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July 15th, 2003
Why VPNs?

In this week's article, Annlee Hines discusses the what, the why, and the how of VPNs, by specifically addressing what a VPN is, why businesses deploy VPNs, and the importance of deploying VPNs properly.

This article has been extracted from Annlee's brand new Certification Zone Tutorial, entitled "The Other VPNs: It's Not All MPLS".

View Why Deploy a VPN?
A Tutorial excerpt from The Other VPNs: It's Not All MPLS by Annlee Hines

Interview with the Author - Annlee Hines

Did you know the brand new "Other VPNs" Study Guide that Certification Zone unveiled on July 1 is the seventh Zone Study Guide written by networking expert Annlee Hines? Gain a better understanding of Annlee by reading this week's Zone Interview. In it, Annlee discusses the different real-life scenarios that make it necessary to understand VPNs and also offers some nuts and bolts advice about security, consulting, and networking in general.

View Interview with the Author - Annlee Hines

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