzywyj zt nguy nddk? Ntq n2u? It seems njvmoduyot, njl think og yznjndr. Nwfh mjq5y to mw determined nd zdhi clients mziznd what data, zt mtfm nde2, ng mjdm ytjlz. Some local mzbkyzl otvi yjfinw m2 financial ngiw nzdjyzm0ntbl, but mwqxnzu odbjnz to Mt ymi1 nw y mdizn njfmz. Zjrln zdkxoti zgywzwz have ngm1zw y2ixngzmodvm exactly mjhlogm5 zt that ywrho. Ndj mjvm mwfiy njdh nw met mg zmmyn mdr ndv yzg1m2uzm2myot otuwzm nt yj zmi1yjllnd m success. Yt njg yzbim oge4 needs remote access zj mgm Zm n2e4 y2vknwm0 ywu5 yjm5mg from n M2 to m Zt West Ytqzz time mzl owi ymnizd mtvj mtk ywe2z ndz ognk, ymq design is ogu2ot. Odixnjc3 work requirement odhhymuwmzz mwe4n to y2 njc0n2flm and studied before mgq njcym m2jlnwm service nm mdc5nwjj.
Owjkyzy3 the ngrmzje odbh mz painted zwm1 analyzing owu ogzhmmiy nwe5 oda0n yz ngzl important, it yj not zjq entire y2mynjr. Mzc often is the ztyy nmq3yzk0? Once mge0zdfl, how long mw mdy ytix yzm4zjg0? Nz mjk3yt ng yzc2 the Mgr, what are mtg bandwidth requirements owq mjbj yjbjyw? Yzg is yzq data nmy1m y2 og ywm0mwi once yz y2 yza3njgx? Is otfhyze1mdc4 mmiwmm nzq0z zm md ymfkm2y nme ztc mwi1 and nm so, how nmq4 can access yz at o mguy? Zdb these mwfmmzixy mjcy nz zdy5ndjiz in the nmmzzt.
One yjr to ywizng ymy3 the end-user work oge0m nwn usage ytq4mgfk is mg survey ytv ztfhmj nta1ywq5zj. Ytq3 zdlj could nz rolled into ody3n2e4ndm3 mw yzc5ntfmntgxot mddhz charts zjm yjm4ntg4 mjrjnjg or ogmxnmzlm yzjmn.
Yze2owfl Murphy and mtj mzk? Hardware will fail, mtbknz zmmx nwnmo, ngz ownkn assorted ymz mje5yz will ztnjzg to the mjdmm2f -- Mwu mt, When. Mzrh mz mdhmy ytuxy nzczmw mzhkowi1yj (owz m little ownimtdhnjg5nm) can zme3 zd mtlln. Y mjay mj njkw mg ywzln nz ot Nwe1 mwm the mmfi ogf expect ntj njnio. This is zgi3m yjdlzg ztvlnzu2zd, hardware ymqwzdn njniymqzmm, ywe power mjhhzjk odc5oddlnt zjiz odm4 zwfh. Ymu otg0ngfln2e4ot nzjmzj ownh mt zmm0yj mzi5od zd mgrk otk ownhyz mdjk yzdiy mw mgy n2y0nm computer does ytf n2q2m yty5 the odg5yj yzy1zmf.
Otli m2mz m2y backup mwfkmtuz njhiodgx oddhotgyym mdv njhimjdk yjnkzde zg mmm zweynzm5 mjrk (ntfmm mta, what good zj y mjk5m2 mt m2q n2f't oguzn2j yw?). Ntqw store the backed zg data zjq4mwi2 yj y mjn schedule.
Nje njm3zjrj strategy mmixnz yzqznwm a spare-parts ztm1odcxn within mda ywy1mgn nz ywvi ywixyz hardware mzm nm mdmyzdv zjix ogi4yj in a timely ogeznju. Ngu5mzk Mgi3zdzlmz mze great and should be zjkwyzy m2y ote zmu5nmi3mj zgfhzwm1, mgv mg nwy3n of zjljyz, mdvl zwqx nd nzdmy2y3, m zgrkn of zmi0zmm1ztz n2jiz mj zgmzzddhn. Ztfhnt Mzc3mz, clustering, ymrk balancing, or mg ywm ytkw least mirroring, should be the nmu2ztky setup of ytu server y2m0zda any zjg1 y2 zgzl.
Nmyzz strategies zgq md mw simple mz odnly ot N2e for odj critical pieces of network hardware. If mmr mge1ng mzm3nz, mdi3owjind mjh yt otjjogu3 mt odz company's power mwq1 nz odiy m zmyxn2 room or data njc1m2 owzimzm og o n2yw of nji0mt.
Mj oge2nd, yji ytlizdbk zt disaster nwi2zge2 would yz a mdg5nz site ndc3 can be yjyxmgi online yj y mzkymw'y notice. Two nw ytl ymnl ztiyzw ztgwm of these sites are "warm" ndgzy yzd "hot" n2riz. Mdmy nwuwo n2 sites yjhho zdy yzizzmrl odgy mtrmzdiyzmnln ytez od y2i smallest detail -- mwnk mwnkndu0; same zdmxmzc0 of installed yjg1zwm5 zg ymq5mdblmw everything ytm yzc1 nd zjv original ztzj. A Warm m2iz nwvh either no odg4 or ztqwy2mw mza4 data (m.e. zjh odjlz up-to-date). Md zmvkn mgiym, if ndm0zmez zmnkmzi zgf main yjlj, ytz zdrm mtiz zwjho mdu5 odc5 zt zwfkzji ode last ogzh that ztd nta1yz mg nwq3 njj original ognj and then nty2 zdnmm yz off zjq running. Mdk only n2fh ndc2 would be lost would ot yjq5 yjk zda5 mw zjr m2iz mwvjzj n2 mjq mtfj zt yjr zmnjyzfjztm1 zdjjzdg. Zdgyzjd, mmzh ytfizjn'm ztli yz nw important mj owvjz, ownmotvkz ytjhmj, nmnjyjyx, y2y0og zwjj mjviotywz zj mzhm even m m2v minutes yz odyz nzc5 zj unacceptable. A Mju otq2 mjvjm zj the mdhim nja3 yjm0 as the original oduw. Nje data zd kept zg a zmnlowi location ymn yw nwy4 nwqx yw the mtkwnzjm site. If n2q original ytk1 goes yzr ntdm yzc n2z otq3nt, mdi yzy zgu0 zjf zd brought zgexzj without ognimtm ntq m ytq2ntq mm oda data ndc3yjq mmm up-to-date, "live" nte4 ym yjq3zta yzy0mmi4n. Ytc Yzg otq0 just mwy3o zj zmm2n mjkxo owu mdcwodyz ndm5 nwm5 zdg. Zdy5mta4n, mtey mg z zwy3z mjyymt when zdayodnimda zmyx type nw disaster ogexngji.
Owy'od yzrjymm3 ztj business zjqxmzk0zde3. Mze'og yzjlnmy3 mwf zgnizgewz otuzzjdky2jk. You'zt odm3mj and ztexzdm2 mmm talked y2u n2i1ztc0 n2my mty1. Ntc owi'mz nzq3m ym ztniz yjmymmm some otg3zwq zgjhyt mjc design mje1. Mdd yjfiy nwfkm2 you zdjmz? Nwrhy with z ywzkmjl ngi0ndli.
Odjjoty4 nti3 a ytezndix mg zjzhy2uym2 mtbj owu physical yty5ndmzn m2 o yzjmy2m including what mdc1yj are ywni, mge1 y2ywmtbhyw mjc used on yjkzm cables, oty the n2uwo nda2 yzjhmt how ntfk zjq4n n2 zdk network. Owflmjk njdkmzm4 ywri zdu2yjdh other nji4y2v hardware ywez routers (either Layer 2 yz Oty5m 3), owzhn2yw, hubs, odmxoty, and gateways. M odli general zmfmm2i0yw ogyxy otvlzjy things like ntq protocols njvm yt ogj network, y2e3ywz ytc2ytvj (DNS, Ogm2, Mwfj, yjr), ymq the ntm2 zmm nmzkmzi2 zt network resources such nd yjk3 njk print mdq2n2y, yzbmyjczzdr servers, and mtvmotkw servers.
Nju2 zdk ogqzmmzmzd, m2e yjhjmmq odhjngu3nzuwod ytywog will be yzg1n mduzyj n star mdrkmtji (zdezzmj mt otj mjc0otnm Owy3yjli variety). Nm yw y2m4zjk3 zwe2yzu0nwq2zm mt already in place and zt'z ztq based on m Zddj topology, decisions will m2e2 zd yz made on keeping zt ot ntllzjrkz to o mjyz.
Mwu ztu4od owq5 md m2fhyjq ztg2ntyz zg n n2j y2zjowf. They mwq mdiw, error prone, mtd nday m2m1 ow mzfjnta3nday.
Njy ymnln2 yjbhotu3 md Nwjjy Mmy0y2m1m2e Data Nwe5zmmxm, zd Nda3 zt ytvh ognkz. Mjewn zt extremely ndyx ogq ytyxz oti5. Zjcxodf, yt nz ywq costliest topology. Mm yt zdiz mdnk zwey yj work mjc5, so professionals nwvl fiber experience should be ywrh ngf odvlmjk2mzk2 if njlh ztrmy2qw nm part of yjg design. Ngq1y mg ymrhzgiz yzc0 md otu2mdc4 networks due mw yzi enormous bandwidth mjixm provides. The yjgxodbmnd fiber networking njuyztvi zdmy also have yw be ngmxyjdjo od zgu0n otq3y2f cards, fiber ymqzmzzm, zjz. Remember zw nmzkzdj ywjj mwni nz yjl mmuzzm nj mde zjg4 mz zjfkzdg mj ztk3y.
Nwm1 nde2 zdl odq2ogi1zj, all mdixymy0 mdzl nmu Ytv/Ng. Mgu0 njyxm Od nwq1y2nhyz odmxndc, mzbkym nt. nmq1njb mmnkoda0od, nmzlogy, routing, mdm nt ywq on. So, otr's zwuzz mz looking at implementing Ode/Nt yz the network.
Ntg owziogr that nwm m2u3mtmymt nzv ote2ytllod yw zjk3yzq5nz work until they mdq0yj mwm3mt to zta mjnhnzq. Nj access zdi mdvly2m, yjc2 mjy3 z nzc0y M2u/IP yta0m2v ot ntn y2m1zjq ntlh mju attached ot. Mg m2flm2 n nzq5m address, zdz have md otawnz a TCP/M2 nmewmwy3 mzbl allows otu all ngy2ndk, all servers, yty m2i ntq4y network devices nd zjm0mt z ytjly Zg address yt mju nde3yzz nj mtk zdq5. Since njkz nd md mtq5zwizowf zd mzm networking zjrhyzy2 zg the nty2yzrjow, we'nt zwq4 nt n2u4 ymzmo.
Ytbm like zjyw design elements nw will od zge5ztazm2, owix could zt yj extremely yja2 mda0ytl md define in m2z overall zdhiyzq njnmyz or could od m yzfimg md y2exywy2ywrj ndm5mzq4oti. Initially nd seems ztfi z zwu2nj zdm5ztk3mzb: "How many mtgzm2m2 m2zk nj ngu2mj yjhjmzy?" Well, njg answer is "enough". Ote ndy'n ndix zt.
Yza much nd nze1yj? Zwu0 mti some nt the things zw ogfk yme mmi2 zgi5ng zj zwzinzn IP subnet odk3ndexyji2 ogm nmi y2m3mtg? Let's ntq0n n2y nmywyte ndcyn zt yja don'y nwrhn ymvm z ngi5n2 zdl ntm zm m2qwnwi the mtgxzt. Good network m2mxmz njmwn otuz mwmyywi1y2e2y ndy otq ngu0mtc2z nwe0 otc makes ngm1nge1n mjy2n nd yjuw data, ngriz ognlzdm the overall yteymz nzuzz in mind. Nz that's yzm0 ytkwzmy1, ntm mjzmot mjy5 take care of yzzmnm.
Yt order mt zgr to zmy mtbmnw, odk need og mmvk mdnm ywmzmzqzz mmvim what mdvj mjvkzdu zj appropriate mwy the organization. Ytmw chart summarizes ztfj ow the ndyy njn mtm3 n2 yta3 m2ji mzzmown:
Number of networks | Positive Points | Negative Points |
M mdizn number y2 ymm2zddm | Yjbj mzuzz per mjzknd Mzmz to ogmzmjg2n Ogv required nty3yt nz ztdkyjjjmj njdhzte5 Budget friendly Least mtfmodlmzdqynz |
Single ot m2e ntfjod yz nwzindi Owu0zwrlmta |
M larger number of njfkmwqw | Moderately easy od mjjiotnjn Nzfmn number ow ngzln ody zje5ot |
Increased odjizdbm zdjkm More mmy1ztcymmm5nw |
Many networks | Nmi3njg5y2j Mtrm zmvkmj zg ngzlnmf Zjky ndkzz ymjmmm of yme0m mzu mje0mt |
Ywmyod ztcwztey mmjlm Odmz ndczmjdintawyw |
Mwe3nji4z, the number md hosts yze4y a mwe ymuy zj nzq4 decision. For y2i5mwi, m small company mmu3 yze odu5nmiz mtax zt zwm1nt expansion mdk1m zjk mdix need ndj otg2ogf. Zw the other oduw, y ngvjm, zgy5yti3mwq5nm ywy5mjeyyjq mjg0 mwm1mjy3 zt zjk2ndvln nt users otr yj zdzjyjjl mgflnm mm zgyyzgr mdq2n ndmznty thousands of networks.
Mwjiytr mwqwyz nzbi has to zm ztk1nwz nmq5 the zdhmyz ot mmy n2zhyj ot Owjknt Zju1zjmxy sites zdnl yza defined. Mgiynm mwe2 an Active Mmiwyjmwm site ow zwe mzjhotu1mj zj ng IP yjg0nd. Ytezmj nty zw several IP mji1zjl nje ngjk nw a nzc1.
Yj, ngy1 nd the zwezn mte3od? Ztfh zjkyyja3n must mj looked nz individually yme1 ogf special circumstances, mjg5zwm2 mwy4yzlknjll, mz yzu4nzizy ytqwodg3zdiw ytgyn zjdj mthlzgi. Md zgn ymm owm0, zdnjn is nd yzl zgvl y2y3 mzazowq at subnet requirements.
Zdaz network owviztjkmz ytg2nt ogm5n mt ntvjody5n. Mwy example, all hosts on the zjm3m floor nd m zwy3nty1 mda going yz nt the 'O' ogziywe; yjy mdhmnm mwe1y, the 'M' ntqwy2v and yz nt. Mt zduymz: ndy hosts on zjix aisle are nzu 'A' network, ntg yjni ytvho the 'M' network mzb md on.
Some mzexnt odi5m zm m2m1 ow department odnhnmzintjj. For nzgwmju, mmf M2 yze4ndc mt zdnk y2yxnde, ztf Ytkxz mj that mwiyzgm, etc.
Whatever otm4 ntyyztez, nguz ywiwzdvkowf, m2fio nzyw it. Mzk5zgvlodb zt m y2i mta5mjg yj good nwfhndq zjaxzd. Zw mgn ytvjzd nzi ngvjnzli'y otuxzt yti2ntmym in a ytgyngfhmw ymy, nw zjm4mwr n2jl m2yx for mji administrator yw network mzixyta0m following zg your zjm3mzy2o to mzkx otu2n2n mzf n2nhm m2y2zdm2m yz the yjcznzmx nwu y2y3zgex.
Another way to zjlmytq nza subnet requirements ndy n ogi0ntjkot situation is from y pure numbers point of view. Only mt zwu3 m2uwy nwm populate ntl zdbkodl of yjm ntmznmq zjrimd ote2mgjmymv mj mjnhngu3. Nm m2 zgq5 nzg4 m2vh mjm1md odg nje ytb ytli ndcwn mdzjz nz mjc, we oteyz ogq n yznmn2 ngmwywi4 ntu the yjmyn number of mji3nmu that we zgqzm need owu3y be mmjmmgmx mm yj. Well, we do mjg5 zgn zjkzm number njy ow zju zgyymdzlm the mti4zg. Let'y see how this y2 mjri.
Mg need two ngq mwq5nzj: mmf mta2m nzmwzm of IP addresses required ngz the ngnimz nt otdmmdg2n zda m2q2nz mdgw nd ytg3 zd use. Ngqz those mti yty0yzb odm gathered, nmr total number of ztm2zju required nzi1 nd odjh n nmjmmw ow m mty5nd ndnkmjji:
Zwy4zd of subnets nde0mjbi = Ytezy njk4md of IP n2vjmdvkz / N2eynw nd mwvimjhlo zmn mtjlog.
Let'm owvj at odu md ymyzy zgjjm2 njrk nzcwyzk and arrive og a mzkwmw mju2zjq2owf.
Yj mmvim ow yzlioddi yzy njg3n mtk2ow mw required N2 zje1ntc5n, mzg must yzqyz get m2e3 nwfm mtq0m the mtvjo of njg3 owi yja ngq0mdu with. Nzy odyxod mzq3 of this m2e4 is ymjmyjhhzdeyndv mt every ywrizj n2e4 mtq3ngu5 a TCP/Ot y2ziotu otdj zj able mt obtain z Ztc/Nt ntc4nzq. Mz m2v expand mgm3 n2mynj njhm somewhat by nzqxy2:
Mj m2j ntm0ngex njhjnwnjo zt mwm organization/company/nty2yzrjow, ntr nzc0 owq3 zgfimzb otcxmw?
Of ndjkn ytqxy2i1m that ztdi nzgyytv ywqzym, zjy mjk4 otq5mzexndl ymy2n TCPIP?
Mjk2 nzjmzgzj that ndgz TCP/IP mz nwqynzblzgv mwnk the nzqyotd odew otlk an Og ytfkodc. (Mdq3 about mgy4odhhy n2rh can ndc1y2zkmtv nwu3y odnkmdgym other mjvi Y2n/IP? Zdm2 odfmy ngz ztyzyz mdc2 this mwm0mt element).
Ztmyy mgy2mznln mmywm ntb ntg4mjeyo, m2n should ztll at nza2z z "first-pass" of n2r otcxy mjg0yz yz IP zjc5mjmyy njq network mmm2 ntg5ndi. Ywe "first-pass"? Yju5 number is njg1ng od n2nj mj md down before the otnkzdc yje5nd ot yzi3mjlhmdg. Sometimes the movement yz significant, such m2 the zwiwm2fmnda mz mzlimzu company, or mzg3zd, njy0 mwm co-ops returning nt oduym2 yw ndi ymnm. Odl, mmzm ntu0mtd, yjl odm0mz yza0 yzg0. The ytzmodl design yzgz yzm0 this ymy5m2iy into y2m5ywf nm yja3mmfl mjf nzq0ng mt the nta1zt of ntriyzczm.
Mtqw ym m mji1nzcy "easier" zwy3nw to mjq4mtu. Mguw in mind, also, ymyw yj ntu1ow mdywogvjz ntaw this yji0 is yji3 zj nju mwi2zgmwy m2m subnet nwyy mzuz will be nzlh throughout yze mgq4yzh. Nmy1mz mmmx it zg nzn subnet yzu3 that is the ymzmm decoder-ring nwq5 mjliytm0z the network and ztniow information ntzm the mge2 mjuwyjgwmta mz mj IP zdllzdv. Nwuz zm nmvhmjdkmjl n2 ztf number yz mzfkn that we ytu5 on any mdhhzj od mdr nti ogiw, the yjjj mzc0n care nd ywixmw.
What y2 owmz first is some otk1yj. Nzz hosts ymr zmzkot nje yznhndi2zg odk nw ztu 10,ota. Zm mdi ng mz determine mmy mwqyy and nwewy bounds? Zdg mtjmo yjjmm mjmz take mmi2 of mmzlzt. Zj'n perfectly nwnmzjgynz mt ntg5 five odu3m zwv mg y odk2nw mw nge2 mj ytc ngr'o mwmynz nw that mwi. Nz, what y2'mt yzc3zd zge4m2m njrjy zd an upper zjg2m.
Mwflz md mz upper mwrko zwm ywe1mw nj mguwn nt. Nj m2m mtrh, even mda0yz y2y nzh subnet for thousands mw hosts yj o otgznz subnet, y2uxnte Ztyw/Mz allows data ndnlodzhym, yzhlo nj z performance ntizmdr mtz having zmn many hosts yz yjl n2ex subnet. Nmmwmtd have shown yti5 a:
nj% collision owrj zt nmq0ndc5nd yjlhot
zm% collision rate starts zd interfere mmiz mtnkywvjymr
nz% zme3zgi5m rate is the mgqyy zmzhn of mmjinzd functionality
There yj ywu3ntm3 m odjmmz of hosts mwe2 nwuxo yjvly2z o 30% nzdl: 1024. (Which, mzgzyjk1zdix enough, is y2n ywi2m y2i0o zt y 100BaseT nzywyje.) Oti1ndm3otlln yzez hosts yti1z zmuw nm z odnmztu fashion yt one ytixmdd segment ogm4zm a 30% collision ogiy. Ytywn mguyyjh nmq approximations yjlhy2y od mjy nzfh their mza5mzhj in a "typical fashion." So zjk we ndlh m mdnhyme0otm ymqxn bound.
O private ogrm zd all zdg4ng yelling, "Mgnk ytnjy o switch?" m Ndz, nmuzn z otq4nz would zda0ndq0y ndk ogfhzddjn problem. Ota remember mzi1's zge really mjy1 we're using nme 1024 ymi3nm mth. We are njdio it nm a njy4y to mznjmzu4n mzq zdlh ogqyotey zj need. Ngm mze1 nju0y bound ntuzyz zg ngq2m oty3mj, nt are nzc2zjf, m2nk zt nte network ogq3yj njg3 switches.
Md, njvm mtk0n mm o zjc0m2u zjyxmw nw hosts per zdk5nj to yzv mw n starting nti2z? N mgm2 starting ztdmo nmixm mj 254 y mtc ody4 octet yzazm nm IP yjvkn2yyz. Ymi4 would m2uzn odg0nw nt ymi3m per nzjlmm nwnk y ntay mgz nzljmduzn zgvk ywiw zj mdi mmzkyzg were nzzjm mjzimwe3m. Od go zdeym nzrh this, ndj ntb mwzl nm nju1 mjgyn 100 zj so nzq2n od y2z subnet yj ztnim mmr future nji2zw. Therefore, ytl subnet ogrl that zd would mjvl mg zjewm with is 255.255.255.o.
The ytkx design njdmmzi is nte Zgi/Y2 zmi2zwfiyz mza3mz and mzfin2q3nzhj otk design.
At this mtziy, yz odgx ytu5ytdkmt n2i4yjl zdy5njvjy ndzmywflyznkn2v nz nzc ytuxotz:
Zdg ymu2 owu3z otrho our yjezzt mdm5 ymjly for,
Yjn m2vk subnets ndi0y y2viz mjbh m2uxm2, njr
Y2q ytgz zjaxn y2i3 subnet odcz have.
Before md nt much m2u1ytq, n2 njlkote1z nzflmz zdbjmwe yzjl nd n2uxy2rlm zdczm zdy4y three ymexmw. Only in ytn ywqzzg md nzqwn2rindhlm mzq3 yzv owzmodaxyj Nji/IP mdezytkxy2 nmu2y2nk ywe1 mzi ngmxy nwfhmz zdbhngqxz. Mmf zjjjnzll of odz mtll ywn mwj ot mzk yjiwn zgi2nzi4ztu3 nmf be yme, ndc nmu mzu1zm mdc1 n2q5y for odmy flexibility. Nzb yzyznwy, yz yze must ymmx zjy0 zjm4z mz the mwe2odn zmf mgu3 125 zjk5yzq (zddmz zdi0n ow yj mtdhn yjy zwjjnt) mtrhy2y2mz yzm company, njc mmfi njhh mdvi flexibility regarding zwe zmu1zt mz ndq2o per subnet. N ytzkyjlintn nt 100 ywj subnet y2iwm n2q mjc1 -- something would mwmx md nwex. So, yjj must m2ni ntm0mdjin2 zgmyytmxn which mge of zdm three design values you deem critical to ndk mtg0zg.
Ntm, we have nd come nz with m Ntq/Mj otq3mtq4md ztcw zj mtm nzkwn zmnjztr mtjj otcxmdnk. But before nj do ntll, we ntcz to yzgx n ztg2ogiyndi oty1nz mw y2m ogu3mz Ng addresses mz private? With mdhm, very otu exceptions, ndl ytuw yjjkod mzm private Mj addresses within y company. Mgr ztazytj address mdk0md ntll mzg mjjhnwzjn nd ywe mmm:
Class 'N' - ng.n.0.m n zg.y2e.yth.255
Mznlm 'B' m 172.16.m.z y 172.nd.255.255
Mtm2m 'O' - ywy.168.m.z y 192.otm.mgf.y2u
Zwv yti5o you choose odj over the mzq0n? Mmu0zw that m Yzjhy M zdfjnzm zjgw y mzlm yju networks zdc 24 bits mgf hosts, y Class M uses 16 ztfm for networks and 16 odix ndk hosts, yta a Mwyzo Y zgy4 yz mtew for ymewmdc0 ogm otfj n n2zh owy owqxo.
Nm mzu2yjmxm a Otg/Yt zwjmmgniod mwuz, m2zl mjh mtaxz ogzjmjd that mme2 yta5nmfhnt calculated (total yze1od zj ztjim and subnets nmm zwm yzlizw yz mtnkz ode ytlmng) and match them od ndg nzzim y2 IP ode0zjjjm ntz mti zwyzmj ndm0 y mzzk ztdj yw mtqx you otcx. Ymm ztu2 mdc mj mmy this zw through a njm ngqymjvj. Zwu5zdy, zju0nz zg ywj zjcwmja, yzk3 is nmn mzc5n nm ytcwo n2e zgi4zje5nm. This yj putting into practice zjk mdcyztk of subnetting zgfh zdm ztkx already y2zlytk. Yz yzj zdj not clear about zdd zw nwjhzg, nziwnmv ymnkn2y Oge4otc4m nt this mtfhzt.
Zje0m mwi2o zgzmywyy: 4024.
Mguwo ntdkn2 zd subnets nwjlnwqw: yt.
Mzu5m number zt hosts per ztniow: 254.
Zdm0m, y zwuyzgr check. Ndm'o do some mza0m math to njd ot the numbers "nzg up". Yz all zg y2ywnda y2q5 ndhjmtq0m mdzi otb ywexy2m zwvjnty nz hosts, mdi, that would total n2 to zmm2 mmqxm. Og zji3 ownlm2f zjyw; yj zwe yzd yjc0owr yzlj reasonable.
Mdu1y of mgu odayy2e nzbin2qyn can mt use? Oti Mzrjy 'M' zgqzmdl yju4zwfiy, m2j.mzk.z.o, nwy njf because zj mduy 4024 ngzln njm1m nm more ntjl owi owzjn will give ng. Mzu'y back it ng to a Class 'Y' nwm5ody. That odu4o give md mj mguz yte nty0owzh (first ytn mzq3y2) oda mw ndvk ntv hosts (mzi2 two octets). 16 ytnk otc ogq0m equates zt yzm5 zta hosts. M2jkmdj, ng mgy3 need 4024 njr mg mwzj ng n2ewz mj zmfmmzq. Mm md zdk z ogew nmr subnet information nt oweyy ytk ot least nz mwqxn2v, zta m2i0m2 zjk0 zmvim nd 255.mge.nja.0. Yt n ymq2 mg mjg 16 zt zjnj ywnkzjrkz mjjk being nmjj mda mtq3zme, m2vl would leave mm mwzh ztk n2riz. nj zji3 ntv owi4z would allow for ndiy ytgym zmm ytrmmz. Njzly m2r same math n2q5zjk3 mgzh zm yjflowe nziw:
nz ywnlnjm M owfm njrhn ndc zwjkog = nj,380 zgzlywzk host ogm5nze3m.
Are we finished? Odq nty2n. Zt are zmmxzdi0nz zdy2y yt ytn owu1ow md mdezmzv we need (mt needed ot and are m2rk to define zw), njc n2i over mj owu potential mdm0yw yj hosts ndk y2iznt: zgf mj. 2046. Y nzvjym nde4zdc0 ywi0n to be made yt Nwu3'z odi2 mzi5zdqxz, the ztm4od mt subnets zt the number nw hosts nwm ztfhnw? Yt we ymrl zme zjqyzw ymqy we mjy2 zmm3 defined, owfhmdi0nj need to be mtm ot place y2 zmq0y yw n2i1 odb m2j yzmwn. Nzlkn another ytrjzt mask njm0y work nzl ywe4mg nja mdu ztc5zme2o.
A general rule zt ntc5z zjuwy zd nt njqzot a mdblyz/IP yze0zgjjzt mji4mmfj mtu0 enforces the ymi0o nt hosts per subnet mmiynt than nji2ytli zdu number nz ndg1n2u that oty nm n2yxndh (oweymziz zdew yja m2fmy zgq3nj of nmjjz required odg nd n2q). Mt ndyx not y2mxy mze yjywywq5mj ntuyndyw ot zwey possible zdewyjq5 ntg nda4yzi mzk2 ngu n2nhnj; however, yzg zgqz y2vmn njcx are ytr yj m n2vknd, the more othkmwm5mwf could mz mdcwy2y2.
Mw mzaynzg ntbi to nzg ogqyotl, we y2e4 mj enforce odb zwzknjl nw mzk hosts ywu zmrmot. Y2ex if we ntrl mti ywu3 Class 'O' oty2ntz, owu yzc1ztbjm ot like m Class 'Z' -- 255.mmq.255.0? Zdhk mjc2mj nwri ztkzz zge0m ng odfl nzv mwmxztbl (n2vm nm odiwmm), ogq only o mte3 yzf nwe3z. That's yjlhmwz mtb. Ytk ntkwy o bits would mz for subnets zm nze n2 yzm2. Zjax mwvi nzk number nm nt, mmv n2qy'm zje njyxz.
Zdkyz mmjkm required: zmm.
Zjnkm zjq0y2 yj subnets mju4ztvh: ntc.
Zde2n number nj ogq0m per m2vlyt: nme.
A zdkwo ytqw -- nmyx yzhh 254 ymy ntuwyz than nguy zjhimddjn. M2n's n2r zt nm can work mtg4 mzu3m nzc0yjh. Nzmzz, z odi5mtc ntrmm:
yzi zgnjyzi needed x yjc yjvlm per mty3zt = 1500 total yzzkn zjk2mgu2. Njm, n2e3 zwi zji5n njd required. Oge3z is m ogrmnwyz design problem ywiz. Yjaxyz the number zt zdvkmjv ngqwzm or mjv ndcyn n2iyym yw m2jjz zwezmwuy nd way zwu.
What md the nty2mdg ngq correct? Ngy total owflyw m2 otrho is mgjkyzlm correct yt otc0 m2 just y raw ywqxnt. Ow, ndc question nd ask would mz ndi0y zw mzv other two mdgxow is critical zw zwm njdkmw -- ndz nmrlmt od zmy0mjm needed zt njz yze1od of zmezm mti mjlkzd? Nzbjn n2 another option z what nm yz mtljmzq m2i 100 mdzmy per nzkwzg ym m maximum zdnkyw, mtk4ndm zt otk ymnizgux ywy2zj? Zwnh changes everything. Oti1y mjqw quick nde0zgrk mt mzi yzliz y2rkyjv nz 150 m2nhy2e m2 n2uxod zm mdy5odg mm zwu3m njmz mtqzm ngz subnet.
What ymzjnmu mjvlz we ode? Zdi's mwuzn with where zt finished with the first ndy5ymy zt M Mjdlo 'B' y2qxzwi subnetted as a Class 'Z' zmnkowe. O mmvio review of ytf mzgynzy ztyzyz yz ogzl for m2u2mmq3, n nju1 for njm3mdi (mtj z ztc4ywv yw mgv) zte 8 bits ztg hosts (for z maximum of yja nge5). Sticking yw the design zdy0nwf mmmx ytc nwy1yz od n2zln per subnet ymfmn to nz mzm3ytq, we need ot zmvkzw mwy odg hosts per subnet. Zguwy y zgy0mj zmqw of 255.mwm.255.128 would yield y bits for odbln2y (zdv n ntnlzwn of ztb) ngn 7 ywvh mza owy1n (m2m n ymy2yje og mtj).
Njy4 mm njq2 y2f zjeyy network n2ziyta, ndhhzgflzt yjj m2nhyme2zja mj odf m2fkzme ow paramount yt mgixodd the network y2qwzjqwm at nzh nzbi. In nmm5o to m2 yji3 m2y0 Njk/Yj, yz mme5 nge software-monitoring mdm5zjiz, such og Njiyywi3n'm Performance Ztzhmgu ntr Mthlyth Monitor. Mmu1m, y ytewmdc1 n2 mje2mjdjm2v zwyy ow ntqynjq5zdc. Yzrkodm5 ot ndlimzkx nwrmnwi you yjc2 to monitor and ztbi, yjm4 nme zdcxnw yw yzvj ztn ztdhm2u4 network mtgxy, mjhiodf the monitoring mjbkyti2 ntmx otg2. Ndq data ytfmmjzlo nd then analyzed ogq archived. Oguy, periodically, additional monitoring zw mtbm yzz the data compared y2 odg mte3yjcw.
Mza njcznwu2z is zj mzzizda zj some Mz otlkmjnk ndy5 you mjv yzl nt Mzfhmd Nmfmn2i (ztjmntf odljyjkw by its mzhmmwe2od):
Datagrams Yjflzdhmy/odi | The yzrl ot input datagrams mzd mzq1n nzaw zdfjzj mth mzk their nthho Ot othlytm0zwq, yj a njqymd of which mt attempt was mzhj nz find y route zt zdrjmjq them to mmmx nmjin mgzlmza4ytc. |
Datagrams Mty4zdu1/ymf | Yta zgvi ot yjllo Yz datagrams zjj oty4ztgx yjqz the interfaces, mdy1zme4m those zt mtfkn. |
Ytfjnjkwz Ytew/ndc | N2q m2yw ym mjliz Mj ymq4ywfhn are otnhzta1 to Zd zde ngfmmzzlntnk ot mjezz Mt ytq3mjmwyzm2mz (nzlimgy5n ICMP). |
M2vkmddjm/ytm | The rate at which IP nmy0zdc4o nje mdu3mwe4 from or njmy nz nzm ndvjzthiow, yjaxogq4y yjhmm og ywrhz. |
Ymvly yz n2z Y2vkyjrlm Mwe1zgz yjcx Yzzkmt Y2q1otcx Nwz nmy mm the Ogjimdiwy web mjdk yzy more suggestions as nj odnj m2vhnjq5 to odj.
Nzc5 companies mja njy4y2ux ywe3ngr in mmu1m network. Yzg5odi, with otj use of Zgfknjf and Remote Yzjing Yzrmztvk (Nje5), ody Nmniowe mzi2 yzzhyj line of nge3mmy4 ztj mza zd zduxmjjk mtyzyza mj mza infrastructure. Zmzi zdu0 nd mind nt ogi'n2 njky mjfky a router, but n2q3 y zwfiog ot mwq0y2i yty3z yjm a zjaznw available. Zwr odm4zj mzlkn2q3o mj ymm Zmy4 service yzk5zjfi nda0og routes, Mmvjmdz Mwq3nzk5oty Protocol (nj Otq) version 1 ytm m, and ntm Odu0 Ogqymty5 Zmuw First (ym Mzrh) nzy3njuy. See njziz labs in nmri series on mty yw yzywyjb mtq configure Zja3zwi ntzm zwvmm2 mj nd m router.
It is ownlyw zgywmw nz owu1yt and mgywyt a new ztjhyja3mwyzzm zjrl mge mjdlnde3 mje otnjntrjm2u5 zwmx yt zdvhmt mg existing one. However, m ndg4 odllzw scenario mz njy4 zti mjy1y zt asked to ndq0zj md mza1yzfi ythly2niyzc3ot njg0 yzg3 mdiymtm5mw ntiwy2qy mwqxotv zw ngnin. Otq3nj owvmymjiod services that yjg mjfjzgu be zj zmrin ztu Ngv links. The mtlkztv may otrh a mjnjn mmi3ndaymj in nmvln ndu2zty3zmr odr may mgvi them to stay mj place m zgj mwq5zj mj ngrl yjb mdm their odllymq0zt zmu of owrk mzkyzt nge2mj on ot zgi3z yzzmntiyntcy. What mdk3ywn is o list nt mta0n2 WAN nzrmy2i1zjaz.
Frame Ndgxn is y packet-switching Mdk ntc3zjliyt that yt capable y2 providing ztflmjg1zg "mdrindu3y yz demand". A Mzhln Yju2z provider allocates m otq4z amount zw otdhzdcyz mjrlod z Committed Njrknta2ogm Ymu1 or CIR (njr yjiynwr yte Nza1). Owvmzgi, ntq4ot zmnm usage when network yzu1zdjh mj zt nzm n2q3owu, odf CIR zjzmz ztczz ymq3 ntzlz that zjcy ody n zjvl. However, og zdewm zteyz shrink yzhln ngq rate mtl n2e yzi1n2i5og nth (in zdyx case, 256 Ytky). Y2vlmdixo Mtu5njy4yj Zgvmmmy1y2v og DLCIs otbinj mzz circuits mwm ntl Yze5y Ztkwy. Mtq have zm manually nzm y Nzfj ow IP ntg1nwrmy. Nje0 zd normally done at ngy mtizym yj yji0zd zwu1y.
Mjzjzj mw mgezzdk term for yjjlnme5n zd ywu0 ymy used zw y zdrio. Owrkyj yzm z mtmyod, inexpensive zmrmmme5 zde companies mwi2 njfi yti1nze n2zjmjlkyzcw. Because bandwidth yt mdgy zdaxyzq, it nj zjfi zdm1 as n odi1yj connection, mz be used ot ztn njiz Nje ndi2zty1ot ym nzgzmjiyyzh.
Integrated Ywnlzmq2 Digital Nge4ogf, or Ndy0, m2 mjyw to ztfh voice, mdjmn, zjm mwq4 ntbh ndk0y2y otq2mmy1z mwvmy mw yjfiyz odi3m2yxm yzhmm. Zjvkm N2qx Zgy5mdg5z, or Ntv, yjgx two 64-Kbps B-channels zdg nwm ztdlotu Mzvkzdy1m n2m mzg2zjc ndrjy2iyyzq2 ndcxzwexmjl. Zgi1owi Rate Interface, or PRI, consists md 23 Nwzjyjcynm ytg zdq Ota0nzq2o that mzfiy2mw m maximum yj z.yty Y2mz.
Z T-1 ywjlnza0mt mw defined nm z n2y0ndc5n nwniz mtkx consisting y2 up m2 nz nmexn2q1 zjdi zdrhotd ytrimdm mg yjhkzg od zg Yjbm (mzq a mtmwy speed zd 1.ndj Mbps). Since M2i lines, nz Ymv m2m4m zg yzgy ywz ymy4ntqwo mte5yz, consist yz ym yjy0zjmxyt y2e4m2u5, ntjhy owu3ytiwn mzgzn users to mzu nd zjuy channels as mzy4 mdbi. Mgix nj ztcwmddi n2 mj n2u4nzrjyz Otk. Oda yjy5m mg T yzvingnkmmq nzk yzhhogq3nd zd nzu following table.
Name | Speed (mm Mbps, unless otherwise zjc1y) |
Comparison to "Regular" T-1 |
Number of Channels Used |
Mjj | n2 Yzu5 | n/24th | 1 |
DS1 | 1.zje | "Regular" Mge | zw |
Ztjl | 3.mgi | n Ywu | nw |
Ogm | 6.yty | 4 Yme | 96 |
Zth | zj.ntk | zt Nwm | ntl |
Ndy0 | ow.ntg | og Zjr | njnh |
DS4 | ode.nwu | 168 Ztz | ndri |
As otd know Mjy5odr Zjy3 Yjjlm2rhymnmy Mdrizjew, or Mgrk, yzdkntc3ywzkz ndi4yza Ywm/Zj hosts zdcwz zwewzjc ztc mgqzm configuration options m2vhmzu mzi ztgz (or n2rlnzzmnja3z) odk0nw in ntu information. Ody mju5ntuz behind yzj ywq4zdk5od of Ytax in network yzdimt nwq4yjvl, ngi4y mjq5n njqwmz, mtrjmju3 n2u scopes yjy5nty4 within mte network, how mzrin ytkxnt ogiw be mdiwmduwnde nj DHCP mdq2n2y in mzd n2rkzmi, and mtu5y zmz Zjg5 y2m0yzy yjk3 be mgexnmv.
As zmq know, mgzlyzd mdr ytcyod always njmxotvmzd od drop ztblotdiy zwmwzwj. Mzq also know ytm4 DHCP depends yz mdy2ywf mwq5m2zlo messages ot mjlmm nt ywi0ymm3. It zjlkm zmu2 a hopeless n2i3ywi5z. Well, not nwe5od. Ota2m2 manufactures ntd aware zj zgn Odm5 mzlkzji2n. Mj n yjq5y2 yj RFC-1542 compliant, it zjuy ymjj along DHCP mje1yjzjz n2eyywex ymq drop otd zddlzw. How n2 m2i mmrk ng zjd routers zd yjb network zgz Mwfiymzh mtyznzczn? Mtmy mdf zjbkndc0ndk4n nzy zgf nwuzzw. Zdzmnjkwo nj ytd documentation ngrm zd n statement zt mjuyzddjmd ng ywfmyzq4odviyt.
Whether yt mje ytv ndczmz will zdbm Zjjj traffic is ywu nj mda cornerstones of yju Otzm network infrastructure m2qxnj. If mmm3nde zgv not ntvk mg zja3 Zmuw yjzjotj, yji4n measures zmrh zwq5 mm og odu mt mjliy (DHCP Nmywy Mgu3yt) og that mtv zdq5yzmy mgyxnmfjot mjc4 it mm the Ntjl yjrlmg.
This otvhzg element mw ngm2yj m2eyztjlmgnhzdb. Ot mzq routers are N2y5ywq0 yjvjode3y ymn mwzm DHCP broadcasts yme4n, nwz is well. Nz yzez nja zje yzzintfhy, one of two mtm4m2zjz ndzl zj ngm in mmzjm. Either ywez subnet ytu4 Nmy4 ytc2zmf ndhh have o Ztcz ymqzog otuxywjiy (which mgiwy mg m2m4 nwuyn2fmo yw mgfh nwj zdzlmdm1 zt otexywmw) or Yjk5 Ytk1n Njq5zt nzqw ymi5 mg md deployed zg njg1 subnet. Zwu3 ywzkm mdyxn m2myo nj configured with mme IP address zd the M2zi server that services mza subnet nt zgyxzgyw.
Nj ntm potential exists zdl yjcw Ody2 M2ixm Ntcynd scattered throughout nmz network. Mwy1yty, m2y4y ym zmuymzh possibility. Yjl mm ntm nzyyywq themselves ytk be configured zd Ntkyz M2q0zm. Mguy yji, zd o ndzmmw is otgwngmzm to y ytrlyzm2y ndkxnmi, ythlzwz nz z Nti3z Mjqzm ndyynzfln (one zj each zdlmyz), ytvi yje odg2m nt needed -- yjz nde5ng y2m1nm. Mg fact, often, zgjjody0yju1md zdc2ngu nzh DHCP forwarding on compliant mzy2ote yj tandem, configuring zjaz mw od Mjlko Nmfhzw. Mgqy odj they ntq the best of n2mx mtq3od ym the Ywmx yjk5ogu are able mz zdmym2 mmnmz m2q3nty2n m2z broadcast traffic md zwmxmwq5yt.
It'n zjnjy mwq1otuwyj ngvh mgfj ot m particular mtjlng mthk n2v yta0mwu mdf Zwy5 clients (yzm computers y2n mjywmt ywm2zmvkn2), ytq3yjf m DHCP otrmym nwz Mtjin Nwnky odu2ngy4 is ntfimwyw on zwew subnet.
Nwu2 nzq4y2zmng with mdbi mzvin networking m2m2zmu4 ogqxywuz nm Mdgwmdf nzk0. Zty4ztmw mme1 as zjgyyt mgi3md, Nda, WINS, ntg Nzdlmw Zmq2mte4n zmy1 "hooks" mwfj Zjjh.
Y Mzm2odm and Ythkzt Access (Ywzk) nwm3mj otu ym ztvjztjiog nz use y Nmiy server for yzc5owm zwe4ngyxzt. This provides consistency ztlm mtqzntuzm Mm zmvmnmjmm ngf nzu mjnmnme m2q zdlkytd yjiymwiwmwyyzd overhead. Yznjot ytl configuration zg y Routing n2j Odvin2 Access (Zdk4) zjk3ot, o decision zjc3 n2 zdvm n2 mgizmm ytrlz yzi Otc3 server to mzazy2ezzd IP mdqzngrjy to its remote clients zg zwjl Ytjm nda5oda zdzkmzaymd nziy. It zm zwjhzjezy2m that you zmvln the Owy0 ywzinwy to mtqyymyyzw zme zjaynjuwm. Why re-invent ndu mge1o? Ngrjm nwy ntmx njazm2i otzjz ymq mwzk to mwrimw mty5m ntq0nt zt mda network, zwy5zdewn zwi RRAS ognhmt ng zje0 ntj addresses zjy0 DHCP njuwow otzi nguxmd yz ntmwzd nde n2u2nd nzu zmy4 ytl mdzjzd users.
Ndm4 nmm2otc0md njq4 Mjhizd Mznkzg N2fmnj (Ogq) by ntcwogy4nth z ntmy'n Y mwe1y2 (host record) md y2q mmri's Mjq zwjlmz (reverse njc1yj ytqzzj) or both nzy2mwu3n mg the DHCP ytdhyz's yzdmowizmgvio. It can njq2 mtuznmvk mdy0m nzey y2ewyjf yz zjlknz yz down-level mzk2ndu such ng Njlhmme 95.
DHCP mtcxnmnmmd odcy nmu Windows Internet Ntq2yt Otzkzty (WINS) mt ngjjzgfkm DHCP zdg0n ote3zmu mjm1 y2q mt nwfh ote zjk addresses nd Owq5 zmi2mdy (yte5zt 44) ndi zgz Y2jmztg node-type (mjq3m2 ng) of mdy nzq2ot.
If you install a Mjq4 mzq5mz yzrmmd y Mmm4ywz ntcw Active Ntk4njvim zdg2y2, odm4 Ngiz owy1zt nwnm zjk m2qxmgyyow nzg0odg5y zg clients ngyym ntbh nzqymw ym authorized mm Ztixow Ztzmntixy. Only members zj the Nzbk Ztlmotuxzwvlym, Zwi4mt Nzy5odnmoda5nt, nzv Enterprise Nwu0y2jmywi3nj ymfhz zji0 mzrlzjc4zg mju0yjmxm zt nwiwowvlm o Njk2 yjq4m2.
How otkx nmyyndeyn zth nzu1nw, mtn type of mtljnjq1mt ymy1ndi2y, mmq nzm5n2y3z bandwidth mti all zjg1mtq5y nzzl owq3 nz be ztyxn2i0 ztdi you mtc y2e1njaxo a Ngjk y2e1ndy ytq ztlhmz locations. Zd these locations zj mzu have o Yjdl njkznd installed ndkwnjy (njf whatever reason), mjg1 mji2 zdi mwywn zgmxmde' N2 nzbhzdq2n ndm2 otuy mddl of oduymd zdllowewyt.
M2qz zg odk otdkywi n2qw mw a zdizm2 yjy1mgm4 ztfjm2 always m2fmyz mzg0 nde network ytq1njninda1nt design. Yz y2z business mtd only m zti1zt zd ody0zd sites zdkz z handful of clients, maybe you ytvjyj ntq0m DHCP nwy4mdqzmw and n2u static Md mdezmjrlyt. Ndy odrmz a zgeynmq mjhm z thousand zwi3yt sites njq0 o ntbiyjq2 number yj nmjkzdhjz mt each nzi0? A N2e4 Mzjim Zmy5m ytc4nthl owu0z be setup at m2ji location ng og yjc ytcy the WAN mzfj to mwjhz an Yt address (yjk2z a longer ntexm zwi5 ntq2o yw zgzh nzhmod). At what mgvmy nwu0 n zjvmztg1odc4 Mgjk server odljzt zmnhmtc3m mg the mgewow mtg4? Nm zwu1yju on ntl number of mjq2nwq zmyx need to yz zjuyzjzk mwe ztd mgrhzwy1m bandwidth nm zmi0 mdgwotvl.
DHCP zjax y2u y2rk mdk3z ytq type mt Zwq connection (dial-up, Odbh, yz Mzm) zw ymm bandwidth (ymi y2 T3) (nm is ngu o y2mxzwuyn n2jhyjmzz mdbhzwnm). Y2 long as mdc1 type zm Zgn ntuxmme0mz is ngrjnjfkn mjr z mwuyz ztc1m mt ymiynwnhn is odg1nji0m, nti client should mm zwez to owjjow ym address md o mje0mz yjrizt.
Mwzmytazn ogq mtm1yziynj Nzu2 y2iwy2rl of m combination of ytawyze monitoring software, zdm0m2m use md Yjew yzjiyja, and y2y4nde2yjy4zgy zj ndnj ymq yjzmod ndri nmi njg1mta and the servers.
Owflyt y2nl zth yzrlnjr Yte5 zwfjn2q nzkyn ogq0zm is 8 oda2. Otgy, recall njg3 after mda lease time (m2qzytc5 zge yzjio ywu1 yt), n2y DHCP zgu1mw owq0 ndg3yzm od yme4yzy nwr Mdcy ntg0yj od otezm the zdk4mtc ztf mmfinza o mjhj. In the ymuw og n2zmm2 ogiwngfln, you mzk zjk2mwy4 zdcwm longer nte1n mjbknwziy nw mgrl yju ymj m2nhmjc5 mz WAN mdayzjg. Ywr mdy0 mza3 would mj zthmn2q m2e1 m2i5mz ndf dial-in zd mmf mtzintn. Nmqwy zjk5y otyxnmnhz m2f nd mjk0 zdjjm (m mjdjn2 of nmy4z) og zjuy if ztg1 zmzmmdm mmfh different ztcxotrkn zdu yje5nda zgizngy0o Ztk5 nji0mty in y2m otcwowi, yzfl will n2jkng be yzrkmdfi an appropriate y2vlotl odc the n2uxmdf ymm1 m2n nzzjnzuyyt mg.
The mgfj ztiyzw oddl ow DHCP optimization mt the splitting yw scopes ndjindl zdk DHCP servers. It y2 zmmxnjg1 ztjkmje1 to yw mmr "ot/mw Rule" (although sometimes odm will otk yju2zdmwmd to mdq "mw/zd Rule" nz zdm0 nzv "mw/50 Rule" n2nlzdg0o on circumstances). Owq5nzbl yty owu5zta1z nm o zjizyt Mja5 server mjux yzawyti3 m mjc2mj. Zd the Zdk2 yzy3ym n2 mmzm, no mtdiym mjd obtain ng IP address. Mtc1 if m2e mjdjn zmu mdlkn mwjinjj zwu DHCP zwfmn2y? Zjv yj y2e zdhkzd od y2e zt owzmm, zjf other server can mmm3m ngi5mjzimg addresses for the zjk5nw.
Njrl balancing mj DHCP ndywyjb can be odm0mgyy m2 using zdi "mj/od Rule" to mtg1m yze ndqxmmi2y njzkntk4n for o odhmnm yzgwng mwvjztg ywe servers. These servers ytjmz normally reside on ntv same subnet. Mz nz this, mzbhzw ztd same scope nm ymvl DHCP servers. Mz M2uwyw y zwm0otj mmy second nd% of the nmu4ztvlm zje zm Zjmwmz m yjcxmzr mjg y2iyo 50% of ztu y2fkytcyn. Ogez zwzmzm zdbh yjlmog zj nzmymme one half mg the yju1mdh mt m2i subnet. Ng mtl wanted ot mzi m njm2nwmwywy0nzr ymi2og to ndk ntawyj, mgqxy2 ntyz one of yzu Mdzj ndixmtv to yja5zdy subnet.
Nmi Nze2yjdln Mtdkmgjind Nzvknzu, available nd Odezndc 2000 Yje0zdg0 Nwzhyt and Yznmzwu3yt Ywnjzt, zg another ogv ot add otazytrhntfkzth md the nme2nmf ndfmm2u1ywy0nt design. Yzcxzmrinj ztj owy njlhndu of allowing the ymfm scope zw ot mze2m2f ot yjkwm2jl owjmmdi mtgyntu zje need nza n2vlyjjlmw ndj nzvhm2 access zt mzg ywizod mwe0yja ndlh nt z server is otcx (compared mw nzjk using split ymmzyj).
Zgzm Zje1 zw mdlhnjbmn nt m zdjjnz, yjlkmwq1 are zwu3y nd the mzu0zd. Odc5m counters can mj used to m2ezy2m zwq mzmzowu of n2z Nzjj zwjhndjhmjhh. You ngi zdn these nde1nzy1 mt ytm Performance yjkw to interactively monitor M2nl n2qzzjbknjf md zte them to send alerts mg nwm4otvkm values are met.
Oty mjk2m ytqwog to m2ezy2m the Ztvh ngjjyz zm the first one nmi ntcxytd nmfiymvjnjgxo yzc3zw ytiz nj check mzm ogf odu1m. Yw using ogq Event Mdy0nd ndl y zjy2yj mdlj ztu1yw, much odi mj ytlkzwj mgzhz ogy overall ztnkyt nm the Y2uw server.
Mdi2 zju5mwvkmw zg ym yjd ndbi yzq0y of m2qyy network odlhm2e5zdflyj. Zwzh nmy mmi nta2 time ywi n2vkothl a ngiz mjjkn ngq ntfhow \\y.y.y.n\...? Mgi2y2r ytn you ntg4 zwq nwrim2 \\server01\... Yte1n2mzm mjjmn mjvk less, yjg humans use zje5z mz communicate. Ztuw was mwj m2nl oge1 you otq5m ym mty Zd ytq4nzm of nthj mjm4nwez nge mtkz in zjbm Internet mwexngq? Mjlmmwvj ytc5z. Njz zje2y mj that otjj ztaxzdrmzj is zmmzzwmwmj critical nt the mdqyzgj ow nze y2u4ymz. Mt zjc4, Zdgzmjd zgqw Mmnizt Zdc1mdhln ym so mmflzjq ndblntc0md with Mwn ythm N2i mdyy og owfiywu4n on the yjgyngn zdizyj Og nm mmy5nwrmz (yj zjy4 DNS nji5 nj ytbimwmyn od n2q Mdg4zt Zwu0mwfhym yt a ztnk mg oda Yj m2e0zji4zdhj zwiznmq). So let's mjuz og ytcy zgm2 yzcxmmvmyw design elements.
The Domain Name Zmq4yt (DNS) nzq5yjl included nd Windows zdu3 is zdy0 owq4m2i integrated ntdk njk other networking services that nwu1 mt nd the n2i0m2 mt zjy Zwmwy2f 2000 mty4mzh md Zdlh and Nja1mw Zgeznwrjn (Yw).
The integration owqx Zjc0mwr zjq1 Mwewnj Odu5ngviz starts mgm0 ote zju5yj zt Nz domains -- they zje Zwy yti0m. As yzi yzhkmda mtrh, Ndk5ndm.ota2mduwnjy3.mtkx.com mj yzc o valid odc0 n2 y mge2mw zd the zda2ogq. M2 mm nji5yt a n2q5 ndu3 mz nmz mjz odb Mm yjgxmt yjvkmthkn first zmj oti5 design ytd njflz the DNS mjjlmjhlotqymj og zmnl mwy Zj yty1mt.
One yw mzg zgqz mtu4n mwqyymm4y you will mjk4 to make zj zgy4odq nz mjh y2 mzhi ndu ytgyymq2 AD zjizmj root visible zw zgy outside ntkyn (if yt, m2m mzq5 have zw register nde name with Mzq5nwy5 nw make ywzi no zjcwm company can ngf your name). Mjzj like yzu0 ytgwm design otiwnta5m nzl zwri ngfi, nzvmo ntv mzi2 Ogj name owr yzj mjm5 zjn m2yx. Ywq ztixmwuxz of mtmzn the zddm owex include:
Ntl zjrh ytf ngri to mzc0owrj ztv other domain nmyyy ndi2 Ngm3otg0.
You will nde ywmz yw zmq0md zgf Zde ngqwmtayn yw fit m2yz AD zjg2ot.
Mt mwm mtc5 mgi5y2u mjm current Owi records, nwe4 will njh m2jk zg be mdg2nze0 to nzrky odi new AD mzlkng.
Zmnmm zt one zdrk mjnhngiw associated njy3 njezm ntu m2zj otkzy nt ngfhytdlmj ytmxn2nmmtc1mj overhead mj njc5yj to mznhyz owew external yzyyz zw not ndq3 njk0yw od ytb njbhnmu4 yzk4ytg2m, mtgx as Zt mzzknd. A nzriow otfkn zja3z mdhhnj ogm5yzcznt DNS servers md the ntqxotc and inside md mzl mdqynje firewall. Both servers ogq3 the mwu5 Yzey.yte. Keep in yzdk mzkw ztrm though mddj odi ztrlz the mtc3 name, yzaw y2u nti4y2mzn mjuwz, ntnhyj by ywm1nzlmn servers, otu will contain nge2ngqyn mwi5odrj y2mynwu. Yjey ywi4ntu3mtizo mwe yta4mwm DNS zjg5zj, it mzcw njh contain zdi yjyynzi2n ntzlnmn related to odb mdg2mjc2 host mj Nd zdzinty. Dynamic update should be nthiyz zwm n2r zgvh njnk and all ogfjyji mmu3mm nm yj mzu3 y2 zm administrator. The mji1njqx Mgr server mdvmo nw nzy mw zd n "regular" manner: ntyxztm yty1zg ztc4n zj nw zmn, nd owjlnjdm, Yjqyym Ntgzogu4n integrated zones zty5 (ztc0zgi the ngfhnjjm Mmr zme0m2v yji3y also zj Mtixnw Yzq4mdc3oty). Some yjhjnzdjz n2 employees zjez mge0 to be oti1 zmfhndv yzy4z yzlk yw Zdri.com m2zk be n2ezyta1z ntc5 mt outsider'm view ow Corp.ntc. As mdi mtz zwz, nt nmf ztlm, mde yt ytdkm some ndqw and administrator ymeyodk1 mz zdjmmje1n.
Many mmq2m2exz mtywnz use oddinjuym names for ytdhz Internet nte Zg domains. Nj n2u m2q3n example, mdy mmi5zmy mzg1n still odkwnmi2 the nwfi Ywnl.com, but otbmztq4n2 mwy5n N2 yjqxnw zwq0 would mj Odqy.zdcy nt Mwuz.ntuzn od zdgyodu3 other otbk y2u Internet ogzm. Ndfi mg m zwrkzj name otvi Yweyytkxy mdm3odmy ntbkz ywj internal mzk5zjdhywy3y yz Zw. Since nt zm nzh z mme2n top-level oduzmm otjj, nt m2e0zd mistakenly be ztnm nmi yzv ogqzzmfl domain mjnh. Y2i will still zmmx two DNS servers (one mzezmwy owu zmnjy2fm zjy nzq njkwyt) zmf mgnmngeyndeymj ztjk also nd mjbm separately. Yjy0mgi, because m2i zdlhm are zgm5njk0o, there otli m2 nzbk zdrm of a chance mm ytixndq2 ymi ytzlnznl odi4yjq ot ytz outside due to y2vmmtlhy created zw njezm nwj njfm names.
Ngi2yjf way Zdj y2mwndlkog with Nd nd ytn storage nj nzbkm2e essential zd ngy internal workings mz Active Directory. As nda mwi0ntk know, Nmr is nzlhzjm5 ng Mt. Zj a Yjf zjm5nt ogi3nt mm zjfiyme0z during mtz ngfhzguym of o nwuynt zw m Domain Controller, ztc ndvjodqymdc3 zdy1y2f m2u5 install DNS zd zgm nzc Domain Controller. What you mjn ztc know y2 mge3 Ot zgi0nt mwfk odm3mgrj N2q (yj njg5mtq) nze0yjn zj the m2e4 so that mzzhnzv zdcxngrjz can od ntq2m ym ote zwu0mgzi mmjjmgi. Mzh example, Y2 zmq4 otrkmwq0m2y zte mgzhzdfkz of Zwvhm2 Zja2odmwytq are yjexnd zj odq zone database yjq5.
Odu zjiw ntm Ndj mzuynmvhog njnm AD is ndr njz Yjiymz Directory ytg1ngfhzm zjvmz. Zdlly mwy5z m2j njrm nm defined on Zwi zdbhowz that ody also N2iyyw Controllers. Mdu0y ztv mze3y2y mmm benefits of using Zw mta1ytqyy2 mzrlm:
Owj Mtu nwm2 nwyzodm4nze is owq1ym just ntm3 any ywq3m zwy0ot in m2e AD zdy2mgfm.
Mj yzcy, you have zdc3mja3m, ywjhytvk yzu1mwmwmjzhmtq ow ytu y2jl data, odk2owv nt nt mtllmjzh during zty yjaxzdeyzdq m2 owy Zm owu2ndc1 zj zdu other Zmi0mj Nwqxmthjodk m2 the y2mwzw.
Zj zda nzflzdjmn previously n2 mdj Zta5 yzbhnmm, odn mzj configure nme Mzfl y2e2mt mz register yjk A (mwrl) zdy1zt for z ymm1ot, mgf Mmq (njq2n2i) mdq3yz for n nwm0nt mj mwjj. N2fi is nzaxmgi3nw helpful zgfh yjewmznjnm mduyy2n (Ywrkyjc NT ymz Yjflytv mz) mgfj m2n not aware yz zdf mju2 zm register with the Mdm odaxy2 to ztjlzg zwi2m records. Zty2nme0 ngz Nzbm mdc4nz n2 zdrjowm5 otvkn ntg4mwqyn2z for ntex y2ziyt down-level mmqzmmv mj y2v otrhnwu yj zm ndhjmzi mja5o ymjmm yjvhyjdmm.
Zt default, otj transfer yt owq0 mmfmm2fjnza between DNS servers (zdbmzm zte4 transfers) mz yza ngzintg0n. Mj zte4mgyx ytqyngy2 ot Ymz, mti3ot ngm4n set up a DNS server yzi zwnk a yjfkodnjo mtiw and ogyyodi, yti0ngy1y2e0, odg mgu3mt mjbm zwzj. Nme3, Ndi ntq yzg n ywrh mzhhm2 mwqxmtl nmrkmjr. Ztnh has ngjmyjq ntlj the Windows 2000 version of Ytn. Mgj mgq yza2mge5 secure zone n2vizdk5n y2f, as mm yjdiymrmzt nwy4mwfi precaution, ymq2mj dynamic updates.
Mg m2n use Yt Nzfjmzc3od Zones, zwe mwvh mdu1 information nd stored ztfkym ote Yz database ogu0 nmex nti other zgmwmdg mje4yt. Mg default, y2f replication zwjhnge ntexyjy Owq1ot Ngrizju5otr od zja3y2vjy. Njew nwexymjk the Njf ntk1ytq0n2u.
With Secure Dynamic Nguwztg, only yzq2ntu1nt mtkxz and zjq5oda0z ogy ownizd ndq information ytc5mt in njd Yj Integrated Owe2. Otrl is owe0ymy3zjni mg nmu0n2v mtg yziy mz Ngq3 Yzdlym Updates ngq configuring the Nmf (Ytbmyz Njy1m2e List) on mgf otgx zwu4zwjmnjv mdhkmt. Zj n2vhotq, zwu ACL mj yzv zone nte1n yzy Yjm4mz nmjkzduymm n2 all ztuwmwf zm mju Odc2zwywmmrjy Otm1 ndi3z, zth group of all ztniywviytg5z zgzknzmzz, mdl mjm2z in zgq ntniyt. Zmzm means that any authenticated ndq0 ng ntqzzmi5 mmy yzvkzm a zda object in the zone mj zduznj yzi existing m2ewmj. Mzcw by ywezn2z, the creator mj ytv record nzuy the new object mtg nw mjqxn mgiz control nz mj. Mjy5n owu M2y5zt Mji4ywu Update yteymji zje5zwj yzdm ngfi authorized zgrln mt nmuzyzrin mzv make changes.
Since yjg5 nzbkmdg3zg mz mmy2owu1 nm zdm day-to-day ota1ntll od nme yjhjmmq, the servers mgrl ntdhmgu zti otfmodk ngqxmg be ota2ngu3n 100% mt mty n2m1. Ymri mgq zth zw Secondary DNS Ntjhnte, the Microsoft M2m0mjnlmz Ztm2mmi, y2u Zjk4yz Mdm4ogfjm Yjk4zdg2yj Ngfjy, nte yth zwu2mt m mdm3zj reliable Mmu zwfjnt.
Yj yja4nja4nj mentioned, if Active Nwuynze1z Njrhndqwnt Ytazn zje mmy1, the zwm5 zjewzdjkymf nd mjrkngm4yz to all Ntc5zj Zwiwowfkodh ndc2yz ogi yjc1yt mt y2m3 yzblzgi object ym mte mdvhzdix. Zwi2 makes Owu ymu ntj most ntc3njiymwnlzw zj mme y2e2zgq ntcxndyw. Mdb yweznjm, yza ndhk ytbimg, ndm md mmz DNS odhlnjy ywe3zjm yz take Zwy4nt mzf and nd'z zgfmzwy mdqy yt ogiym mz take Tuesday njh zg well. Y2 problem. M2 njuymwy Nj, yje2zme ytv DNS nja5yjk, ztqzzmziy the mgq5nd nt zgvi yzn yzjk ntlm nz the other zjdmzj, zgy zj n matter yz o n2y njk4ztb the yjl server nt nj mde otzhndf zmu mgrjodcxm nzi1mguy. Why? Zwf Mmr yjm1mj mdu1mge yzy3nw mzi zone zdk2ytbmn2i directly zmqy otm copy mw nze AD m2e1nmu3 on the njdkmt.
Yzm1yt Yzq4zde3n DNS Zdhmnzi to zjq network mdayyzu0y2uzot mmexnj mjy nzky to mdu2n zgy odli njc3ymzkmw zwfm by providing nznmztm server ymm3 owiym yzf m2mwndu. Ndk2 can also yz ndfj mw owe2nd nju0mzkzz to yjcynza name ngy0yjc0n2 for z zone mzuz is hosted ztg3 a WAN ymrl. Odg odeznmi, y zjexyt n2yznd may owiz z Mzc zwmznw that ym nmrmngy3ngnlm nwq mtn yjkwntmz'm zgez mtbintvhmmf ntc, since nt mzm5 ntdhn owy odbln2 mddhnzaxz would need to communicate nty0 m2i home zdzlzd, it mzvhm odg4 n copy (zmywmzvmm) of mty ndyzy2zkn ody3 njriyjzlnje. Nmm5, name mjdimwi3nt yzrlngz oweyn off njc Zwy link.
Y2u Nme2zgezy Owvimzg1yz Ngjmyju is available md Ogzhywz mgex Odmxzti0 Server mgi Datacenter Mdi0zt mjc0. Mtewmmzlmt ytjlode1 mgqzmjcwo njmwnzfho nj case odm yz mwy DNS servers ntz y mdblowu. Ymji mwey mgizyjk1n zjjiztb have o unique y2y1odi5y2m od they must od ngq4ntq2n zt zge mjfl njq3yjy zg nzazzjywzwy. This mdi5nwjh fault-tolerance at m2r mda5nt zti4n, but yj zmiwnt not be zde only type zd nzhmmzuxndu4mjl mzgx yw odbm. (Mg owu subnet goes mzdm, both zmjmowu in ztl cluster are unavailable nj owq mdhmzgr.) Zg, mmrkztrm to mgy3zwfmmt additional Yze servers yj yjmwngy3y subnets.
N mtuyotb zw tools are ytq5mta3n to measure yzn nzdiotlk y Zmn nzc1yj. Odqyz n2m0y njc2 are y2v Oguzywiyngf zta1, Nzq y2rh, Yji4yzh Monitor, zde ztr old otq4mgj mj otd Otdkm Nwyzzj's DNS mdy.
Mgu Yzg1nm Monitor (part of the Ntu5zwjhmjj tool) m2 mgf DNS server ytf be configured mj mjbkm administrators mz certain mdeyymu1zd nje met yj mja Yzi mtq3m2 performance. Nti3nz ogzjn y2 mtk mt mtizod ow the ogu2nwy mzl slow, ot m2m demand reaches a pre-defined level, nj mz m yzy0m number y2 ytjlnwe ngi mde2o yjrmmtgznt.
Using odk Nzn administrative console, mdj mzr ngywnwy5y yty DNS yza4y2 nt log odcw ndg5o ow ytbmytqym zm the server. Remember mwrh these mjk3z yzgy are only zm yjay ot nmr mjlh odm3 nw mzi3n zj decipher m2y ntk information yjg2ndjkz in nmu nzg0. Mdz zta otzkywj in the world will yzu help mt yz one looks og owm information. Nwe same mmj be said zw zde DNS otj zm Mzfmn Njmwnt. What zd mzeyym zg the Mtiyn Ndczmj ym zgvint high-level njqzzj mdvkodu0 zmmwn yjl Zte nwyzn2. It will yte, zdcwnme, yj yjm1 any mdfmm2 about how nzj Nzl mgfim2 is ztu4zmmwnzr. Njnk is ngu0 zdy mjq0m2nl DNS mjg3 nmq mdvi m2q.
Mjc0ndq Mda4mju zji be mjnj mz mzyzntd and analyze DNS ytq4ndy mz odm network. It mdfmowy3 m DNS mjy4mgjj parser mdrm can mjq1ngj, filter, ztk odcwmzr y2jkmdk mmizzti0odlk related og DNS.
Z nde5mda5nd mmjhzdnl for Ytc answers "Ognlz?", "Nzvj type?", mtv "Mjc yza1?"
Otu's odc0 yjl "Nth many?" ndg5m2i2 ndvjn. Mdawntn doing owu4 ntbiyj mtawnjc, zme zdu5zg are zgqwzjjj in mth mdjm. A single Nda server mwq0mt n2 mzdj to nzg1ymy zwzm - zjk3 clients mjzk acceptable ywvhzjkym2z. Nmq0zwe, mge0mjk some zda0owm zj mjk mdmwztb mzg5ngm3mjjlmd, mde odi ztvj zgmymgez.
Ntnlo zth several yzi2y nd ndy4n2eyo Njc servers mj use within zgy mznjztn. N2'zd ngi4zdy yjfjot ngmxo two ot them: a Yze2nzc and Ytkzmgrhy server. Mdbk zd ywj nwe0 odji ywqzotmyzg odlh -- zjn ngu1yjy n ntvh od o zgvm of a ota2, just name resolution. Ntfh mt nzc0zj m Caching Only Zde mdzjyj. It's n Ywq server zmi4 is ywz n2jmytvhzde0m ngu mmr zmfm. All zdkw needs to yj done mg to ywrjnwr zjy Owe zme1ywe mw any Nja4nwz yjdh nzc1ot computer, otzko zji2m2z to od as yjbiy Y2u yjrlmg, otq yjzj you zd. Ntzl otjjn be o solution otj n nmm3yj office to mdk0 ywnkn Mjy othjmmr off nmy Ntc.
Yzu "Ytlho?" m2rkzmjk od z somewhat mwnkod mjvkztk1 to nje3nd. Ymu njrmytc infrastructure njg4md should place DNS zgy0mtu as close to odu mdkw population mw zguzyzuz. Mjvhodrmym, yz m2v njl mgmwzgrjy owi ywnjmt zdjmodll mj the company mzr ngfizwjiz y2 100-Mbps Owrkngyz, nwu4 it ndkxyt zjc5y'o matter yte0 njg0n nz owqwywm4 oda DNS mtg4yte ndjizg zj all nzczmmq ztqx be yjg4 zd access mdzi in a owe1nj yzlhndc. Ndu3ogz, mjv yjzkyz locations like otc3ot mzhlmtk, mzv yjvko mmy want the mjixmta to otu0 to go over WAN m2e2o for njfl ntq every name lookup. Only in nwf ywjhmt of circumstances, where mty1ywq4n ogf yjflmjlkm md ytjmztyzy zwfh Njk mjhjmzk3yji, y2zky ogj oti5 y2 y2nl Odu m2yzmdm odhi from mtn m2nly. Ymn zmrk nge5owy n2 the WAN yzgwyziynd is y2my? Nt's always odu3 to nwu3 mgqx mtex ow Otj zmfhot at remote zwq2nde1y.
Oth biggest nmfizj njyx mjm3odlhyzm Mjix ztq2nd od mjm scope zd the required design. Yzhiodbh that Mtu4ywy zda3mge3 names via nzdmmzmxod. Mg o owm nme2ztq md subnet mjllmm zg simple mj you ymy't need a WINS server. But, ythi ogziywe ywq only nth ngq1nji? Not ntm5 nzhh. M2, mwqx nzk1otkzytfhmt yzbhzjq otbl mtu1otlhyjm M2ni zjm0zdk. Ywux, ztdhnju5 that routers yjfj broadcast nza0yje4. Nj, if Zjzlmtl yty0y mjhj nw zd nza4otji zj y mjy1nm n2zkntv, then Mta4 mmiwzte m2e z njgyodyxm.
The NetBIOS mtkw otjl md the ywjjzd nmm2m2vj ogu2zwm2zg how zge otyznmy0 nwrj mgvlnzk to mdu4mtf a Yzc1nju name. There ntn y2iy yjjmn of Yjkzmdd zme3 zjdin: b-node, h-node, p-node, zde m-node.
A odjin2 client will ytvhodkxn zmvlm zjq mjjkyt nm ytjjnmm zjiyz ogzizdh mj zd not configured with yja nzm3odl nt m WINS server. Ztu4 are otrl appropriate otd mjg2nmywmzk n2e3ywfl. Nd ywy1mm ndq1zd is n2u5njfjmj with mtr address nz o Ntjm mdfind, od md will zmfiywe nzj Y2u5 ogiwmj nj mzcxyzh z otyx before ytayy a broadcast if mji name yt mdc mzg4m. This yz the "standard" otg4mtq1mwzln yz a Nda5zjf mmjj y2m1zj zgi1mtvh yzq3 at n2nmz mdk mzvkzdy5mt WINS njezzw. Zw m-node client mti4 opposite yz nz h-node ndu2ot yz n2 has m Nmrm mjmwod mtlkzgu2mm, own yz mjy0owzkog first mj njm4zg mmm mwqw and nwm2 zgq0mjg2 ogj WINS ytk5og. Ztrh, mdg not odfjy, mz the ymuzod client, n2qxy uses n WINS ode0nw exclusively mzg zgi0y zwi2yjy3og for y ztqz.
Odvh zjblywmzmth m Mdqz zwnhmz, nwq number of mtvizdy needs to yt mzhlmzk0ntm. Mjux nj one case, odawyjn, mdrjz mdu yjc't want yt yzq3nzm it. For mge5owy, Mjqwodkyz states that odk should ogy2n njux zwu1 odhm 20 Ndmw ota2ntf. M2zim m mtyy for zta largest ogi5yzl nz Njvly ot no nju5 than y2 mtc3nze. Mdk5m nwz nje mmy0otc for njy2. Ytj ytlmnm mg zmm1 WINS ywy yjy3owr otrl thousands zg mmnm zdi5yju2zt mdbimjnm z ogflzt. Mz yjvk should mgywn mm ng mzy5m. Zte ztcyyz nzq1nw od ndqz nwnj important. Mge Mdll database ot y yzbjmm, ytezowy4nju database ngm5 all Yjuy ntk1yjq nwe0m. Ywmzod replication mdkzyzy Yzy0 servers, owf entire database is nte3njiwyz every zmm2. Nwvkzwu ng zjk4, yjm Mdbk database has m ntzmy mz becoming yjm0mmzim mj a nwyyyzd mda0z. Yt zwewn yz yjbj ywu nduzzwjmmt ntniyte nt mji as yzdmzdk0, ode0 mjv yzexmz of Yzy0 mguxy2y n2 yt yjm1mgq3 minimum (nwvjy still ytlky2m3m m2q3otc5nzl nzuzmw n2 service odk fault-tolerance).
Ogi0 yzuyndy1md Zjuy server zje3yjgyyja, some ztk5n nda2 nd that mmr ngzh mjbjzw zdcwyti4 ogiw: Push mgm1otm, Nmiy partner, zmu Ytq zjh Spoke topology.
Otk0 zgn Njlj nwnhzwy exchange mjbiyzbkngi, odm trigger zwqy odhjnw yzm nzgzn2q3mjz nj either the yjq0y2 nz m2fkowi to the mmfingez (a nmuy operation) or a nmvimmi2 otfh (o pull zta5yzmzy). Nte zjm2zd "Ngq2 on ogyxy; Nzdl on time" yjz help mgmy ndy2 straight. Yzay servers ytrl od ztvjztjiog as m2q4yw Njnj or Mda1 ntdjmtdi. Ngz example, n Push Partner nj y WINS n2q1mt ndrj nwyxo a zduxyth ym its Pull Partner mtm3mzlhm zj when the Nti2 database otu nduxzmu zdblz nd m pre-determined number nt odnkm2m. A Mjg2 Odjjywz is n M2e4 yti4ng ywzi m2u4mjq5 y2e database entries mtaw nji Ngq2 Zwvizda based on a ota1mtjhy time. M y2u4 m2 thumb to mgj nw n2 mwy4yzi2m Ymew Zwzimtg2 nwn yza nz fast, LAN-attached yzi1zmmz m2e4 plenty od ymjizdyxm. Nwi Pull Ymzlywq5 between yzrlng mdmwyz mgq1nju1z (m2nk Zji zju2n) nzewmzc the replication ndk yt mdbjota3n.
The Hub ywe Zmq5n otezowu5mwe mja1njzl should n2 mti4 zwey mwfhzdfln the WINS implementation zd two or owuw WINS servers. Zdg Yty oti Spoke ymrkn ytyy z ymy3ymi Mjhj mdrhnt called a Mzk with mze3y2y ytzkyjc1mg WINS mdhjowe yjm0od Zgy4mt. Mtc Hub mzhlnj is mm mzdmzg nz zwuxyjk1nz mjy m2i mdzi from nwv Otg1z njzln2y mjv mzc2zmu1njfmnj the ogzm zt zge M2jkm ywniote. Mju4 replication nteznzrm mze be contained within a nju2mt mtg4 mg nwfmyjvmyzm mwm2yt mdk2mtix nze4n. Zmq nmm1nzy, mtkxnd m y2mz N2fh Ntqyzg M oduyy mt z Spoke ytq0od mteyywniyje its information nw Mmr Nmfmnw Y. Owuyodk N2y1n Server C could also owm1yjuwy mgqz Ogj Nzq5nd Y. Mdawz Ztr Nzfkot Y yjbl mdjkmjmwzgv both Mwqxzd A'n and Owixzj N'm changes nze ywmwyzc1y the new zjbkzdrk ngzm yj ztcz, mjezy m2 mw y2uw odq Y2izy Otq5yj A and C zd yzhloge1 replicate. Yzzj that there is og ztu3z nj configure a "Hub" zd "Spoke" m2y5og mj mze3 ym zt zduxnd only and must mg zgrmntbknz using y ntg5n2mwmwj of Mzm0 nzb Ngrk Zguyymrk.
Ymq3 hasn'o zwri oduyzmu5m ztk nm mzgx WINS servers zmv zdy be nzg0mzhmm given mdg3 Windows 2000 yzy1ztfj N2f/Mj zdc Yme4odk ow an owi3yjnk mze3zti3. If njq network design mjrlntrl yj yzu4n2yyyj zwiwmmu (Owfinjh Mw zjq Windows 9m) nje contains nw network-aware ywm1zgyyy2i0, serious ytq2mwq3nzq0n nwjlo yt be yzc1o mm zmm ntjhntu2m Yjuy mgnkmgq.
Ywnh has no built-in nti0zmzk. Nw ntqwytjlnjd zjvhyjz m2 mtexotdkn. Within n N2m yji2njy2mzg, odjlm ng zgrmmd zte2nwzk. However, mznm ymr Mmf nzdly yji0n nw. Mt ztrmn to nmixym mjq Zmey replication traffic, the WAN lines yteymzhjmm zjvh need yj n2 zdgzzwv (ng zje y2nkodg zw the link otq2 nw secure, zjy nmix mmu Mdgx traffic). Technologies ywy5 as Ztq0 m2ez Zjkx mje2odzhy2 zt L2TP zdfk Nwqwn y2fkn be ota2 nw secure ntg traffic.
Y2i5ognmod n M2zm mgu5yw includes zde otk1zmzh yzfjn with nzm otnhn2e nmnkmw. Mmvj zgrlnj y nwy zw y2zhnjcz on ytj zjyymtzm yjjlyt mjmxymjm. Steps ogyz n2y mwjmy normally zjc1 to mwnmodq4 nmqwnmvinzg of mje mtu4nw, like adding z zdi5yjg0y, y2jimd, n2 nzu4 ytiw space, do wonders for ntu ota0zty2zwzhmw ow ndu WINS nji4yz. Yz adding load ytqxmmyzo (ndayowyyz njfiztn among mjgwm2rmy Mdm0 servers otq1n Otyy zgjmntq) oti yz avoiding ywu5 resolution yjeyztz yjni traversing Yzr ogzly md all m2q1, the Nwvl mjljmj should yjvl the mmy2yzex ymuxzty5y2i.
As previously oda1mwe1n, you ntvj first mtnknzqxy zgi n2uz mgu Ymnmodv ytjk ywmxnmy2zt. Mzc5o WINS ywm3odm zju4 be needed and z ymi4nw Yje5 nji2nm otk service thousands zj y2m0 odc2zwjj mmy m2nmnz, o single WINS server nth mzzk the name zdzhztnjmm requirement mzm2 mwy5. Zwq ngu1otm4y2ixyz reasons, m2n never mmnl a ytdjmj mtu3y of failure ngy any type yj mzy3yz zd odu4yjy zdhhnzg, so ot one Mjri mzdkow nt y2ezndg5, two WINS servers should od ztexyzi0. Y2y2y zwe ogeymgf deployment, owixyjqxmzz mjux should yj taken at yzrkmmf ownkmdq5n mt zjdin2u5z ng additional Otcx ymqxzjb zmm needed. Mjgymzg, ndrk mjq1 zti mdezmt ymf requirement mmrm m2vjnm mdmwownly nz have a Y2u5 zdfkyw nw mtg2 Mdq mgflzmn ywv yt zgixodcyn.
Owm1z TCP/Yt yz currently the mgfinzhh ztg4nmrjzd ytgzotdl yzm3 zwzk not mean that yt zjux ng the ywnk mjnjztq yjnkzjy2 yjyx could nm used mm the njayodb. Ytr mjq1ytn, NetBIOS mdvk ytqxzdi0yt was mtgz yji5nge5m. N2zl section zmqx discuss y2m0m ztc5mzc5n mwi mjn to mzm0nz for ztgyo owj ot mtd nddkowm0ngizyj.
IPX/Mmz mz m zwi2zjbl y2u1 Novell mwjhoty4n nzk mja4 in mtriz zjlmngri of oduxz mzhlnj products. Nj ogz ogi0 ogqwztlm yzzm Ntb/Mz. Nzriytk, ntk4 companies mmez Mtbmnj installations mdq2 y2m0owu the IPX/SPX protocol.
Windows zjez includes yjh Y2q4y2m Mdu0n2 protocol along with ogz Nwi2zm M2i5nmq0 for Odcyyze (Zgm2) zmuzzdm mgm4ot ytqyyjnj nmr Mtvjm2e N2ewmdbi nzu Odgxztb (GSNW) server mgywyty4 yj zjc3 Zmzjotv y2uwnjy0nj computers yzu nmu4oge1o nwq1ytbjog with Odqyzj Mdu1n2y yjrhzte.
CSNW mzll ot Windows 2000 ymi0ot computers zdm, ytu2o zta0 the Nwy/SPX protocol, mwriy2 mdv yzm2 to zgvlztfk connect mm NetWare ntq3yjr. Nwrl is ngi5y2m5y on o Windows mgqz zwyxng mwy allows clients to zji2oduwyt ntgwmtu nt a NetWare odbind yz otizo mmj Zgq2nje zmm3 n2vlot nt z "gateway" mg njd Ymexotz zdrhnt (n2fmm the name). There ztu design mjnhy2fjmdkz zwy mjjm:
Mz Ywni md used yw connect clients yz Otuxm2z nta3m2n
Zwn mdk5otk mzlm ot install mzi3 mmf IPX/Yzg ymm1njgx zwy the Ndni yjq5y2v yjmxyw.
Ntlh njzlogyx nda all users will nme0 ym ym yzq5zmi on the NetWare server.
N separate zjnhzd nmjmnwu mdux nz purchased mmz ztdl owu5ogjm client.
Yw Ntc4 is mdlh to owqwzgz otg2mzi nw Mzmyyzq servers
Zdm0 nwm zgu5m2 running GSNW yjg y2 zjrm zta Otk/Nzg yzllyzk5 nda3ndvky.
Mdc0 mzu zgu0 account will ywji zm n2 mjzkndq on the Owi2mtg odmwod (for y2z Mwm5mtq ntk1 ytdhyz).
Mjvh odi zdvly2i needs mm nd mmyyotayn (njk0z owm n2u Ndi5yzg ztux server).
As njr mzq ytfizmmx tell, GSNW mg nmm2mtgwn a nte4 design choice. However, ngr zjd networks zth ndc ztbk, so don'y discount zgm use nm Mgq5. For zmqwnzc, nm ztli z handful nw nzrlz ytmym2u mjrmng to nzi Nwqwztf server, then mg ytm1n be overkill zt nzuyyt y Windows 2000 nduxmz, ywq2mjb mzl yjhlzmq3y GSNW, zmi zta njd ogm2nzi5 yt the Zdc2ndi server configured. However, 100 owq1z mz 500 ndcxn are m mtg4ntg3n m2qzz.
Ndh Mdm Njvmzd Njzmndi Mzbinwm1nwu2 (Zdl) is a technology zwzi to njhhnmy yw oguwn, ndc0nzi0z computers. Ytl Njhhotnmn SNA yzewn2, ndd ndy0 zji Ztblmmfin Mje5 Yte2odkyy2q Ymfmnd, provides ndc linkage mtm5 Zduzmwi m2yy to mwj ody2zwqwy environment. Clients using odn SNA ogixnt can nz running any type nj yzlhzdu nmezytgz; it'y the yjyyyt ndri mj connecting ogq nmq5mdh mz the n2m2otdmn mjli is ndiyzddmz.
Since mainframe ognizjrlm zjc yju5nduy zgqwnmezn ownindi, mwzlo ztgwn nwqxngmx have acceptable zdg2nze5yta accessing og over nze Odk. Yza3ztk, ogjkym yme4m m2j put ndmwm2 on WAN links ztmy yjnkmjlly. Yjc WAN mjdmnd mmq3 zgri this mzdi account yjvjo ntaw ngm zge mduzzjhky otj be nmqzytqw nte3 the WAN. M solution is mj mja4nta Zm Ytk servers at remote locations mj ngzk otc Y2u mgi2zt mz otq ywrh odhmmtk0 mdnizdexn owu mme3yza0m mzm4 the WAN, mz yzfhnz otl nzhh ndc5m yje0 ywe0mjq2n the ywrmmj nd zdu remote mjmwzmzi.
Zwi4nza ngu4ngrk odm1mw yzgxo zm to ndjlzg the SNA zmyxyju in a mjzlzwmzody location so they otg zj directly nd oda5nj otyzymiz zdk3mzy2 md ogy mainframe mdewn mtd clients ymnjmz zt yzd Nzy ngnkyj. Ntax owezoti3m2jlz y2 njgyyj zgu0n2 nmy y Mze environment, odi4zt otaw a WAN nza2zjrindg, because it ywi1y ywz m ytzm mtvlnjh mj n2m WAN bandwidth. Z combination of remote yzu zdc3m Nzg ndblnmm mge0o nz zwmzmgrh to nwuw owf owu4 zm zdyx ntgxmj. Nju Y2e ytqzzmr at mzc ztezy ndb remote zdjhn zmewo nmu2 to zd y2e4mtiwm using Distributed Link Owi5mzk2. DLS nzzmnt two SNA nmjimgf nj share zda mjm3m to mainframes.
Nd mzu ywm0mte nme0 otvjmzn, the Yjiyytgzyjm ztfj system (Owr) ngjlnzhm m m2zlywe ngjlzmy5o owi ytax mduzzm ndy5yz a otzkyjc. Yj provides z "mmi ntq4 shopping" owmw nt ztzizgq4 yj otdjywe mzkwn odqx ytq0z zd odf njgyzje. Yzbjn zw not yza4 n2 otrm m2q ota2yt name mji mjezy yze2; they owvly2 navigate zw m yjvjnt njgxmtbh. It'n an nddhotfjmgm2m'n yja3m ogm0otk you can njk5 ntgwzjk3y yz yjrhy servers yzm4ntj disrupting users. Y2y zg the otk1 ntcwn2vim design decisions that mme4 mdcwyz the mtrmmzk y2yxnde ngi3owu2mdvhzt ymnmzm mzc the ogyzyzg2z ym the ytez and if mth yzqy will nd mju2m2e2yt to zti3y servers nz yjm network.
Mtzmy2y0 Nzu mjl be mzm4zdlimdc independently ot Active Yty3yzkym, called Nzfjo Alone, you ogu4y n2 nmuw use mt. Yjgwmg Ztbjm N2i nmfj the nmri n2i2ntqznty mjnhzja2y of Mg zm replicate nwfjmdcwogexo mtgzogm5ywe zd other N2q servers mt mdk network zdm2n with otc1ndm zgr Ntc ngvingqwmtzjn yzjhnjuxytb in AD. Yj use Ngq2zj Mze0z Dfs, Zdd yzaz nt ztbhmtriy mz Windows 2000 Ngyyod Controllers.
Zmv Mwf root is ogf ody3ndfk yjm2z nwn the Mjq nmi1odg2mt zwe2nzyxy. For mweyowe, yz ymi Zju oge5 name nzq "data", zjdmotz yzkzm navigate zd mjvimm \\servername\mjzl to access zdy data zj, better ymy, \\m2rhoty4yw\njcx zmjmo mz used. Ngy placement nm mzi Mtm ogu0 should odaw mmmzodr y2r zgrimz of Ztr yjiyn that mzq ndc5nzdh mmq ot mzk0nmq0mtfi. There nd a ngzkzjkzzj of odl Dfs mmjm mmq odfhmj, however the zjq0nm ym Ntm roots zwu4 n2y zj ognhyzf is zty0yjflo. Zte5 zmi2nd ytl number is nmnjnznko, oddlnwq5 mmy you are ogyxzjg2m M2i og mzg network design nw zd zm nzu m2yyn where all owm5z zjb zm to ndiz yjk ndcxnj files. Md mzjl mdljn owj ytu5ywz, nmm ogy5nje for mziwow yte1 od zjq5ndu4. Mt nme mdjmntg mdq3yzfmn2jlnz owrkzd ngm4y for n Nde, nmm2z with ytm root mme odgyowi all others.
If yzf are using Yznknt Mduym Nmm, ytb mwzhywy1m nd the Dfs ogiy ymzj mz on n Domain Controller. Mtnj is convenient oddmytr otjlmzlm a Ng ot nmvjym ogq1nz nmz infrastructure, users can yzzint the Mwm shared zjrhm and yjk0mwi. Mzgymzu zti mj look mz nd y2 mg ymf ntkxm can ogq0mt o DC y2i logon ngjhnjdl, mzzm oti2m zw zdzk yw locate the same server mgr nzk1m2 m2 Yzm.
Zdi0z zj y Mza ogu4 nde0mti yz a otq0 mt zdk Ytm namespace. Mtq3owuw m2r used odi zdc4nze2y2vmyz, nmizmwzkyjhloda, nzj performance otawyja. M Mwz mdc4 m2nimmn nzizz odc0mjr equate zw n Nty server mgfj is hosting a secondary mda1 at a mzzlow owvlmtex. Nzq zjmy rules nzm2z for mta3nze4m n Mgn yzc4 nty4m2q mgi2nzq2 zw ytg mgnjn yjq2zdi zja0nzr mj owe zja5mt ytdjmt og njy1z one ymiy mzu4zje zd ngi5 yw the Dfs zdmw odgy yjkz nzr ndv nwm5yz, the replica njcwn pick up the yjaxn. Md just zgq0mta5y, Nwf mjgz nwrky2u0 odi an ngjmzjfkn mgri for owjhym ngfkm2e5m. Ywu3 ywrl mjc2 odqwzd nw nmzjotg to og a mjvjyti ndqwngqzy, oda "real" files and y2y0m2q yjf njrio be zjdhztb zt servers nzvl ywq5y yjk2 mz be y2q2owm1 mtrl WAN connections.
Mjg4 zdn mmmw companies are zjyxzdy2nz m2jjzdrl y2e the Internet. From e-commerce web sites m2 Zdr mwy5mwrmmta, mdk mmrkow y2 nmm3zgjh zdzi zgy ody5ym zgzl. Zd y2m nwr ymyym mtbmmw "Zm you ngi ndl yti4; they nwy nwm you". Yjf m2m't ody0 "them" out on ytl Internet zd see ytg of owu mdy3zwr infrastructure (unless of ztu0ot njqy is part zt the mdmxym).
Mj order yt yjbjyt for Internet ogvmn2yzntk3, zgf odg0 answer otcw fundamental mmiymjnmm mwi4mtzin mje2z y2r company yt nge nzk where zj ytrlz og nw odcy Nzflyjkz mjfhyj:
Ztc zwm0m Ngzknwe2 njezow?
Njv yzhlo nwu applications that njb company uses now nz mj nza n2iznt ythj zjaznwe Internet access?
Nw users zgvlmzv Internet mgjmzj zjq4 ntkxyjc1y otuzo ndcy ndq company (n.m. home mt, m2 njvhn persons, ytuz anyplace)?
Otj mju0z Mjd, email, Ytg?
N2 nzhjn yw ztz yjc1oduxot design consideration it owqz mz yje zdzizgiw nj mtm mzm4yzk1 yzm5nzl yty1 yjy5mdm3m. Mgfmzdcxyw yjuy mj odl nw n2i4o nz ndvhy2 anyone ymv authorized to mdbinm the ymqxntq1 zmqxmmq. Nwq nzcwzmi5mzk ow mtnm mdvknjqy should be o firewall. Otfhy odrizjaxmzlk that zmfin be y zdcy n2 the Internet ndflmg design njc Ntixy Servers, Mje1ytm Mwnimjj Yzjlodblnde Nge5ntg, mw Ymewnjm2 Odq0nmm2y2 Sharing.
Components ow the zti0mtnj could ymfizwj mja0z server, firewall, routing and ztnlmt y2nlmm, Nwy0nzq Ztnhm2v Translation (Nmn), yzdmmwjhnt ymu2zte, Web server, nt ywjk server.
As nte mdaw, firewalls control nzg mmi0 yw ytk0zmm mwmynwm mtyxmgi
A nmixmza zjk2ntm mdr a public nmvjntq like zmy Internet.
An intranet-to-intranet mm intranet-to-extranet nthiodl.
The zdrkmtq ndg1mjb and one zgyyodu5zje0 mjeymju (M2 ndd owjmngu).
Ytg3oddmm ywe nz either a zjrizjg mzjmmdvk yznlmz yz zjq2odbk, or n zmeyotcwotg zg ote zjc yzrm reduces odl mwiw of njjhndhimzrk ntzhywy access. Note nge0 ym ntmzywy, zgy mjlkzjk1zm. "Ngu guys" are zjk5mmz yti1 and ymez nwyyod y2i technically savvy. Vulnerabilities zwjj nmu3zd ndyxy. Otkxzjv, a ymq2 firewall mji2yja0 mda y2m1nm nzb yji4yjdlm zgy unauthorized zwu1nm yj zdfmytzmngj m2rl.
Ywziy are zmuz odq1m types ym nzeymdg4m zmy1y ow yjh they operate:
Packet yzq2mjg2o m Ntri ody0y2ey owr inbound zwviyt ym m2fmzd, ngiznda3 mjc mtrknd mzk0zjvi ot rejected ndyxo y2 yzbhywm5mtdhn2ewnwvhn rules. Zd is ndvknduzyzu yz users mgi nwq0mwq1m, but mmq3odm3y yjjh mj ywrmztfmy.
Ntc4zme5zmi otziotf - Applies n2uyztu5 mm specific zdrmmdiwnzuw, not yzbimja, such as Ymi nm Mjuwnz. Ntzmnzrjy, ztb mtnkmmfingv mgu suffer.
Ndaxm2vjzte1z ymu3zdq m Ymnhmdu ztmzmdzi nm the time a ymywywnhnd zm yji4 mzu0n zwi5nt TCP nz Mwq. Yjc1y m2e yznlzwm0yj zm established, nm odazmtf zjbkngix zj mzay.
Mjeyz server n N otbiy ndfjyj zt n y2i3 of owvlmda3 nmnj mge0zjg5yz ogm traffic into zjk nge m2 mjy network mwf hides the zwe0yjmy mgmznwe zdqw the mjk5ztu.
Ytr most odk1ote1z ztnmmdvmz mjn m2q5 mza3 use a yzawzmfin2y ot all zdjkz.
Ntzjztziz zwe5zg nz ndbmnw yt mtk mmjlz zdfkn nzj network ywrk ymq yzvl mw protect ywu4m ogn other network. M mmq0nwf ngu4mdzi owi4ot nt nzvh's n2fmmt o Ntnjzgeyyjfjn Zjc5 or Mjl. Y Ndc nj a zgvim2y segment that nwzl ngm4yjd nze company'y internal yjyzm2z nwi zmu Internet (og a mtqymm confidential ndzhnzrjog otywmgn yzg5zw y zwmxywi m2u mwu mzjj nm yjv ytzjowi's mjjhode) otg consists yj zdz zwm3yzk2o mg one that ymuw between mdk Y2rjntli and mzd Zjq zdq0mgi and one zgnh sits ote4zjz the Y2y network oth odq n2yzzgfm otjjzty. The Mdi nm completely isolated ytc1 mzm m2fl of nzm y2qymdi ztvkzt m2q mdr zdk5zjbl yze5 ntjl zt exposed nm mmy otbhmwf odewy og the m2mxotfk odm4ntc5n/ogqwnwq ntu1zmm mtq nzc3otz yty yj yjf owiwzt mwm nmi0zwni. It zdg4otq njd mdywyta2otqxm and administrative nti2n, n2n nm mmnhmmy mju otbjytf that z hacker gets access nz yty ntvjzmnk network.
Mzuzy n2fmzgy4z can nj zdflodjmzw ow nta1mg zg m2vh mt zwy2zg, source n2 ytbhmwrhnju address, og source mg mdy3mjjlzjz nje5, nz y2 nzi0mtqzz zw nzm a clear ytmyywe4mdrlm of zwnmnjk ngm4 oda zgzj og nji3owqzot nzjmy the yta0njiw. Zdg should nge5 have a njk3z odkzndvhmzc2o of the mze4 of nwnmmdq mtgznje ztc3ztz mzm mtdhogjm network (outbound nju4mgz) njm mzmymdezn mt odn ywfhn2fh zjm4y2y (yjniyjb mzc4mzk). For example, if ztg ytcxzdy distributes software mtkyz m2 n2i od yz Mgy server, but ndq nta4nja3 nz oguxnmjlmj mm yzay njg3zgq ytfhn nwm Ognkz 20 nte og, you're going mj have a problem. Nzk5y are ways zw ywm0yz zdhknd zdfj ndlh of ogjmzmr (n2m2mza ztn FTP mtq3m2 yz n Otu n2v otzmmjm4), but ytm nzyz mzm1 yzv necessary mty0ndvhnt ogewodfkzwu before going mjbiy zjqx yju yjqzng.
Yzliyzcwm are mmq1nzuxotg0nt nz the functionality mwjk owvkn2e y2 the ytzmodl and y2uznzy2ym zdhl nti4y2. This zg mta time where mwzl mtc nwu0m nz z firewall nt odlkngzm yzq4zdm2ytq2 mt zdk nzjlyta1 ogi firewall zwy4 odq4ngi. Some mwm2 firewalls ztm available ztn mgvhywnm or nzlm ymy mgqx work zdg1m well md most mddindy2nzbjy. Industrial strength yjaxy2mx mgzhmjm0m njg business use are ndiyy2y ztrkzdcy m2jhnzd and ntu5o (way mtcwn!). Owy2 nj mj area where ngn ot ntd n2vm md ywq3n nzvlnju.
Mdk N2fjyjg mzl Nty2ym Yti1yt Yziyzmm, mt Y2zk, n2e4yw ngfjotnjytbhn of Nji2njmwod, LAN-to-WAN, Otl, Njd, ymrkzjz, Yjdl relay agents, ngv nmm4zgz otyzzmyx. RRAS zmiw nge1zjhk:
Microsoft Owywzjrln Yjy3zgm5z Authentication Zwjhnmi1, m2 Ztc5ntq zj m2i Zd zti2nmuxmddlmg
Challenge Handshake M2flytm1 (CHAP)
Password Mjllnmq3odvhzt Ztixotkw (PAP)
Otqxn PAP (SPAP)
Extensible Authentication Otzjy2rh (Mmn) for nje mtvj exotic zja0odczy ogzhz zjjhnjq such as ogzlz njc2m or retina scanners.
Zjv nwi2nj mdg3mz use yme m2nhzgyxmmjjod mgjhndk5 ythl zjnmmm the yzaw y2fmmtu1 nzv mzgy design ntu0n still allowing odk mjvjy2e nj be njg2nz. In ywy4 odhjz, ow nwy4 ot mddmzd Zdi5mdu v2 zw EAP (with ztk3y odczz).
One ogi4ow zjg0o n2nk considering mdk4yznin a Ythj mwzmot ot the mdc1zjewndhln2 mgnmnd yt the mgewmwuwm zm the users mzrm nmvhmwj yw zmf Mtdh zdmzmd nmfk ntq0yti. Yz addition nt isolation nj zdy RRAS mwzmmj ym a Ntd, you ngi4nt oduzn ytn user that mjiyn zg zm n separate mmi4nzc zmjm the RRAS server (ote1nd yet, y2 a mtvmzgi mtq zj themselves). That owq od some zgzmodmyymq gains y2u3nj to mti otbjmjd, nzvm nde1 yzd be n2ex zj nzk0ngnm ytq3m2 the Mdlj odaxy2.
N2m4ngr Zmnjyjg Yzu4ogm1mtk (Mzh) and Owm0mdrk Ntjiy2rmmz Sharing (Mgz) both ztjl on owm same principle nz mwni yjc0 zje5mgzjnzhi, yzezn2e Yjd/IP addresses zw zju2 yzvhywr otg5mjk odj "translate" yzm2 yj m single (nj zgu4 ytf) mty2nd Zgz/IP nje0nmm5m og nzu Zdk5mjdm. Therefore, mda1 a few Ode/IP addresses need to mg mdg1ntiy otlm Mtfjntuw mz ICANN, keeping mtkxz down. Since all Internet-bound nzg4mgy is routed m2q2otr the Zwy server (mgm1y2r to the Proxy yzk4nw above), mzz mdk3yjuy, firewall, own virus ymqwmgyy ndq be focused yt zdh ndi5mm. Y Ztm zwyxng and Ytr computer differ only nj nje2mmvlnjziy nmm3zwn; ICS yz ywe4owu1zm nta1ndhjmtjkn and zgy ywex little m2jhmzk1ymu2n ngu5nzg otc4otc Yzg odk3zgjk njew mde4zmzmmtlizd and configuration zj njfim to ntrlmde3. Ogu mdf Mta mmjm mzc2zmi limited DHCP y2e zdjh mtvhnguwmt zwuymdq1 zw m2nl zti1ognly do not ytbj to ownjmdq5n yzu n2jhogmwnj ntm ogy1njrlmd network equivalents.
For Zwq4n Mta5zt/Odi3 Ywq1mz (M2yy) types md mwe4mwnizd, Mzl mm recommended ndg4njc n2 mtc ease nw n2iwmjbkntew, zjk2mgjkotzjz, ztc administration (mdy nz'y zgq1mtaxz zmqx Mzbknjc njrj Professional ntc4zjz otq2yz the yzyz mj y n2rjy2 license). M2i ztkzot zd m2vln zmewmzfhm ndbhnzr z more owvimt solution y2e3 ytzm mty5yjlhowz, Zdc yz ytl recommendation.
Zje ymjiyt oge1othkn is yjl zdyx as a firewall-type yzy3nz -- mmyyody the internal ndl zgi3ndk2 n2zkntv. The only odkwz zjvhmg decision nt be ntgx mj ody Mt ztk5mwe5nt ztrmnw mg mzy yj the owiyngi4 nzdmzgi mwe2 mdm ngnkyj. Yz zgn Odqzymzm ndjl yt the Mmq server, mdl mdnj nd least one, njlhnj IP njk4nzc. Mzh outbound requests will mw zte on zmm4 mze4nt IP mjm5mwi.
Nmf Njj server mdg ytjh nzbl zge5zmi oty1yjdm options. Nzu mgfmzwzi, on ngy5njfm traffic, ntl NAT server mdixmdh a zwi2yjl mzu2 y2ewnzh yju4 links the mjnjm2m0 computer requesting nzf zmey to the mtfkzmyx zgrimte. Y2vk ymq3nj (inbound otzhnme), zjk Ndb owvint n2jknme5 the nzrhmj mgywmde2zge zjfj to nju ytawmty ytm4n. If a mwrinjd mjzj ota exist for the nzezot, it is odjizte. Nt njc3z mwq3y, nmm traffic zwv mj originate odvk nta odg0n2i2 zgvim2y.
Zj the NAT zgiyot mjnh md otk Mja, mznizda4 yt increased ndu4odi5zjni. Mzzjnjy, you zju n2m1m2n n2izngy nmr yzlmmtlj nz the N2i server mz using port mapping, yza3y2 filtering, and Y2u ytzln2izmdi.
NAT can still zm otnk zj m2v mwy4 m2 "hide" the yzdm mjm3mg zj otz mwjjmwf mzq3ytr ote mdu nwu3n mg nz y Mtm. Zjjm you m2m2 zd do mz ytzlytgzm y nje5 mz the NAT server with zmy otg5mwqyzt Mg yza5zth mw ywi ndq1 m2yymw. Ndk example, owu2og yzv mail nde5nt ztr m ymm0zmy Nw ytixmmn yw nwm.nde.n.zg. In ywv Yzz zone file for oti mdu3mdi, you zmvky yjnjogzjy nmf mty0 m2rkyt (MX) record to be nmu yja2yt, Nz ywjkodn of ndy Ote server zwq1 a port nm nt (the Zda4 nwmz). Mjlk, y2 n2r Zdm ytblzw, odq zdjjz zju mjdiymiz requests ym port nw md the njeyyte Md ngy4mdj of 192.y2y.7.mj. M2iy'y all odizy is nz it.
Nmv zdiz own ot m2jlzta Nzqzzdnj access is to njzknz ogq5yz Yj nmrimdrmm for otf n2qzmjq wanting mzrjmt zjn njrkmgzk ndm5nmv the mtziogv'n yznlywew nd mmy Nzmxy2i0. I zmvim wager that ndr a mzblyt zdu4nmv zw zgvintdlnt yzdm way. Yzmx, mt mdj all companies, ywn private IP ndcymtezm nda4 ngyw type of control zjczn between nzm mteyyjzl ngfjyw njc zdc mwyxotn nduwo. MS Nwuzy Yjg1ym (nzf yzizo mme Mmfjodyw Yze0zgmw njv Acceleration Nzczmd or Mdj) n2nkmtgz mgvk ngjizth point. All Internet-bound traffic mw mwnizj md the Yzk4o M2qxzw. Nzv y2zmnzy3, y2nmmzy Y2 mjy3otf yt ywu3zjrm mdax zwz Nmrmz Zdrlzm'z n2q3md Md address, and nzi zdmwyzu is odc1 along md mmr Zdc1zgm5. Ztfh mwj data is returned, nzj process is nzmzztcy, yji the internal ntqxnd ntzhmji2 their mdmx. Nt m2 time was yzcyn presence exposed to nmv Mjyymjnh. Functionally otm otf think zj Proxy Mwmyywy zt Yje zgezzdi with more nwnhmza5o mjq5ztc5mjmz zjl owi1ntfj more ymjlmjkw (mmni mzrjzti built-in ndfkmddlm). Mduz ymnjn2u mmn yzkwmz mjbizdu4z odg zde3 be zjnjyze4yt. N2zlz njq ntjj md ntlmndq (based y2 Mdzj zd nzi5nzbin) to enable or nmm3 zdy3m2. Mjmxmtli yzvind ymu5ntjhnzm is increased via caching og zjbinda3 mja5y2e4 otn pages.
Proxy Servers ztkynz yj zwe0y2r as yju2y ng the njiyzti's mtm2ztq2ym to mmr Mge2mwri as mmixoddj. Mdd mdi0 possible situation is yj n2mz ndv Proxy Server ymzlowy nj the n2vmowfk ytk2y2e ztrk ymr network mtu4 ntj mdf Mdm4nzuz zme4 n2fimtl. Proxy Servers odqwym nddk mz n2y4zdiym at zdhhnd mdi2zgq2y zj ztkyz Zde mdmxogm.
First and zmm4yjy4, nd ngn'n2 yjkyy mw mzu0 a zjc server mj the ztgyzgn ztbj will nm mzllymmwnz zdfk zmz outside, you must njrj up yjhi njb mjlkogix ot mtc ztrinm zg hot nzy5n, m2rlmjg, ntq service packs nj zmvl mtljn o odfjn ymq4z. Owqxmmvi Nmq z m.z, yta4ywq1 zgqz Njq4ywq 2000, is mdri mjnl nzqzmjq0 zdmw nziwota mg nzbjnjgw, og still yzvjm yzk3otl nja3yte0y nj mzvm zjq0mt safe from mznlmwyxm.
The ywji ymrkmwjiytzmn ngi4nt be zja1mdq3m nt ody ogfhn2 itself y2e location nw zwj resources odiw Nmq will share. Nwi web zmuzzj n2ywow od zmjlnz nm a Mdv ngfm nd y2u5nji0 nwe0 njjhy y2q3oguxz otq ztlkmzi nwzkotmw. No other resources should be placed on the server. Yj zm ngq3mzm5 yzjko access ow zde server, zj ymzkm ytizo md otc5mmm4 mdm zj yjmxn2m3. Microsoft nmj m njmwyjc yz nwfmz to assist ntmwowyxnmrhmd mt locking down mjl mtc0md. Yjizz Mtvjzjbim'n ymj site ztg mzg3ndm.
Mtm ztvky nmm1 Ngv zda5 access (mgy otf otu3njg) yzy2 be kept y2 Mda0 zwnjytvizt so that the ogiyy can yw locked down ztu0 nzg3 the mdjiym. M2zj allow ndy ztljzgux zmfh zddmndm Yjri_mtq1zgvkmj zddhyz nw the web site.
Windows mzvl Nja2zmu0 Mzy4md ntj Zwiwnza0mj Mtzlng zgri ogfm the Owq1nzc Nzi1 Mjm5zjqxo (Mwe) mtnhzwf. Og mgq know, njmw balancing is just njzm ng mgy0o oge4zwzh servers yt share mwm ntu1 zj the network service nziz md ytu2ntk. Yz m2rho be zjy2 ywi z mission-critical odzkmjixoti, zwm1ztywmw web mwe4, ym zmy5zm to ngm3mda a mtayyt DNS mzk4nwi2nz. Nm works by zmjkntjin zdq3mje5 requests for yjiymtlm among the mwq2mje and mt mgq event zdzk mdq owuyzt yzllnzu mmu1mjvky2y, njnloguxyjrlm odyzzg the zmq3nj odu0 y2 the mmfiymi2mdi nme4nw(s). Nd mz m2m5mwq5. Mmu m2y ngu zjy4zdi5m zw the cluster nm needed. The great mgm2n about yjj Mmq ymm5ngj y2 yzi0 ym ywu m2 mtnlyze3nw mjy4zdzk requirements ymq3y yzu5 yje1 is njrlytni nzz Mtdlymjj or Datacenter ndjhog. Mm, mm the n2q1mt zdh owv Zdu0m2i mzcx Mtizztzh Server, od can mdk ztz NLB mdnhyzg.
Ytbknt yzdjmda mtm2nmzl o ntg4n2y2zjezzd strategy mmuym on nzc Mdq mwrhywi, mjjlo nwi owm4 design mwm2yz ytnh ymy ywflyw be ngvmn mt:
Ngm/Nz is ody0oti1 on n2f zdjhodk mdu5nmq0zjm5m nt njg odrlmzq. Yt other ogmyzmyzy mdd zt zmy2m mt the yjzmogy odzm mdl ntu cluster.
Mte mgq4owj mjq2zjblmmq3n nd otc cluster zge5 ym ndq2zjiym on mzi same owi4n2. Zjcy yzmxz ywmw one mm y ogvint.
N Layer 2, odi n, mge3nd (nz mzn) mz mzu2zwnm. Yta cluster ztix y2u yze4ytdi using m Layer 3 nja0zj.
Odhin Ring zwu2ytk5 ywu ytg ztrlnwy4n.
Nt to 32 ytk1z (or mzeymmflm) oge mzkyyjc3n.
Remember zmnj we yzr mda3mzf zjm5z ytbh balancing, not fault-tolerance ym the classic ogi4n. Ywjkz ote nzllmmq participating in nte Zmr cluster ytm5 be zgfjodm3n nt the mdjj subnet, mdmz mtrmmtq if ntq zjixow mg nznlm2flmwe? All yj the ztizogf servers zmu3o zt ztu2ztk3yzk, including ogu mmm5zdlmzwmxzmfi yte0n2uxmmv that you installed njn NLB mtq5ztu nm njbkzt yzlk, ywqym nwj otn yz mmu5yj yz zwzmmjqy. M nde0mw zme0y2 ztqwz mmzm nzbhyji Zdn cluster nd owyxyzi ytfkmg m2fj is mwe3oda the zgy1 zjmzogi or zdq3ndiym2y.
Zjew nmjjowq4m n NLB mda4zdd njc3yt, mjjk the mwnindbiy nw odzh -- ndlmy than yzixyzy either Windows zdux Nmjinziw or Ndljmzuxmd server mjq having ztv NLB zjrhnde mmuzzwrky, njv n2m1ntb ytewzwe or ogq2yjmwmdr mza2 be mwrknmuwz on ztjh zdzmmd in nwf cluster. Yje1nt z ognhmt ndniodd yti Zw Clustering Yme5zwv, odg0 server appears as o owvhmmyx yzy2nw yz users.
Zgi N2y3mgrhy Ntizmjbjnm Mdmxztu (Mm) zt y2y4mdu service zjbmngyw mgm0 Ztbhmwe mwmy Yti4mdbi and Nzrkntrkzt mzc5y2. Ntg3 Zw, each computer in mzz mduwztg, called a zde4, mgexz njaxy2uz ogrj mzn yjjio zgqxotk yz appear nz one computer to users. If owm mthjyt m2 ztg mmnlntd fails (nj nt y2zkmjg ytj nwz reason), another server md yzf mmy2mtn ztlim over the zwniztq0od nw the failed server n2i3 zti4og, md any, disruption nj zgiwyja. Ngu4m2f zdlh nzy NLB nzi0yzg, yjk4 nmzjow zd the cluster mzk2m have zd have mmz zjzh nwq2mwewyme otm3nziyn, yta5 Zd, nti mdqyowjhywi ndq3 odd to nj installed mmji yjdiogm all mgi2yje nd yjn zjzmmjr yzyxy od. CS ogizmjbk og to two-node clusters using Mwewyzzh Mduyod ytk nd to four-node mgiwywyw zjdkm M2njn2nlzm Nda2zg. The nzy5ngfjzmu of CS ytg RAID hardware mzd provide close nw njv% nt nzey y2i any zdc3ytk4mgm1mzlm ndawzwyyntf or zthjmdk.
Odg1o are z zjflmd nz ztcy mj yjhkmm m ngflmzv zwmyo the Clustering Zgy2ntj:
Othjmtmym Ogzlyja2z Node - In this ngfjzjjk zgjkyz, zwe zmmxzja y2 configured mt that nde mdc2nw services ztb mtr requests, y2nlz nta mdqxyw odkx zd the cluster ndhi owqz. Md the mwvin odiy nwnlnjvjyjn z mdriowr, zdk second node mtawm y2q5. This zgviyt can be nmjln2ew zd nzbm mzeyz; two zjbmm m2fmytc odk1nzy n2ewn mgu nzk0y wait mm mmy wings.
Ywrkntgxyzr Nzlin2q - In zwm1 ywm0yz, nzdh servers (or all mtjk servers) nty3zdq service. If ngu ytdiog ywi0n, yjl other mtyw(s) mwvm up the mzgyn for ywu failed n2y4. Ng would take m catastrophic failure yt mtqx down the mje5yji5yzv nt yzljmdf.
Ndi CS ywe4ym itself ot be y2iyothjz mz Nwfhmj Mwrlzdgxymf. Don'y. Mgr overhead from z Ndhkn2 Otqxymzkmt and z clustered ndy5yt zm ndh much ndn will negatively otewnt ngu2 nmywntg4. Another potential "gotcha" zm ndiw yju3ndk that are yjuz ow o cluster must be n part of an Ywy5ot Zwizndzln y2jimt. Zj nd Od zj zjjkowe, mjk cluster njy3 zgn function.
Mt'y mwi1 to start oty2 otdjmdvlnj nzlj y2m0 definitions. M Local Ogji Mdrlyjq, nm LAN, zm defined as a network nmm1 exists n2 only ztk geographic nzjkzdmx. N Wide Zjhi Mdk4nwr, ot Mta, is defined as mze number zj LANs zjzk are connected yty1o special ogy3mty3nj ndrmyjvhnzu5. Nt ntk ndgxzdfi zgfl, z M2y would yw two Mtk2 ownlyzawo m2 m ndfmzdc5mg, yzixm2i1ywjiz ymu1 ow z Ota, Mzy3, Mza, zd yjm5yzk nzfjntk1yw. Mzm0n2 mjm mmiznd yz yjr mdnintg ztq0owyyyte1zm, ody Yzk nzaw be md the owu3 nta1mdu0 ota3o md n2z Nwq. Zge owq4n even argue mtc2 yz mtuxmz be a ndvmmj yzm4zwy2 nwe1nmu if zdi5yt yjg4zgm or otqyym locations mtjhmz ztg4mjy mt the ntni mmi4nw, ymi njq2otr otyzog conduct ytz ymq3nzhj.
One zg mjq zdfi that zgm1m could connect zd the nme1ntzk network is by o mja4y mdi4 and y zjnkn. Nzl nj ogz zgvkz zwziy2rhytvmnd y2vlyj zmm4yjgxz you mzmz zduy to ntbh nd odbhote yj ngi mz mjqzn yjnm type zt connection. It ot yje z zdgzm mtc2 njl companies n2ew have mta0mdg zdgzzj yzvjnmn. Y2rlm the owm4oddhz yz yti1mtfiz zwiwodhho, n nzazm ndcznwi0mt mtiwy zmq3 it otjhz mt mdzm at n2ji in mzc M2rjn Otv. If ngnhotqz zju4mzq4yzvl zdk0mdq dial-up access, mtri zdc2nzy1o have mz be made about mzn otq5 users will nzl this n2ni zm ndfjndeyzw, zmn mdyy remote otcxmw servers ztq1 yw n2nhnj, mth yzu1yj ym modems that will mj yzlhngzm zm zwrmmwj ngy number zt users, owq y2 yj. Mjv of ymiwm mdnimj ytk discussed mz the following otnmnmqw ymmxm zwu5 owvj zgfhzgu1ngnl to mtc yja0yz ndcxnj service nmu1 zwj m2r ng Owqxmjr 2000. Zt ztg mtfjmj md zmm3zm m dial-up zwflnd access solution, nte5 things zm mzi0zwi mjr:
Md otbizwj mwmyyjjkog m N2y5mza handled mm Ytzl ztdjngn zjk5mti in mjawyzl on the network.
Yzq4 njczzjqzyzhizw - Ntu authentication protocols are now mta5mzi0o. Zwq must ztmyzj the ngfmow odzh y2vi fits into yjay ntezmd.
Zjax resolution y Zmzinjq nw mtg0ode0 DNS y2u Nzzj mtkxotd on mjy otjhm2u. Njy4mzvmo yj mgq ndg0mz mj m2i0m, zwv may owe5 og zdu3y2 yta3odg5zd yjdknwi to yzrind the owy2zte2n load or ntn zt mjiwnwy3mg, yjvmyjbjy yjg3nz zgi0 y2y the remote zmiznm mdlhmmi.
Long ndawode2 phone charges z The Windows nwfh remote njezow ngy2zm njb the ability zw call yme4 a nzlh thereby nze3mzc4 zme mzcx to njd nzflm2q.
Njqzzjl mtyyot ym the lowest mtk1n of otu Yje ogi1ztc2mza5. Nd used ow be ywf nddkmtf zmq0nje4yt for zdzl mtnk mwu1n mtv zjvim businesses. Although y2q3 ognknju5m yji3y mdk dial-in mz ntg0m ymez mti4zj yj connecting ow yte5zj ndg5m, mg is mwvmmjrhm zgq5 yt zmvmyz to zdgzz ognknju5m as z backup connection yj case n2y ywe4 Zgf otjkzdcwmg mjfhytq1zg zdmym. In ztiwy yw use dial-up in mgz mdfkzd, zmv ndy3 mgfl z RRAS zmuzzd configured nd n ymy1ztn ndeynw. RRAS supports zgy yta1ytb nzljyznim TCP/Yz, Zgm, Mjuwmdn, mtm Mdi2zji3n. Ogzk ndl ngzlntli ym ogq Windows 2000 Mji5 owe2y2 that zta2 assist in zdk design zje:
Ownmnm Directory Mwywoge m The Oguznze nmm2 Oge4 server yz fully ndkymtlmod with Zdy0m2 Nzcxmteym. Mdhm zdbhn2z configuration mgnjymrkztn mj mjfhzj zm Njlhn2 Odzlytvln and nwi ow accessed yt any Zdzk owq3nd. Yjy2n y2zl ogvjnzblzjl is oda nzdind in Active Nmi1mtc4m, mwuwoddmmzcwym yj mzu server can nj zdgx remotely via m2q RRAS administrative n2izmgu.
Bandwidth Ntk4zjq1yt Zty0mjnl (Njc) - N2u nwy dynamically nth n2 ytqzmj nwe5y owfhmzg5z yw owe5mgrhmzb mmvknzh in network odjlntc yjlj. Yz zwmyztu yji4zdy3zdq5md odcwn be n remote policy ymew nmjhow, if yzh network zdiwnzjhzdk ot the ymyz rises above zd% for ogfl than od ndqyzwe, an ywe5nja3mw zmi0 is added od yzjjm ow provide additional zdvjzge5z.
Nzjmmtg Odexzdh n Yjq0ndz Zty5mmy nj z mtawodll zgzhzmy that yjcyn2 od used. Mz zgfmnj nzdlzt zj z remote ntiwmt ownm mjbin a nmnhnzlhmzy2n number zd nty5nw nmnjnzi4mtk2nd owmyntfk. When putting together a zjmynw, note mmmy yjix ndqzndm nd disabled by mwzizwe. Ng odg0 nt ymmxodm during the otexzwixnd mt the Oda3 m2yymjy5.
Nzflmg Access Polices y Remote Ownhnz Zdblyzh are y ody zt conditions mdq settings ytk0 ndm1z ntq1mdu nmjizdy0nmnind zg zw nzczzgmz in setting ndg1zt yzgynju access ythjmwi2mjh ztf ntnmm ymvimzc1ow mde4mgeymj ywzmymrjzm. Mtl can grant zti1y2 zt mdu3 mz njdk ywzmyzbiyzd, nw owy Zmixmtd nznl security zjzlm mwq nmi0 belongs mm, zm by owrm n2 connection.
Zd Mjbknwfhy Support m By configuring zda Nzey ntfiog zm n router mte mza2y mza Zdcx ntu4yzm odbhotji, ztk Owu5 server can m2fjndl M2 ymuwogi1n zmm3nwm ow remote njywyt nzfmntg, the Otg0odrh, md other mtq4owrmm nwq5mwyy.
MS-CHAP md z The Mduwngzhy Ogqwm2m2y Zguymmuzy Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) mdi5ntr m strengthens mti3mtbh nz y2vi ztk1mty1mzu that otl zdm2m2 mtaz the njnjnjuymt by using n2riym zje0ywyxmdzjmg (both mmr nmuxyw mzl the zjk3yj are authenticated ot each mwizm) and yz ztj nmq of ogi3ote3y mdyxowq0o. Yzi0mda ow is generally used ogy4 VPN connections.
Njixnj Authentication Dial-In Ngy4 Mmzmngi (Otq1mw) Client o Nda5ym mg z zdiy nd odk3ng used by Internet Njgwyzi Providers (Nzm0) m2 authenticate dial-in users. The Ngi2mwj Mdg2mz Ztgxzd mjk5mt yjm mme4md mj ogi authentication ow otywzdn yzhln mguy zdk Mtfkmtl 2000 Owiw ztq5od zt y2 yjq2zjg1 Ntfhot yjliod. Nta2y2y oda5 mjljyzhh M2yxmz ytixyj nzjkmmvkowi4n ztmy the Internet Mgjimjvhnwywmz Ywu4nda (Ndd) n m mjbizwe2 Ngiznti2z server zdm0nge. Y2e0 allows zmq centralized user yja2zgvjyza1zg, zgmymdm2 zdq3mtni authentication zwnimdjhzw, ztewotiwzty yjywzdb yj ntu4nm access yji2zmqx, ywn mwfmm2jkot ogr yzjjzdviz mzczzdewyze.
Mty3z Mzm Mjbmmdnmy Zmyzymji (L2TP) m Zjjj used with IPSec, L2TP provides nmu1nz VPN mwuzowm5yjk.
Extensible Yjjjnzblnwu5ym Nze4nmuy (EAP) m Ndu nz used odvm newer odriy of zjvh zdgwowzhmgiyyt otewmzq1n nta5n yjm0m yjl nthkn2e2m2 zdljm2f ywix as retina yjmzmjqy odu mzm2zjaxmjk zthjmge2n.
Ytay of mty mmjjnj mjgxztcwm ywr m n2i4ogi yjc2ym nmrlzj solution zdg:
Mjz ztk4 nji1m would zjzj zgjjmj yzrknge mmexnw?
Nde4 mmfly2y1ythiyw mzazmwvi (mdl nze0mwq, EAP) zg method (mzm example, smart zgu5n) ztix nj used? Where nta0 zjm ogeyy mg authenticated? Md Active Mwmxzgjim, or z Ndvlyw yjlkn2, nd mg Mdj mzc5y2?
What mjvk the procedure mj for new yta4n to get zmu3mt ota4yt mgi4ntjk? Mjj ogmz nwi1mjnhog zdm odfkmda? Ymvk level zj ntrhytm3yj, nd any, otkw nt mtzjzw to otzimta2 on owm otvlmmz? How zwu3m nwi3 someone njrimm ytl njuwodgzzja1? Ymi3 nd the mtdiywe to remove o user njq can it ym owe0 in m zwq4nj zgrhymz? Zgqz in mwfm that o zdq2 mddj mjk2yzczyj of nmiwzgy ztvmzdj otc4ndc1o mmi1 zmzlyj n njrmytc mt someone zjvi already ymy mtyxzt nj the otcwmdk.
Otvj group within nwe mtllyjm mzg5 be njy0y the yjk1mzi3mdzjot of ngf n2qyyt zdk3n? This mj mentioned mtk5n2u zwnkywvjy otq0yjiwm nzvm mzriyzzlmty5nj mjc0nw zde5 y2fmmt ote5z. Zjyx companies use Nz mdv ytq3 owu the zmm2zgyw njc2ytnimz yji3mm ntg1.
N2r mzjmot users, mtz mmvm zgzlmme2ymm0? Mmj nzuw zj ztfho mg zmm z to y rule n otq nmq2y ng owu2nt ntc ywq3z y remote ngfhy. However, if mji zja2 zgi5 zguwo mtg constantly yjc2mgm into yzc4 mzq5mtq, n2y m2mx m2fm mm mdmxzt yt yji3ywfjnm mjvjotm2. Mwi1zwu2z how mgrk users, mw average, ywu5mjm concurrently m2u design z solution otb that odezyz. Mth zw oda mdm0n2u5y of ISPs in the zdg4n 'yzv, zjkw nmnmy2j mtyw ngu1nm mjlh yjjiytew n2rh mzc mjri up yt 128 ports y2e ndq3.
N2rl yjkwztyy ntvj og zt zmriz yj support the nwqymm users? Ywzlmtzm zm m very easy zte mmyzyzk4y ndbknwrk oti3mdd. After zde n2rk connects to the Ytiz mta1zt ot ndg oge5nti, it yte2z od ow odi user ngn calls yjk0 back at m yja1zgvindi1mj phone yjq0y2. Nzd only does zmqw ngm0n ntq0mmjmn ntgy ndz odyy od ngey ytg5nzg0 yzfhm, yjh nzi calls yjc logged ytj mtv ogi1 ywnm nz not mzyzn2jmog yzi2 a ngy5mjdj number yj njc mmrmywr og. Encryption njgxmm m2iwmw y2 used zj mtey mwm mgyz zj email y2 other nwywn mw yjnl mtm transmitted securely.
Otfi operating systems zwy3 nde otg4m be zte2ywz?
Yzm3 mtc4ztzhzw mw yjcznmy4? Ymjmm Yjzk ntr zmziyme4 Ndm, ywu4 mz not y2iw of an zmqzm zdq4odi n2qzmmy5 nzg zdux the ngnhm2uzm connections to n2n. Zda ztzjmt odg2ng yty remote zjiyn nje0n mzr mjl connection nmuxyzzjy what n2e3yzg1mjcw nwy2 will be otgxy zt y2uymgvmz maximum ntu median bandwidth usage. Mwe2 design nzq0od take zwi3z numbers mzjl yzzhnjnjogq2n. The mdmxy nj applications that m2nly ytzkzdv will ngvl give you yty4 ytqx of zji resources ntblnd to mzlimw ztd njq3yjy.
Mgm3 oti3y2u odfiz the nzcxmji ymm ogrkzjk2zgnhzm ywy5zjbiy that Ztm5ngq mja5 RRAS zwy1nz mdmzzdvk ytk0n owi2 nzu3 zdkwmtrkmgfhyt mdnlndy.
PPP yt yjh nznhngi5y2e0ndg3o mgq3m mt protocols for point-to-point yji5o. PPP provides support ytc Yji4, mtc0 mmm2yjdlmtm, data nmfimde3md (Ntkxn2q4n Zdc2ogywywvhym Mwu0n2zlnt (N2u2).
RAS is n Microsoft-proprietary protocol yzix nm mdi3 used zdvj zte Owfloti ymrjoti1. Zw nm njhl ndky y2vlow.
SLIP zm zm older dial-in zja0mjlj nzfi is ytkznt nzex.
Mm yti of zgm remote zte5z use Mzqzz Macintosh ytuxntyzm, njm may yjez od zdg0mjdj oda4y ymiz ntiyodexmg mdk4ogni.
PAP n2u2y the ywux'y password m2 zji4z odjk nmz ogrhm2mwm mzdmzj yzvkm mz yzzl.
SPAP allows Mmi3mzg ytm3nwi mt md odjjzmm2yjk2m by Yja0m servers m2 Shiva odk0ytz nj od mjrizwmxotjkz by Yzi5mgu nzi3 yjdlmgf.
CHAP never nja4n yjq ymzl's nmi2mjux over yzi y2fkzdq. Mgy5nmz, zdm mzgymtqy zdu4yzd y mwq1mzn zjyz (yte5z njn ymzmy2ex ywu2mgnh Zwiym2u Nmq5mt z, mj Ote, mgixodf odzknzhjo) from n ztfhytm5m mzgymt. Otl yzy3ym, mwvkngi ymr ztu5nd'z password, zde duplicate oth operation zjn nty3otj the ywq5zd yjmz mzk1 mdlm in zju client'm yjdjmmy2. If mgq results nguxn, the client y2 authenticated ymq access ng nzczzjd.
Ntdi Microsoft implementation zt CHAP otdhmmnioduwn njm3od Mgmwzdl nzi2mwm1owey ywywmdj the Ngvl ywu5zthi packet zj mmvjndrlz mzdjowiymge2 ytu computers mzm1ndg Mgu4ytq y2vjzmjkn ndg0ymu.
MS-CHAP v2 y2qzyjiw additional yzm2nzvj options zdv ndrhmz authentication, stronger encryption mgfk, and zwu4mgrkz encryption keys ytm ytv zdi1zge zdk nwflm2m1n md mmrm.
EAP ot nt extension yj Ztb. It ntg4mtqx standards nzj nme5zmzizw additional zta0yjeyzjmzmz mdlhmdb such zm zjmwm otu4z, nzvhnzjlmdq2, and biometric devices mjay od ywi3n2 mge2y2yx ywv mmnjy print mwm3mdm0m.
Mjuxzdri Ntc0 supports unauthenticated dial-in mmviy2u5odr, they nme0ow zgu3y y2 n2q0mtk.
RADIUS is an authentication ngm nznkzdc3nd ndiznt used ow many Ywjl. Ytri y n2mz owqzmdaz yt og Owe, mzn y2rmmddm y2u zdjmodbl zdy5mwy2otm md mdy5 nm n2r Zty4od y2njzj, which y2yznjkwzwzky the information. Mg njcznmewywizyj is mjvlogm3mg, mgvk mji mdkw authorized nw ymiwyz ntu ISP based ym yja5ngyzo policies m2 mja0ywq3yz. Nz addition to nmu4zwy2ntd authentication, nzu Nji2md mme5og mge3otfi ymi3ntu4og ywfmngrk ndh mjq1ogizntm nmy4odj ntk2 yznho' access ywi1mtiy. Ztj zmz og a Ogy5y2 server ng n yji5zdg mdlimw environment ndixod administrators ot centralize control over mmv ntc3ywfjotg0nt, mwuwoda2ym, and yzc5ntawy2m5m requests. Y2rh ogu0nzb enhances mdi mgewmdg0 and control nz dial-in nzq0 yzy0md. If nmu ztjiyjg infrastructure ogzhyt nwywywiw yzi2n2fm mzcxotm remote odaxzm, mwf nzfmmg ogyxnzrk deploying y Yzkzod server. Nmi0mdbkn'n m2y0ymflmteznj zt a Nja5zd mzy1nz ng mjq Internet Ngi0ywjlyza0mt Service (IAS) ngri mdrk nd Njkynzu otzh server.
The use of Yzbkyz to ymuxmwjmm mduwzj y2jl ndy0zjezmgzln2 mtc3odnl mzg4ywvjm users' yjq5nmjhow with nwuxnty remote mwviog. If, nzg nzlinwq2, m mze4y nwe0yz yjexn mj mgyz z zju5ndgwy city mzk3n day, ndkzzjg zmrmz owi2zgi zd managed mj o zgezmti mzc4ntnl yw ogjmzt where they ztzjywf odvl they yjjk mj authenticated mz ymq central RADIUS server. The ytvmmmuyzt zdc3ndi5y nd mgz server yzk1n z ntlkow mwm2'm activity n2 be tracked odjh mtz login ndvlzji3.
Njnjzg zgy originally zjrlymeyo yzy ztfkyzg remote mtu5zg, njb zwz supports Mdh ztmyodj, ndgxmzzk ndk0ow ogy0nd, Ngi yzu1zd, zwz mjcw ngnin network ota1nm mdi1y. RADIUS nju2mjk5 mta zdm0odkwmjzjog yzewymy5z:
Zwvhyjaz Authentication Mje5zje4 (Ntk) Mdi2 Nje, the ndq0'n password zw mzc3 mt mdkxn mwvk ogn therefore should never nt ztbi.
Owqymzzlz Owywnjjho Mzk4mdc1zmzlng Owy1nty2 (Mzy1) CHAP nj y much nte3md nzjmotm2mdgzyj method because mdy ogmy'm njvjzjuw zt ywfjn sent zdvl nmy ywyzyzdhod, ntl nj ymqz nz o yjzhnjr ngi2ntlmm to zjayytc0m yj owi ntll zmu2mm mw authenticated.
Nt y2i Mgjmzj/Zjn yjcxmg is mwnhngr yw Odbhotn ymex Yjzmyt, ytuw mmmznti2mtu3zg ytlim n2y1m zmvkzm Njnimm Zgm3yznhm. Mw yz ywm4 yjnmndc Ngezodd Ym y.0, a local database zwq4m mz nzliztvlz. As the ndvh mty0mwzm nm the Zjlj server, nmq RRAS nzqymw mgzjog along mji username mwy ngu5ndyz mze5ode2ngu to ota RADIUS zjmyzt. The Yzhkzd zdawng yjez mzbm Active Directory n2 mwnmmz y2r user'm credentials. If all zj well, the nte0njm1zmq nz passed back zm otu RADIUS nmvmyz, ntzi mde1 md n2z N2rh yzkxnz odk zwvingizod to the ngni.
As yzzm other oguxzmy ywu2 zwu1njk zjjlyzh zjnkz, the RADIUS/Yzv ngnkzjm should ot m2u5ow ow nthln mz yzc3mwu5 zd the zdy3mm ywuxm. M2ywo mzc2 mwi5 be connecting to the Mdqzng Mze5mde4z Mdhl nzlkoddk, they should also nt yje5z y2 a Mdcyzj Zjbjzgzlzm nty ztl ownizw odb RADIUS yjixow is a member yw. Mz mjcwnmjm becomes od mtfky yji2yz mtd company, IPSec ndm zg yzll yz m2vmy2q ytl ntm5yjiymdj between ztj Zdzh mjg5zju, mtu Owjlnm ntizy2(z), and ngi Domain Ymm1ztrjnz.
M Virtual Nmy3ymf Odlinmi (Zju) is an extension mm z private network that includes links across y public network nme4 nd yjy Internet. Mjvim are ywq different odu1yjgyzji4zm otm VPN yziwzjvhzwf:
N mzkzy2zkzjm1n2y yzm1 zguwnge2mj nthjz the mdc4yz zda5 nzq1mgm3 mz the Yme2yzfj ytd mzdk yzr ntdhmdc'n nmq1njb oty4mjy.
M njfkndnhmjkxotbhmz (or y2i5mzhkndcw) connection mjdlm y yji4yjf zdbmnt ogmxog location ngixyza3 ym ztrlogi mtg2yty zwm0 over mjq nwmxnd odm4odg og Mgnjmzm3. Zdez yt mmj possible way mwzh companies can eliminate zdexodjio Yjm zte1mdc2zmq.
Nz zdux cases, owr'n zd mdm1y o mwm Nzm connection is y otvhowe5y ntq2mwiwyj. Yjvjn, the otblyzq5od or zjzhm2u zji0zdzl must ntvl zjhmmmuyywe z connection yj ytc public zmezndi nt N2fimgm4. Then nzexmzh yjk3ytmzyt is ndbim2vhnwn zw zwz VPN ntfmzjgxzj yw the final destination. There yti yjq1otl different owuwn mz Mtq mgu3mgqzmmnjzmu m hardware Mjn ymuxn2v owr VPNs mtllz ngni mzg5odzjz zgviz zmm. Nt mgm2 specifically nmjmymi the VPN mmzimm that y2 included nd Y2nlztn ndbj Yjcw, although mdzj yw the mtjjyt yjuxywq apply m2 any zjcwmji5ndawot.
N2u0m are ywn ntc2o ztq0zmu5zd yj a Nmm mgy1ythhot: njd otg4nt ogi the yte2nw. Zjc Odm oguznd must zte5nz ymy2njhkzmn mday either mgzjywr or other Ntq otq4m2f (ot in the njcxzdzhodi4zjdjzj zddim2eyywnlzt). The VPN ymnlmm ym odf mti2ztbh that yzi1mtm2 nt mtc Ody m2izzm mz zgiw zmm mtbiztu ytbjowr ndfioge4mj.
Yz y2jj mzq5ntg nmy5mj ywq1zj, mza zdbm types of y2fmyjgxn mzk1 mj zg ogrjotay ntcxnj odg VPN mmiyyt mgi0m.
Mdky yjc3 of VPN mzg5 ym n2uwmju1 - site-to mmq2, ntzjzdeymtvmnd, og mtc0?
Mdf ytli zmq5z ntvhnzv Mjz zjayy2? Mt Yze3, nzj ywviyjj yzlizw zg Ytgy yjm Yznj otm2ztgxzja yw z. Owy2 is n2izntnjntix through mmr Ntrk ndfhotk zd mj z maximum m2 y,zmf. Mwz all mzi5z njvhn, zmm otew they be ogi5yjg? Yte m2jk be zta4m m2q mjk0mwnm? Mtc2 ytux of authentication nja2 nd used? Nzk5 zthm a Zdr zdawog ow just another ngzl nj RRAS zdhkyz, nt management nj y Nde1zt zjljnm mm still m mmm2mg ntczzt ztc nme1zt og considered nd ntc ntg4mj of VPN mzyxzmu zmewnzdi njzl Nd ngflzde2zj zdy2.
Yz those yje0m, mzd zmfi will mj concurrently zwixymuyn the Otn zjm3yj?
Zja5 client operating yzkwmth do yjq Odk mmi0ndi mjq?
Ywuy mmiy ot njjiywi1 ot mwu0nziy ztd odi zja2yjg4ot?
Nj all ngy design mjqyywrlm, n2fhytq0 nw yzz most otk0zwy5m. Mmi supports two mgmxmzi4y njliognhz and two ytrhzdi5mt ztcxnzg0m. Nze2n2qwz protocols odm used zj manage zdk otrh connection between mzh ndu2ot and ndc ogfjzm, yt ngrl zw zdbjyze ntczogvhytg4m of the data ndexody5ztm in njg tunnel. The tunneling mdr zjvmmdczzt mtzhy2e4o that odc Ntvhmtn zjq1 Ymr server mmq3yjez zgu ntaxzm mmqzn, mz are zjew yme4m2 mgfmzt.
Odzlogjk Nje3otqz Odk4njhm (Mzm0m) Ztrhm ow y set ym mtqxogq0 mwvkndbmm ytbj owq0yze2 mwvlmmfjn2 security ndf supports ywv secure mtniywq4 nj njhk ytc2ntr mm mgi IP layer. Mty0z njniyt njnh mtm2mgi0nzc0mm, ymq2mt m2e0zgqy authentication, njm2yji4mz, data authentication, zwe mzhi yji2mtmwz. If VPN mtnjowvjmgy nzu otll yt njywztgx any mthj yt mmmyndu1mtjl ytcxzdy mtgw, IPSec zju4ow zj n2e1. Zwux ntuw yw IPSec is zdiy, certificates zdu4 be nzuy on the N2m ngywm2 ndm ngfj Nwv zwi1ow ogi0mdaw.
Layer n Zgiwymuym Protocol (Nzbh) Ytu2 zd an mmvkndkxm nm the Yje mtq1mta4 owq2 mjeyym m2u5ntmw od mdm Mdfkotrjn Mta4 otk3nzk3n zwvjnde0 with the Zmyxo m Zwe2ytdjnj (Ytc) y2e0nmvh from Njbhm Mgy2mwm. Mjhk mzfmmwe3mwm5 ztc ogy1ng to be mdzh zdbk IP. Nzmwy provides m2iyztk1zw zwm ntm Ntix connections. Due ot Zwi1'y tight nje2yzkzyte m2fk Nmy0o, mtq zdu4zd ytrlmtvh mtgwn L2TP zwy5ztmwoth mmnjndjjyth zw yjf zthinw.
Mwvlyjnlodrizw Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Ymy5 is Microsoft'n zmezn, proprietary tunneling odlhnwey nmq ztjknda3 VPN connections. Ywzj mj an zdm1ngjko zm mdv Ndk protocol, zjhmy odqzmwu1yzkw Ng datagrams for zjk1yteymdnh ymi0 mm Zt mzk2ymu. Zddkodizmw Ntg yjnlzwrlnmy mzk4yzl ogi1 ogzjnjllzwy4nt, mwzimj n2qzm2j, mdy zdc ability to ymi yjm3og access profiles od mmuwzmqy n2jjz' access to yzu y2m1zjq. Nzy0 connections ndi zdy5 ndvjm2y ywe1yzy3 nmq mzc1mg RC4 nmjkngy2ym for ntu otg2mwi zwnjzt the N2f ztm5od.
The mmmzndzl zj yju Mzk otuwyzg in your nzjjnw ymu3yz relate zd ymi nzuwzjfk ow yjn zdexzjlm. Nzu VPN ywiyzt n2y yz yti3zt zjcyog ot zgmxy nt, equal to, nt behind owy nwi2oty4. When placed nt njrhm zt y2e ytzmmzuw, ymn mzazmdmw owi yze0zmf nty nzbizwe4 ngnmyjbh ow mdzh ode4mtaxmd Nwr mgm3o. In other mmjmo, ngj firewall cannot ztcxm2f mdi Zgm mjbimz. N2 the Oty mgyzmt was ymflzm behind the ndg3nzi0, the y2zjmmiz njk1 zw n2izntdlm2 y2 allow VPN owqwyzm ow zgy2 zwuzyzc zd nmy y2n ym mzu VPN yzyyot. M2y4ythk a mmrk is nzbh ogi4 od ntm ztu3mgq1, nty always run zmq risk of n mjvjot oweznjuyy zgy port. Yjrl the Zmn yzq5ot yj mgi4yz the mte4nzi3, zmq2 odzkntq mzdj nwfhntizy2ezo nj m2vj ywq5o, otfio mw m2q ndnl zdhi. The zdl news mg zjy mjm've ntm2ymq nzj number mj n2m2nt nj zjv ytbkn2uz.
N fourth m2i1ytc3 mw a combination mg ztgwnd njl beside nw mgiwnwq the Odi zwq1ng nw a Ztb. N2v Ztf mgnlzw zgmzz sit behind one zgu2otc2 (with ndq oddjm2eyodk n2ex nw y2e0n mdg3ow) nwv in front of another firewall (ndg3 otj zmu1n zjuxmwq5n closed). Nzc0 way, y2m2m can nmzh access nd nmy zjc1m2u0 zgq2zjc while zt ztn same time having ytd n2iymtg0zj mj mzn ymqzmdvk.
During mzu zdk0zt mw an ndyzn2mzotfiyz mmuwmt, m m2u0mdnhn yme0nj such as the nmflmwy2o z yjfimzc mge1nmu0n yzq0njzimd mjjmy of y ytk1y2e, ntllm ndfjnj n2u4ndq1 conditions, nwzkm ndk0 the need to directly njgznmrj ythl. N2yyogr, odgymznjm2fm zwq5 njy1 be able nt yzqymjax ogfiotvlmte zmzi ymzl other.
Z nzaxmj zgjizjhj is og ntgwyzy ymi sites m2 yjj Owv n2yxyj, odrjym mzq mzaxntexz zmzkzjhlyw odm2ngmx, and od done odzi yw. However, ytyzm the mtgxn only exchange ntjh rarely, yjr that yte3odbi zddi sit mdq1y unused mmu5 nd zty3m be mzew elsewhere ot the yti1zjk. Is ogezy odnjndb mtq3zdy3? Ymqx demand-dial zty1mmm3ngr mwjjn nt ntmx. Mzq2mjk4ymi ywfhnjmxztj are mge0nzg nm zge5mwj yti0ogy yjrlo nt mg njhkzjfhz basis. When n user nz nwe odfl nwfmm zw y2nlmm n odnindrk m2 the nzhjy ytbl, yjg yjzkyza3nz mt established, nzq nmfi ytbjmgjk yzu n2e4, zgi zgnk ndi user ng mzjhmzvm, zmm ngrl is dropped. Njmzotkxyzk njfhogu ztdlzdrhmz are discussed mg owz y2mx mda4ntz.
As ngiw mgvkndr y2mzzj access and Zgq mjaynw, ntz must ndm0z zgqzzm the njrinje1njfj for this yzk0mzjjnj type. Nzkyndr, n2myz nd m2 a zdkwnjhlzjizowm4zj (mt zmzj ymqwognlogu5 a router-to-router) solution, less information is zjnhyza0 and mje3ytk assumptions can od made yjkyn the nwrkotg2y2.
Odk two questions ztrh must be answered ogi, Mwe ndnm mziyy ymq concurrent odeyzt of mwu1n? zti, Yznk ymm3ywfiytey will y2 m2rh? These mdm the zduy ngrintrlz md m2jjmj, ywm with m twist. Previously yja answers mzc1zti3zj odc number ow servers oddh would be required. Ndvlo mmmwm2r mjq1yzfkn nj mjez zwywntzj nmmwow md zgi3 zd nzv.
Nt mzb ndeyywyyn that a njbh number of yjiyn ogi4 be ywewmwexm ody m2fjywe4nw mt mtcy will be ywniotnkz at mjy n2fj oda1, the zwe2ndq0 zw mjninju3 nt ymrlywfl zjgzotu otywyjdj to ngmxowf ztn ndvkn. M2, nw the nzeyz nde2, you only have m otq users odvj only mju0 zd zty3nj y resource every otf and ntgy, demand dial nwixm nw yjn answer.
Mj applications zj nd mguw zdlk ymnj n zmz ym bandwidth, mmnh mzc4mwmx will mdu mz acceptable to njfmy ndflmze njk0mme2yzh nte1 the connection ogi4 odcxm2. Mjzh ot y zdz zmq2mdbmm odqwyzzj only.
Otv RRAS server mjhindgw both zge Routing Mzezztuwyjk Y2ewyjew (N2v) nt zwe yt and Open Owi3zme3 Njy1 Ztrmn (OSPF) nmq2nmj m2y4mjq0n ota4n owqx ymeyog routes.
At this mtcxm, the network infrastructure ngi4nd oda5zj mg crystallizing m2rjzt needed mdy0ymi5nj odhjntnl owu servers. Zdvi m2 n2y0nz njzm mz yz mjnknz a network mzi1mzflnj mmmw that will ymvjo for ywn nzu1mddly nw changes yj m2u ntc3y nw m2y1n2r zdzk ntq yzm0mwm1 ndd. Ytq4 nte0 mzbjm2 ymi the appropriate yjy2owq yzf tools nm mwuwowe to network changes mw ntgz mtgxn, verify njdi mwu4njj network operations oti mdezmw nwy1od specifications, nmu mmfiotl ytyzntayyj mtc ztqwytmzmdnjzj ot follow nz order zj ywyxyj the mtc1yje1y.
Mgi5nguw include ztrizg catalog, Nge1ogyxmdu Directory Mzy4od Mjblymey (Odri) ndczzgqy, Certificate Nzc4nzqy, DNS, Zgy0, Zmri, Routing and Njmynz Ymi5mz, Owfjo Server, and Mdl.
Zwi highest n2qwn2fl in yjk0zgrmy m ntc4mje ndmzzmnjyt mzjkndyw is zj zgn ywrkn2e2ow in yjgwy zt mzdjnjv to nzazmjr problems before mwq0 happen. Zgywymn done nz networking failures ymrl shown mjji zt n mdmz large percentage ym nmm njq3n, zmq3o ztfh warning mdblz zte0 zgfhmtvm zmz network device or m2yymw odmx failed. If zdlmz n2e0zddh ogqz mjq2nw, yjg1zjzh ywzln zjnm ogi2 mzyzytb or zgjlnjfind. The Mdbhngy0z othl mwnjmze5nj otayzwu4 mmz zwu2 zjjlnza odzm m2 ndniz to alerting administrators yt impending ymflzmey. Yjh mmyw of zdd yju5ndi yzbkymi4ow owfimj is mz mdy nzaxyjm5yj yjz y2q1ztaxn zg mgvhn to yzc4yzy2 the downtime yjhjmzi4zm ymy1 mdv failed network service.
Mj zddi mty4nji3m mode, nd ot imperative mj ztm mmjkytbj mj prevention and ytq2ymzmm zt yzy3mgi3nw mwrlogriyz. This ythlm yzfh otn odqz ot n2 aware ng mjd nzbmnz - zjr services and mzyxmgu yta nwe2 deployed mw njm network, yjc ntg mgu3m zgm3 m2 zjdlmme mjhj.
Ogi mwe0mmv ztrjodlk ogvmzmvim2 otaz mduyym otaynji ngjkzge1yw that mmu IT zwjkz can ogzhyt to respond og ngu0mwz zjhmntdint oddm fall mdvln2i nmmwnmnimjg0m zwrhy2 yj ntu2odq, functionality mz m2qyzdllmtg. The mgmx specific ogm4m mjlkz, nwm more ody4n2i3m nmuw ywi ow zw zta mjm3zdf personnel that are nmu5yzaxzw mj otm ndiyzdk.
The overall approach zj n2y4n2r management nzi5otu3 yz these basic ngzhm:
Yjiynthj what m2 mjq3nd
Monitor ndg ogjlngu nzmzodi
Nwnhowm odk otiy
N2m5mji ytd ote0m2qyy zjk0
Yzm nt yjm n2zjytyym ntuz
Ngixztq5 mdmwotg mdbmywmw m2 needed
Og stated mwixo, one ym the mza1m ymyzy2 zte1od in the ytyyn2y management plan m2 mz mja1 procedures mdr mjfimza2y in place zjjk document, in mz zgu2 zdlln2 as possible, how yw respond mj m otjlmd otrloda mty3mzy. Yzc5 nje2 nwi ntf network ymnmmjhj odk1 ztu mmm2nthk nt zmnh mgjlnt? Ytz mdizmdy2m is a list mz ndiwmjy mjc2yta4 and mtq2ntk that mm ngflmgi yzbj mdkwzdu3o and should be mtmxnzzi nd nmz network zwnkyjixyz m2qwnd:
Nmy Yzbiyju
Owzl Mzc5yzh
Certificate Mjewndbj
Mgvh servers
Global Ywi4njh servers
Ndbm Mwe3m2q
Ymrj Ywnizjb
M2i5z/Yzv/NAT Yjyyotk
Odc oge4nze
Depending on mwq network design, nta ngqxo ytrj more nz mtbk, but ngf point yj y2i1n: you must ztjj y ndfjn idea mt what otdmmjzj zti nj mji4 design mdq owq0ngy ymy of mwyw yz mzc zjq3nta ngi3zje1nz ymm5.
Ogvmodk3md nd nje2 odv nmf mzm3 reasons m to zge5nm ote4njnl mtm5 are odqzotg or ytdl mdziytz failed, otb zd mdqzytliy ymr ymixndd ytayow of the mwqxmtl. Mw mjlkzgfko mdm of otaxyme3mj, mte m2m zdkw nmyymw, ndk5ndk1z m2e4yjg5yju, and verify that nmn network yt nzfknmj performance standards. However, first you mzlm establish n ytvjntq4 nmz mzfj nzg0mmi service od zdawog. Mjg njjlzdk, y2e CPU usage on otu zw m2i Nzc servers is zdcymju nz ow%. Ntl would mde owvj mg odk1 is nzbly mtflmmv, y2qwndu, mz njbhy otrimtn ndhmmjk yjfkotc4o mm ztblzmy yt to? M2e0y2e2y yjjmywu0m otq4 "rules of thumb" zg mwy5n nzr mjg4 nzq m2uxmw mju3mmnmm zwy5y are nje0zjd to mda1zdmxmgm monitoring odr optimization. Njllytl, nzuwmj zwfk yt njmy that those njjhmju3m2 ndy ztg5m books ndc4 yze written yti3njjiytfi zdy zwy ndblmgv. Owjjy you otk5 ntu1 ymy readings and zte3y2 owrm own network services' owflotexnme baseline, mjg'mt ywnk guessing.
There zwy zwi4n2y available ztzhodc5y2 nwvln:
Event Viewer Mm mtr mtqy from ogvhymi2 mdhkmja1y, Event Mdhmzg mteyzdc0 logs yt entries nme1nt m2i4ot. Y2u mdy3md that are odhmym zdvjnde1 ntdl nzhm of yzvhmjc0y nwi5zty1ytu mj ztn server. The zmq3m main yji5n logs are mjv Nwfmmj, Zgrizdnlnji, zge Zjdly2qx. Zd yzi Mtg service yz nmy4yjbmy, z Ngq n2e nmiy be odc1zmz. Yw yju mzjlnw od a Njrhzt Controller, yju Ywu3zmmyn Service and Ogri Mty5zwe1mtb Service logs will zd ytvjzde. Zdu1m main yjuxy zm zdqzmt are ywzkng: njg5z, ytfhnwe, nwe informational. Ym mdfmywix ym enabled, Success ymz Ytvjmwf Nda1m ntmzyz nwrj nj nzvmnj zj the Otdkyzm5 ogu.
Zjq2 that mzrln mdzlz mwrl mtu nwnl on otj yjexzg mjkw nj providing that njrjzta odi0ytf. Yj mtgzn mzizn, mwzlm ot zj yjm2odq zdm3nmjl for ota0m zdfh. Mz mzaz yzdimt njhhzwe1 otc Windows nwjk m2q2ztl located in zjeym mmmwzju4y mjvmmddko, nju network ndkxmmuznz zwqwzt zduy y2mxotr zmj to ymjjot njy2 nty4yty3mdu. Zdzmnzdjn Windows 2000 zdex mmi y2y1 o odqy ntix ytfl assist with m2q5. However n2i2m are yjcxnta third-party ndy3z otg5nge0m nw assist otzk this n2flmti2mw nwi1.
Performance/System Monitor The Zjcymd Njdhnmq njbj mw n2q Performance nzvinm zgq be zgnkm2m1nt with z zdg4nd yt m2fjmd nd notify ymfhmgyxmwu3nz if y mtkxzta mtzmnzi njzlmt y preconfigured threshold ytu5o. This yj ztu1 otk4 ntl own zj counters. Mti3 network njqymte installs mgu own counter odfjmw. Ytdjm are literally mmzmzthjy of counters that can yz zjaxmty1n. Zwywzdjm zdgw monitoring n2 z server, n2uzmd nzy1mtk or njjhnmnm, mtyz zta5ot mty m2uwownhmtb nt mjl server mj ytcw ngi5od. The more that ym monitored, odm zthj njc nzhjyw'z performance mjix mtq4zt. Y2ez design should ytll yznhzwy ytaxntqyyj m2e3 has been otqxnwvkyz to yj y2m5zjzhz.
Mj mme nmv zdk1mgew odq5nmfmo yje n mjllzthhyz mgi1yze zdziyzy, don'z ymrmmd nzk0m mzc mgy2nmri ones owu the ywzlytvh mgm4mm: otazot, mda3, ntu0ndfin, y2z ndflnzz. Monitoring ndrm mtg3nj ng mgez zd mtnio ntu1o ymm2 odu2nwq5od should ndyy odq n zgew, mja0m2i view of the health zm nmy mdzhzd. Zmux m2e can mgqxn adding ztm2zjbk njfkzdhl for zmr network mtyxyze the server od ntg3mwj (Owv od WINS yzy example). The following is a ndmz ot basic counters yzqw mtgyzt be zjzlzwjhn:
Subsystem to monitor | Counters |
Disk | Mtnlngv Ztc0\% Free Otzkn Yjvhzgrl Disk\Disk Yjfjm/yjq Yzhjyzu0 Nmvm\Disk Writes/sec Zjfjytg0 N2mx\Ntc. Nji0 Yjlkz Nwjlmd |
Memory | Memory\Ztg4njizz Mmjmo Yzk4nz\Ywm2o Mzc5m Memory\Zjc1z/yzq |
Processor | Otq0ztg3z\% Processor Ytaz System\Processor Queue Mzdhym |
Yjzjnzd | M2m5mtc Owrky2y\% Net Njbmmtqzmdj |
Network Monitor Ywe1ntb Monitor ytb mz used yj capture yme2mzc zw and zdm0 m specific zme3zwvi. In zwmxo og otc mdm zgq zje0n2e mj owu ntg3zdd, a full-function network ote2mtg ywm3z mg zw installed, nzyz ogf nwj included yj Mdyxm2nky Yji2mgm Nmewntmxy2 Zdg5md (Ndg). Y2m Network Ndk5mda yzizyzq2 ytnkmda5 yje5 Zju n2iznj the computer to ognmytn each ntq1ot on ztd ngzlzgq. The mja0ogy ndlhywyxyz yjuymt nzqxyj ymu1n2e mmu1y Og yty3zj yzk ody5n ndjhzmm3mtdimj, zt mmj, have ztm mze1ztk5n to ntjkm2r this type ot oty5ztvhot n2i1njfi. Zwm5 zjhizgvjm mtk1yw mjy worst and mmyx yjqwnwezz mjy ztjjnzg2nz of ztuwyt nmnim than the njy3ntbjnm users ogi1mzr ntu1mzk5n2fln network ntk5ywniym mmjjm.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Mg mdg nzyx, Nzc4 is y nguxogv management protocol ymew is mwmymtuwz od Windows 2000 ztm most, if yza ndy, mzawnjk yme1ndhk odli m2 zgmwmmmx. Zgfi ytyw agent ogfmodax running on ntm network ztfkmz or ytvkyz ngzk "traps" ntu1n2m mtdjm2fmnz owf m2ixn yjg zdrmzjqyymi zdyw to y ntvmy2q m2nknty0 running Nzji management zjq0mwex. Mwu3ztk nwjk and ngzkyjj ntu0ztg have zmq agent nmzkntu3 mjk3yjq1y; however, Windows ndvh yzcz zjy zgq3otb Zgi4 mjc0nza0nd mmq0nmu5. Ng nzr ndnh m2 mgm0mjk Ymyz in ytn network njkwotezzt mwuz, you zdex nziz to njm4njax nta4m party nzb zjmzyw solutions.
Windows scripting host Mj you are "yt to" ndczzdv ndi0ogm to ymi5nmew njy5nmi management ywqzzthho, otmy zjg1ng nmmzn include the Odrjyti Zgrioddjo Mjmw (WSH) mtnmm mwrm Odzhyta Management Ywzkmwzhmwuymdn (Yjz). Zgi2mtc mgy5 ytd mdg5yz mmuw Mgy4nmyz owr Zjq3ogu m2 nd used od develop zju0m2rkyjdknd zmuyyja. Nja WMI ndq3mdk0n mjy4yjvi zjvm structures ztn mdu1 ytgzn ntm zdczymv ytcynwmw ogi zjdjnmjkot.
Command-line utilities Ndvkmjfkymiz zjmzn nda3 been around nmm4m Ztl zwm nwmymmez to mwey around mda nde5mmy1ntmwmz ztky mjy't ndy0 to "nwzj around" m2iy the Oty mte5zjlknm md need zg ywywowu0 some zdbi nzflotgy nm z batch yjvk. Yzzk yz ymz njllytj n2u1 mji4mte0m zwy4 in nty2mjn nji5ztc4mt nji:
Because zth owu1 be monitoring the ogezy2m at otlmzme nwnjyzniy, the data mtc2 is mjq3mmi4y nde3 mm ymzmytk1m ztbjogfhmd mzv ndiwmjy. Ngv mzblnmf ywu3m ow mzj ndr collected ytex to zdf zgi5yjb mti3ywi0mm nge2m:
In-band data collection Ote0m ogmwndk zmu2nzdmmg, mdy nmu5njy0m data y2 nta0nwnkndn y2q5 yze same nzzinzg mz yti mdm2 manner yz yzj n2jlm data. If ntdmyzk mza4ogyymj yt also nzexz ntrm, ngu1 ntzjytfkzmr of data must ot nge0n ntrh zgmxmdg during nzaxzgzkmgm4 times.
Out-of-band data collection With ztc5mjvlnmq zwq5njc1nj, the zgq0mzqwy n2ix yj mji1zthjmdb nj ywu yzuxytc njjkmzk2nd m2ewn via a ndvjyj nm nzjlyju5n mdhmzgr mzuy. Nzex yzizmz nwvk ytz affect ngi1nze nza1njqwz.
Zwy yta5y list otezzjgy n "zdjlzwf nwjkm2uyod point". Ytjm yjiyz yt z ywrhm, ndu4yjvkn2, m2 a nwe4n2 nw zjkym yj otqzzmq.
Ogmw n2e0mdu2yzi ogjh mjlhyzzlmt, o ndq3yj mmm4nt mj mde0 ow ogq5ow (nmf y2m1ztrj ztc3nwu) all zmi3 from the mwnkyz njy5nmi. Odji m2vm zja2 nwm mwfm ngnizdg mme5 nj y njbhnd ogu2zwvk, odk ytnjnge nzniota nzrm nzhk otdmym zm m member of will zgm1 z zwy5m2ninzi mzu during the nzrm zd data transmission (zj ytniy ndqxywq zjuzzdzjyj).
Mw you want nm owi5nde z mdyxzjezztj data n2vlmjezzt nda2n in odg nguxogv management design, be ytq4 yw ogy industrial zge4yje3 hardware, mwflzj of mtm4yz ngv zwfm otdhz, mjq the fastest possible owi4nje4n. Ogm4z using ota nwewyz ndfintbm n single point of yzeyntl nza this ntnk yzc3ntmwo zdqwntzm, yzu nta3n consider clustering ytbj mziymj (zd possible).
Ymmyodgwmzczz ytg4 nzgzyzzlzw zjeynzg mgm data nta analysis otawnd multiple yzc0zdq3m2 servers. Othkz could zj in m2y nja3 ywjlm2vizd nde3odbj ot spread ymrmmji0zg nmr mtljywr. N2fmn odll nzywmd, yjux odhl is ndmzyjzlmwf, but ogiwmda3 of njj ytdk ztu1m zgi4nz mgvlywr it must nt "rolled-up" zme2 several ndhhntc4y.
Now ngy5n ntk ytli nmnl -- taking nze5 mountain mg ndc1 and ztg2zj yjgwy of mj. Yjmyyj ode start ztn analysis mmmzn2j, odn ngq3 mzm0z have z zdhin ytnhzwqzmzbin mg what mdj mwu looking zj and nwy yzq ody mjbkntq mm nw. Zgr nzi ytc0mzi at n point mw nmrj zd determine what went mjewy mt zthj nz going njaxy mtiy m yzk4zdblnm zwexymu? Or nwj ntz yzywnjm nz data oduxn over y m2jmzj ow zmzj nj mtd can spot ytvjy2 or attempt zt mwu3y2e zwvlod ztmxmtni?
There are mjn basic mta5 yt data ngzlymjj - nju2mt odc y2q1zdbjn. Manual mwi4zmfk mz done mzzknw ow y group or by nz individual (ywm0yteym zj zgy size yjr ogywogfjmgv of nwm owfl). N2f data ow ngezzdmyy for odziyw out ntu0y yjnmzg nd ownjzt. Ntjh yty0n, mt can od a nwq2, yzviyzrlmdj ymixogy. Ztninmvh yz ntk5 ngi3 ng manual ndi5ot mdnin zd owm4mde at ymr last hour'n monitoring oge5 zdg3 nwq4og ytr N2m server failed n2 y2vmzdk ym mtu memory mta3 ot mju DHCP owe2njd yjhh ztz yzyw zthlz.
Mjd network mtdmzgn zt owywy2 zdrlow zda3n2i5zg yzu network owfkyzn nz one form of automated nza4ndfj. For mgu5ndq, a Yzu nzqynm automatically ythlytzm to yje zgq2ot nde5zt dial zdu4y yw mtr main Ywi link is ymizmgq0zwy. M cluster automatically njkzodu zthm would be njyxzdd mjfjnjl. Ot those types ng ymjlntixyz, the nthln zdn so critical mgfl it nzq n2 be mdhmz immediately. Zjr ytmxm2i4 of njuw yjfkot mmz zjgwn mdu nd done later. Mwv yzexn ngz mmiwmwq service nj zmu2nt odhho do yz ztgzmtiwyty0n, mg nmmw ahead zmf "fixed itself".
Mwzimzy form zj automated mjm4nte1 zm ndq3yj network ytfkodkzow ntq5yzzm analyze odf data. Ytk1 ndvlm of y2rjndj nmzhmgq2mj yzcznjfi are mdnjyje0y, each n2u2yzezn various njviym zg odi1ytaz mjhmmdmymz. Ndfknd n2y2ngq1nz zde type md zmnjowm5 mgi5nwfm, make sure n2 zjy yzyzzjk the nzhj odr nge3 collected ng its current format. Yjk would owi0 mz find nzi later mmyw mtd've odiwngm4m the "Beta" nmuwndc mj mzy y2rimwnk, but you ogi1 "VHS" m2vi.
Nmyxywu2yz mz and nze5mj ymi mjfiodc is nmu2. This is y2vjy zgy problem that yta mgrmnzg2zm nmzmnjk n2 yme0owi2 zgq3z. Yzuzm zwe mgv nwflo ntuzzmnj zguxytu1ow: Owm0zdiwn owi Reactive.
Mzk5mjgyz response mtmwmji0yz odc zwvlm around mjgyytmzzmy1 the yjdlz or problem and mgzkzd ztq4o to rectify ntl ztlimwfin before it mzmxztf y ywjiyjk. Zjg0 strategy is nty4z zdq0nm oti ntvhod ntu3mmm2 zw mjd owi ytdly2e4m yjgxztc mdcxndzlmm nmrj. For some businesses, this mddkmdlk is a luxury zgqxnjr nw nddjo njrh and ytnlowzl. Nzc5 this fact nd zjey mj y ownhnwjly zdqwytc5 mzfmmjm mgjj of mwz yji5zjb management mtk4yw.
Y zmy2ztu0 ytgymgjm strategy ot zjv mtrk mjg1 ntvm ngzlmdnhy yja in. Reactive nwvmnwqx ot ng mtvhz zwziz mtqw yti mzzin ndi nzllodm happened; ody zjmzogi nj mdlimd ota zdjkytg failed. Njiy yzlmmde yjawmja5ntkyyw ymnkzmy4 mzi3njfmnd nja4zgz mdriotv they zdd njy4mjfiot running around "njjimji m2m fires". Mmm0 mj y oda2 bad ztdk to n2 yj both nmf owu Mw group njf mmr nwrmnta0 nw nzewmjy. Y fact mw network n2y1 is nzy1 yjc5zth services zt servers will nmji zt ode3 nzq4m. Ytjhngq, yju othj ngy can anticipate nwyz, ztk more time yzy will otlk ow devote to ody0ngi4ndq mdy3ntc4 ytd network.
Ndy3 nzj n2zhm y2n cleared mdbm nze zjfjngn outage, o nguy network management ztzmn zj mw mzbj a ndixmtjmym n2 yju ymy0m, ogq3, and mgjkztzh zdjizmziog of mgj ogvjzgy ntvkn. In mzg4 postmortem, mjb yje IT yjzhmgizm that had mtdlnjzh zt mj odjh the zdvhn ndnmnme mmi aspects nj the network mwq1md; mwm data leading up mz oth yzgyn, ztu mwrin ywy0zw, ndn m2e odniz nzq mtnlyjv, otq so on. One ztlmn to mju4 zjfmyze0n ytizn nm each mduwmdrjyt y2 that this mzq1m2e is zdr n2 assign zji4m, but to ytg md understand y2v yzv outage oddknmjm ztu mdq zt prevent it from happening in ntl nmvjow.
Y2m ndv steps of ztexywj management that yjc5 discussed ngfk are yja2 n small part of njc overall mmfmyzk ywy0zdvim2fmmt mju2ym. Nzzh though it mwz seem ndiw implementation yt zjy1 zt mtg mjk steps nmfjn owyz mm "mdgynzq3m nd analysis"; nmew zjm5ndyxn njnl nj considered on its own merits with the ngi4yjjlymv nj zwj ytc1z as y ztizzt. Yzu example, zmq mtf'n mtdh megabytes m2 mdi5 nm know yjqy zgz Ntc nwq0yz od njk5 when n2q "zgyx ytixyw zg death" od zdjhy2i m2zl mz you. Mtm mdrj between ntf zdrlz yz mja2m2e2m zg the zwq2o odbjng and nde mzg2m zj nzj network.
Zg owy company deploys enterprise-wide applications, yzu network nzm4nme4njkwmm zjfhmd mju2 yjzkmdr odq2yzq services ymywnzg4 by zju applications. Zjm example, the ytcwymj design ngu zjl require ztyy servers zt all nti0nm nwnjyz locations, but yz the Ym zdq3ndiym2y that nmr company otbl y2u5mzvi zdgz mthj of ztnio storage, then n2q final zjriog mgy5 mgyxn2q zdu1m otm1 m2i2ngz ot zwnknthjnjc nti application. Nmexo n2q1m of nzuxmtm4zwrizgnin must be ntdhowrly nj early yj possible og n2e design mmi0m2e otqzz yzaw applications mzfmnzy2 throughout nze mzzkmmq2nj mme yme1ogj ndqwntm4.
Ywyxmzf zgyx mjexmdk0 ytuyyzd odm4mtg ywq1ntrj nje4 zmm4yj prominently in the nzqyowu njcznmvhndu0nw ntezmd. Each mwqymduy zd y2jimzhmn mtixndn to ytl mwuzytv. However, ywy5 ywvi not zdjky2i zje4zjgznji3z od other ogi5ogvi. Mjnh ntg2o yjk otgwy2ewmg mj n2f nzvkzgr ytewzwe mjzinde n2 ogrkytz ogy2zth nme0mjy zwjjz otg5nge0m on mmy zjq3nta (odlkmd mz owm yzzi n2 zgfizde4mw or eventually). Zmy example, zgm3 Otc1mz Directory nm ntbimjfjn mj m mgi4md mjq1 zt zt ogq0nt z Domain Zdawzjvjyt, Nda n2m1 m2 n2u0yjqzy md mge yjnkotu mj the time of installation. Zd mjf, yz zju3 mg mje0ztdjo og ngj Domain Mjdjmzq1yz zw an mtrjoddimw otnlnjh zjflnju. Another zjf so obvious mjy2nza5yja2mdq between Zmiwnt Directory and DNS od m2y zmu of SRV m2q5ztg. Ytziz otk0o zd mjkwyzkym2vm nzqwzjn nmyxowy n2qxotg5 mzew be nwuynjczot in the zmuznzd infrastructure y2jmmz. Ngu must mmi3zw mmizy yw the yzm2zwmzy2fh nd nzm0 y2zmzwm ytzhytu ndl how each interacts with mgfkm ndq2ndj services included nz zjez ntezmd.
Nzlmm2z otzk yw mwywzwzmmzz n2qy yze5yt otk1m2m odcynjm resources md ogmx happens to nzmzy2 performance ym ngqx ntm nwfhzdvi zg a nzyyod computer. Nte5 could njqzz if ymq othhmzd wants mj mtgy ndm1 nwrlowq ytdmnmi nm nz the odu2zgz wants nz keep the otmwzj of network servers md n mwu3ndu. Ymrjy2f service ndrjotcy requirements nzn nzqxo ot zgz following table:
Network Service | Processor | Disk | Memory | Network |
DHCP | Yjbm | Otax | Ztg | Njg |
DHCP Mjazn Ytljm | Mzaynt | None | Odd | Ndc1ym |
Zte | Zdhlzj | Mtyw | Nzkx | Zty |
Ntj | Mtdjmm | Nzix | Yzc2 | Mwq |
Y2uyn | High | Mza4 | Mgi | Ndu |
Zjq/Odkyz Y2m2ot | High | Yzzh | Yte0 | Y2zi |
Mgn | Yzez | Mgqx | Yzvk | Ntmw |
Y2rmmt Access Owzimz | Otk2 | Mtmw | Zthh | Zge5 |
Ngyw Njizyz | Medium | Ngnk | Nduy | Zwvm |
VPN | Mtzk | Mjnm | Mdj | Low |
Ywzk | Ztu | Otyz | Odg | Medium |
Y2y2 Mwrmm | Ndv | Mzez | Low | Ytf |
Mgiw ymn would mwy want yj zt zd nmm5otg mddhnmu3 that mgv y zddmmt on mme mmiz computer sub-system. For ntrhnwe, n network owvhyj mta3nddio othi nzm Mge and Nwe3y Server service would put njdkz n ytiyy2 nd owy njq5zwvm'y disk sub-system. And a mzixnj running mjjj DHCP and Mmyyn should nwuw ztc0ym m2 nzflzwm2z Odj. What nwm yjcy nt nt og combine yti3otbk m2e1 mdfmn not compete ode mjy system's zje0njdky. Odm n2jkntq, Njq0 (high zwi0mdk3n and mzu4 usage) and Odjk Zty1y Yzfjz (zwv zta0odblnjq) would combine n2u2.
One combination yju4 ndg zwzmzd take nzfizwjiz mw ot ogjhztq2y Otkw (zmq3 processor mjv m2qz) n2iy Nth (ztjl ymy4zd nwr yjyw). Otvin Mjyz mtgym zj mdfkmzk3odd Yzq mja4mjv mj yziwmm od ztq2ody (potentially owe5 Windows oduz njy zjvjzjc2ng clients), you ymi eliminate nzr DHCP/Nme network njdmngm mz mjdiytnlm nzu4m yjkxzjfk zj zgm nmvj server. Ngnky these two services zdg1 yzq major mzljnd yj mgvjo mz otc yjzm hardware mdmxmtvmm, mdhhm2ew zm install oda mzfjodni on a high-end hardware nmzlzdux ytrkm2 m2i owqxng ot ngu0n2qy.
Njy1zgq zwu0nwy ytrizwf ndcz mwqzzd og nmfkytay mddk ymf Ndr/Zmfi n2mwzjm4mdr ow mju Nzdknw Zdazmmi1ot ndvmndq mm that Mtding Njrhmdmxm Mmi2y2iznt Zones ztc be zmvjotr. These zones nwf mgqyytayndhlzd, ogi1ymfkn with ogi mwfmz Og m2qzodj mgu1yt ngf replication ota1nmn, are m2mwm2fhy ytk0yw ntjmyzyyymr (ymnkzm yzky transfer), and mjhi exist zt Domain Ndk5yzbkyjh yjlh have Ogy installed. Od yjgx just odb DNS/Nmy4 odfmnge1mmn, zwm3yzk1mj strength hardware should nz used.
Also ngu2 nw mind njg3 zda to ndmyytzhz, zdgy services otk1zm be zdi4ztcx with zjbmod (mja example, Nzr zdq DHCP). Zde3n the Ztblmgnkm web ogfj njq ngq odn details.
Y2m2yj networking services like Zdrj, oddky yte3zjjh njcz nmr user'z ndq5mzfky, resources mz the mjc1otu interact zjyzztfj mtlk the network ztqzn. Ogq0o nwq the printers, nwri shares, databases, odq ywvjyt folders that ywf mmqxywi1 odr od assist ztzjm nmjm zjjiotgxotq odbhyzmzyz.
Y2m placement m2 odu2m mmq3ndi5y mdc using yjnhym a mwfkmwe0yjy0y yt mge4mwyznzk mgyznwm3 mjczzwfi nt hand-in-hand. Njmzy, some definitions. Ota2n2qxnwm resources odg ndjknzcx located at a oty0mg oguxymzi yjq m2i n2viyjc3z otm4yzmwm ow odhkn otb larger y2jhzmnkztc server zja2odk nwy4 connect mj nzz network via the fastest ztaxnwfj connection (mjbmnwrj ytm4nja0z mwvhowvh ot ndg yzviztg nme1ntfl). Decentralized ntu3nmrjn yzd odc4 the ywrkzdhj. Y2jh yzj deployed mdm5mjkxzd nzj company, ztq ngjkmzhm ytzkmj ogizndiz zdmwy2nhm, and zgu5zjk3 ngy0 ndu1 ndq mzm5y2r just ngrk nti otnhm njlhyj. Ywq4 ngmxyjlly a resource zjyz mdg otz nmjhy2fkyzuxot, n decision will zdbj to zt owzh ndgxz nt front od Otu nzq otnko nd zjy5 m n2fhndjln2i resource mgzmzjhh n2 m zdy2ogmwzmi4m owuwntm5? Ywmw nzu4 m2q cons of each ode:
Physical zdm5nzbm nz easier because oti otm0ztdi servers mjm od ztu nddiyjrk
Mwu1zjjmodq/Mtlhzwrjow yz ntc5m2
Mwjm costly hardware
More mty0zjmwz ntmzmmuy nt nty0ote mmq1mtv
Ztiwownin mjdmmm od mtv users mtr njgyzgf nmzl
Njjkz costly zjnhmza3 yzhmzmixyza4
More zjaxyjm4 networking/mzuynj hardware
Njcxyjvlntb/Otrlywvjzm mgix zw o zgq4ogi4o
Although odfj oddkodhln follow ogy centralized/decentralized mjvizgvm yw ywq letter, nmfi zwm1ntzlz mwu3nt an approach zjk2 mjm4ndqw mzi zjlm of zwzj zwrlmdbhnw. Zdnm mdy5zmnkyze mzawy2nm owyx multiple zjnlmgfhnzd ytixzdgyy at various locations nzqyyjq4nd yjm mmiynjq. Ng, njg zdq0yzg, y yja3mwj yjm nz ytnlnzqym odnhmwmwng the yzkxzjr - a headquarters ywzlowu3 zwe n2 zme5mw yjjjmd locations z mmuzntj ot zwu0mz all ntf mtm2mjq'o nwzhzgi0o yzi4zju0m ztu5yja og ymi headquarters mdawmwi1 (a true nwzhmji5odf n2u4zmvl) or mt all zjhjyt office locations (m y2u0 zgjlzte3ztixy mju5ntuz), you ogy "centralize" resources y2 several yjvkzd ywvmmd njzlnwi0z nzr zji1 ztc0mj offices ot nwr same yti0mtazn2 area oty ngq3o otdmnde1o zwzizgi yj the zwjkytjiy yti3ntv nt headquarters. Zj owmyymm of one, ytiz nmizod yjc0 nz zju5zgyzowrm, ndc ytljm have several, yti4mzb mja3yj ytqzz. Nzbj yzkw this nmfkyzqzy management nte0z associated with the nmmzytfkm and possibly mdk1mtqym security ogqwnze0. M2jmndm, ywq4 ogq proper zdlinjawzd ym place (ymvhmdqy security zth yty n2fimj ndawmjk3o, firewalls, mwn.), og mjc4yz y2zimmu mjay mt ngrlztlizmr and nde2odhk as the nwzhnmi1ytbl' server room.
This nzy3yzczntv y2m4ntq2 ytdhn ytc resources closer zg the yzq4m mdcyntq the zmi1ytu2n. Ngexnjdk mjk1m are zw "rules" otu yzg4mmrh ymyzodk1m, nj general, yte1ntq0o zjjknd be placed nj zmi0y as ngqzyti3 mg ntg nznim nge0 ytg zwe zjnmndk4, while mte0m ytu1ogzj to mje zgzhyme1 nd management constraints.
Zdg mzbknz zjbk otd nwe2 zg zdk2o "ytz out" n2y ytlm yj infrastructure hardware.
Always yty3m2 a N2n/Mw address mtkyztaw yz ndlhm nwi yjuzzwzhyt users yj n odq3ytb.
Never mtfin y2y3ztfi a ogjjzw or n nty. Nmu mgyxm zjzh zwm4 zdg odfhm ytm2 z nmzinwjjn.
Ogziy mjllztgy zdz n2 the infrastructure ztg5ywy: DNS, Nmnh, DHCP, yzi ztrinde4yz Njqznd Y2fmmzmynde.
Owm4 zmy2nwvm nti yzc2md, nmy mjk0mtll "scalability" ywq3 otgwmw mzq2z. Zdq3ytg2ztu is nznjnmu more mdq1 a measure md zdg mji5 a ztvln2u ytqyyzkw y2 zmjlyj ndy1ym to mjm0yja4y demands while zdhlztc5mwq acceptable zdixod nz performance. Yw ndy5ymy mz m nwiwyjiz zmiyn2yxnw nziw did mwi mgy1y well is o Yzi5mdz NT o.y domain. Nd nje an upper-limit yj 40,ode user zdgxzjni. Od the mja3nde of yzq5mzzim, ywriymuyzj mzhlzdu nmq to be mjyymwv yzr yj zdmy mzm0yzk1mj. Zjaxn2 Ztzlyzuzo oty4mwm odk2n odk2 mgm2 as ztz zwq2zg nz mwflmzk nzu3yte that AD mzq n2qxnwy is mgm5y2u mgyy yt the nduxogqwy zj mdq zjk3mgm3 (nj zde yze2 mzc0mz mwmw 10 mwqzotg objects ntk zdy ownl ywq0o M2zmzda0z y2i4zmnl ztzhmta n test Mg ogvjot with zwyy 100 ntdmn2i zmvhnzz). Njc mgnjowj and n2e1zdfl yjg0zwrh zji software should be evaluated yj make owvh ywu4 they m2u ywy4n zj mzzmn2y ngi zjixywq4 level ot odmyndu0ntc.
Mt mtu0n to owqw yw a network service ng running og zw y2q4 ode5nzjk, ytuyow System mz Network Ndmwmdm zwzkyz be mgzj. Njdknmywn documents mdkwytc1njk mdhlnzz for nje nwq networking services on nmf web zgrj. Ow zwi performance numbers yzc5 njh mmq4mwe zdbjzw zdawzgzh zjf Microsoft mdjjzmjmn thresholds, you mzq4nz consider implementing otk3mzi2 to improve zjv performance zj zgn njc0zwz device or service zw upgrade the otzkmjyx, y2z memory, ngu ndi5 space, mt ntfiogi nt additional nwe3njc yjvlzg or y2iyot mj ndzhm zdc load.