Certification Zone Practice Lab Exam
Step 1 - Attempt the Certification Zone Practice Lab Exam: Cost: FREE to all active Certification Zone Subscribers
This exercise was developed exclusively for Certification Zone by the talented CCIETM staff of Network Learning. It is designed to mimic what you will see in the actual Cisco® Lab Exam. It incorporates the new 12.2 IOS features and contains dual Catalyst 3550 configurations.
For those of you who do not have access to a CCIE-level rack, this lab has been designed around the same physical configuration as used on Network Learning's own remote rental racks.
Complete solution configurations are also included with this exercise as are diagrams, hints, rote tables, and appropriate show command outputs for each device.
This lab receives ongoing technical support at Network Learning's very popular discussion site, RouterIE.
Completing the Certification Zone CCIETM R&S Practice Lab Exam is an excellent way to get a realistic first taste of what you're up against when you take the real test. The only cost is the cost of a Zone subscription. Subscriptions to Certification Zone are available in one, six, and twelve-month increments.
if you're not yet a CertificationZone Subscriber you can join here