Heat Transfer Fluid Flow Data Books
The Data Books were developed by the General Electric Company's
Research and Development Center specifically to help design engineers, who lacked heat transfer or fluid
flow backgrounds, tackle the commonly occurring problems they faced in these areas. Since 1976, additional
non-GE expertise has been included and has transformed the Data Books of today into a universally
applicable reference source.
If you are looking for the type and scope of design information contained in the Data Books from other
sources, you'll spend hours. . .days. . .even weeks locating it. We know because we've spent the last
decade compiling and updating the information in the Data Books. The information in the Data Books is
based on real-life design applications and not theory. This means the Data Books will help you get it
right the first time, leading to reductions in project overruns, testing, and development costs.
They're comprehensive. . .
They are the single reference source that provides the answers to questions in all the following areas:
Forced and Free Convection, Multiphased Flows and Fluidized Beds, Radiation Between Surfaces and
Participating Gases, General Purpose Computer Programs for Heat Transfer, Condensation and Vaporization,
Heat Losses in Orifices... Screens... Elbows... etc., Manifolds and Side Inlets, Rotating Surfaces and
Rotating Ducts, Axial and Radial Fans, Pumps, and Thermophysical Properties. No other reference source
comes close to this coverage.
They take up where textbooks leave off. . .
The most common types of information included in the Data Books are generalized performance relations - particularly correlations in dimensionless form. These are not directed primarily to the design of specific problems, but are applicable to many different situations. Attention is directed to the limits of validity of each of the formulae presented. References are given to the literature for information outside these limits, and for many of the calculations, numerical examples are presented illustrating their application to a specific problem.
New Technical Editor for Heat Transfer/Fluid Flow Data Books
In mid-1999 Prof. Raj M. Manglik agreed to take on the responsibility of being technical editor for the Heat Transfer Fluid Flow Data Books. In this capacity Prof. Manglik has become responsible for identifying the topics within the Data Books that require technical updating and for suggesting possible authors with the appropriate technical credentials for writing the new information. He also approves outlines of new material and edits received manuscripts before publication. View Prof Manglik's biography
Past contributors to the Data Books include: V. Antonetti, A. Bar Cohen, A. Bergles, L. Fletcher, J. Howell, J. Johnston, D.A. Kaminski, A. Kraus, F. Kreith, R. Lahey, S. Pantankar, M. Shah, and J. Weisman.
View Table of Contents from Heat Transfer/Fluid Flow Data Books (pdf)
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