NLI's CCIETM R&S 5-Day Lab Bootcamp Class Information
Step 4: CCIE� R&S 5-Day Lab Bootcamp Class Information Cost: $4,500.00 - Active Certification Zone Subscribers will receive a $100 rebate
There simply is no other on-site training available for the CCIETM R&S Lab Exam that is more comprehensive, as well taught, better equipped, or has helped produce more CCIEs than Network Learning's 5-Day Lab Bootcamp. If you have the potential to pass the R&S Lab this is the training opportunity that will help you fulfill that potential.
Active Certification Zone subscribers who enroll in this Bootcamp will automatically receive a $100 rebate, direct from Certification Zone, within eight weeks of your payment of the full enrollment fee. We suggest you use this rebate to celebrate passing the CCIETM Lab Exam. Note: To qualify for this rebate you must be an active Certification Zone subscriber at the time you enroll. You must also submit the same name and address when you enroll as you used when you submitted your Certification Zone subscription order. E-mail your questions concerning rebate qualifications and procedures to [email protected]