CertificationZone Honor Roll

Tell the World About Your Cisco Certification Achievements and receive commemorative gifts from CertificationZone.com

Anyone earning a Cisco Certification is joining a select group of networking professionals who have done what it takes to enter one of the most exclusive networking fraternities in the world. CertificationZone.com offers you the opportunity to tell the world about this special achievement.

If you have been a subscriber to any zone of CertificationZone.com for at least 30 days or you have taken one of our CCIE™ or CCNA™ simulated exams during the past twelve months, you are eligible to be listed on our site's Cisco Certification Honor Roll. If you've earned Cisco's CCIE™, CCIS™, CCNA™, CCNP™, CCDA™, or CCDP™ certifications, please print out this Cisco Certification Honor Roll Submission Form, complete it, and fax it to CertificationZone.com together with the official notice from Cisco, confirming that you've earned the certifications submitted.

CertificationZone.com will then list your name and certifications on our site's Honor Roll page and send you a certificate, suitable for framing, that recognizes your membership in the Honor Roll.

In addition, any CertificationZone.com customer who submits an Honor Roll Submission Form with proof that you've earned Cisco's CCIE™ or CCNA™ certifications will receive CertificationZone.com's official CCIE™ or CCNA™ Member t-shirt.

CCIE T-Shirt CCNA T-Shirt

View the Cisco Certification Honor Roll

Cisco Certification Honor Roll Submission Form

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