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Official Rules, Terms, and Conditions for the "Certification Zone King of the Hill Contest"

The "Certification Zone King-of-the-Hill Contest " (the "Contest") begins on or about 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time ("EST") on Monday, June 07, 2004. The Contest will be repeated on a monthly basis until at least August 30, 2004. The Contest shall be construed according to, and governed exclusively by, the law of the United States and, in particular, the State of New York, as set forth in Paragraph 9 below. By participating in the Contest, each entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of certificationzone.com c/o Genium Group, Inc. 1171 Riverfront Center, Amsterdam, NY 12010 ("ZONE"), the "Sponsor"), which shall be final and binding in all respects.

Void where prohibited or restricted by law. No purchase necessary. The Contest is open to entrants who are at least (a) 18 years of age or, (b) if the legal age of majority for entering into contracts in the jurisdiction in which they reside is over 18, such legal age of majority ("Legal Age"). Employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives of Genium Group, Inc, and it's agencies and the immediate family members of any of the foregoing, are not eligible to enter the Contest.

2. How to Enter:
Go to the Contest page on the Certification Zone Website (http://www.certificationzone.com/koh) (the "Website"). Complete the on-line registration form. Once validly entered, a Submitted Entry will be included in each subsequent Weekly and subsequent Monthly Competition Period. You may only enter a single time. All components of the King-of-the-Hill weekly Contest questions and your responses to them remain the property of the Sponsor and none will be returned.

Entrants must provide accurate contact information (valid e-mail and postal addresses) in their registration at the Website for the purpose of contacting Winners. Such information will be used in accordance with the Sponsor's privacy policy.

3. Selection and Notification of Winners:
Each month's Contest will be comprised of four question rounds. The Entrant who answers the most cumulative questions correctly on those four rounds will be declared the Winner of that month's Contest. Each time an Entrant attempts one of the weekly question rounds, software at the Website keeps track of the amount of time that elapses between the time the first question in the question round is presented and the Entrant's final answer for that question round is submitted. In the event a tie takes place the Entrant who has answered the most questions in the shortest amount of elapsed time will be declared the Winner of that month's Contest. In the event two or more people have correctly answered the same number of questions in the same amount of time, a random drawing of the names of only those individuals involved in the tie will be conducted to determine the Winner. Any Entrant may only win one prize.

Winner(s) will be notified by email. Sponsor shall have no liability for any Winner notification that is lost, intercepted or not received by the potential Winner for any reason. If, despite reasonable efforts, a Winner does not respond within five (5) days of the first notification attempt, or if the prize is declined or the prize notification is returned as unclaimed or undeliverable to such potential Winner, such potential Winner will forfeit his or her prize. If any potential Winner is found to be ineligible, or if he or she has not complied with these Official Rules, such potential Winner will be disqualified and an alternate Winner may be selected.

If a selected Winner fails to claim a prize, the Sponsor may elect to disqualify the selected Winner, who will then forfeit his or her prize. Monthly Winners will be announced and posted on the Sponsor's site (http://www.certificationzone.com/koh/) on or about July 6, 2004 (for June, 2004 Contest), August 2, 2023 (for July, 2004 Contest), and August 30, 2023 (for August, 2004 Contest).

4. Representations And Warranties/Indemnification:
Each person who enters this Contest represents and warrants as follows: Each Entrant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Sponsor harmless from and against any and all third party claims, actions or proceedings of any kind and from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses relating to or arising out of any breach or alleged breach of any of the warranties, representations or agreements of Entrant hereunder.

5. Prize:
The Winner of each Monthly Contest will receive a prize of our choosing.

The prizes are not transferable or assignable and they are not redeemable for cash.

6. Conditions:
By accepting a prize, each Winner agrees that the Sponsor may, without any limitation or further compensation, use his or her name, screen name, voice and/or likeness in any and all media for the purpose of advertising and promoting themselves, the Website, the Contest, or any other promotion, Contest or sweepstakes sponsored by the Sponsors. The Sponsor reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, modify, suspend or extend the Contest if any bug, virus or other cause beyond the Sponsors' control corrupts or undermines the integrity, administration or security of the Contest. The Sponsor may prohibit any person from participating in the Contest if, in the sole opinion of the Sponsor, such person shows a disregard for these Official Rules; acts in an unsportsmanlike manner; acts with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other participant or any representative of the Sponsor; or acts in any other disruptive manner. Contest entries may be disqualified in the Sponsor's sole discretion if attempts are made to disrupt the Contest or circumvent the provisions of these Official Rules; in such event, the Sponsor reserves the right to remedy any such action, disruption or circumvention in a manner which is, in the Sponsor's sole opinion, fair and equitable to Contest participants. The Sponsor (and their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents and representatives, subsidiaries and affiliates of the foregoing, and the advertising, promotion and legal advisors thereof) are not responsible for: (a) late, lost, delayed, damaged, misdirected, incomplete, illegible or unintelligible entries, (b) any failure or malfunction of, or difficulty with, any telephone line, cable line or other means of transmission, or any computer or other equipment, or any software or other program, (c) errors in transmission, (d) any condition caused by events beyond the control of the Sponsor that may cause damage to any participant's hardware or software, (e) any injury, loss or damage of any kind caused by any prize or resulting from acceptance, possession or use or misuse of any prize, or from participation in the Contest or any Contest related activity, including without limitation downloading the weekly question rounds or other content from the Website or (f) any printing or typographical or clerical error in any materials (including, without limitation, in any advertising or promotional materials or prize Winner notification letters) associated with the Contest.

7. Governing Law:

8. Arbitration:
By participating in this Contest, each Entrant agrees that any claim, dispute, or controversy (whether in contract, tort, otherwise) arising out of, relating to, or connected in any way with the Contest, the awarding or redemption of prizes, or the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, will be resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration to be held in Amsterdam, New York before a single arbitrator selected by mutual agreement of the parties or, if the parties cannot agree, by selecting from a list of arbitrators supplied by the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall be a confidential proceeding, closed to the general public. The arbitrator shall issue a written opinion stating the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator's award is based. The parties will share equally in payment of the arbitrator's fees and arbitration expenses and any other costs unique to the arbitration hearing; provided, however, that each side shall bear its own deposition, witness, expert and attorneys' fees and other expenses to the same extent as if the matter were being heard in court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Entrant is able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to the costs of litigation, the Sponsor will pay as much of the Entrant's filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive. There shall be no authority for any claims to be arbitrated on a class or representative basis; arbitration can decide only the Entrant's and/or Sponsor's individual claims and the arbitrator may not consolidate or join the claims of other persons or parties who may be similarly situated. The arbitrator shall not have the power to award punitive damages against the Entrant or Sponsor. If either party fails to appear at the hearing on the date designated in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, or shall otherwise fail to participate in the arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator is hereby empowered to proceed ex parte. If you do not agree to these requirements (or any other provision herein), do not participate in the Contest. If any part of this Arbitration Provision is deemed to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, the balance of this Arbitration Provision shall remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.

9. Further Documentation:
The Sponsor desires to secure additional assignments or other documents as the Sponsor may reasonably require in order to effectuate the ownership of the Rights, then each Entrant agrees to sign the same upon Sponsor's request.

10. No Obligation To Use:
Sponsors shall have no obligation (express or implied) to use or publicize the names or likenesses of the monthly Winners and the Winner(s) shall not be entitled to any damages or other relief by reason thereof.

11. Invalidity/No Modification:
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. Headings and captions are used in these Official Rules solely for ease of reference, and shall not be deemed to affect in any manner the meaning or intent of these Official Rules or any provision hereof. These Official Rules cannot be modified or amended in any way except in a written document specifically referencing these Official Rules and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Sponsor.

12. Sponsor/Winners List:
This Contest is sponsored by CertificationZone.com c/o The Genium Group , Inc., 1171 RiverFront Center, Amsterdam, NY 12010. To receive a list of Winners (available seven (7) days after the prizes are awarded) send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: ZONE KING-OF-THE-HILL WINNERS, c/o the Genium Group , Inc., 1171 RiverFront Center, Amsterdam, NY 12010.

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