
Safety Training




The Guide to Environmental Analytical Methods
Updated in the Fifth Edition

What's New

  • New and revised methods have been added based on Update IV of the Third Edition of SW-846.
  • The Method Status Table (in Appendix D) has been extensively revised, listing current promulgated methods and more recently revised versions.
  • CLP data has been completely updated to reflect the newest Statements of Work, including inorganics ILM05.2, December, 2001, organics OLM04.2, May, 1999, and OLC03.2, December, 2000.
  • Tabular data on the CLP organics have been expanded to include the low concentration method, which is presented in a convenient side-by-side comparison with the multi-media, multi-concentration Statement of Work.
  • A new tabular comparison of multi-anion analysis by ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis has been added. These analytical techniques are increasingly more visible within the industry and the regulatory framework.
  • All EPA 200 series, 500 series, 600 series, and methods found in the 20th Edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater have been updated when necessary.
  • Covers when and how to apply EPA Methods 8270 and 625, which must be kept in the forefront because the EPA still maintains a strict separation between the two program areas.
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Guide to Environmental Analytical Methods 5th Edition
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10   -   24 $ 40.80 ea.    30.8%
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50   -   99 $ 33.60 ea.    43.1%
100   -   and up $ 28.20 ea.    52.2%

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