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Troubleshooting Ethernet Networks

In this Study Guide you will learn how Ethernet and associated IEEE 802 standards really work -- and what causes them not to work at times. An assumption is made that you have already read many simple descriptions of Ethernet behavior. The goal of this tutorial is to introduce you to new ways of thinking about Ethernet that will help you troubleshoot common problems found on 10-Mbps, 100-Mbps, and 1000-Mbps ("Gigabit") Ethernet networks. This paper will also take you "beyond Cisco certification" and into the use of protocol analyzers to view certain behaviors.

Troubleshooting Ethernet Networks Tutorial, sample Study Questions and answers, and Lab Scenario, Copyright © 2001 Priscilla Oppenheimer. Used with permission.

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Author: Priscilla Oppenheimer

Technical Level: CCIE™ and CCNP™

Date of Issue: 07-01-2023
Rating:     (Not Yet Rated)

 Table of Contents

 3 Sample Study Questions
 25 Study Questions

 Lab Abstact
 Lab Scenario

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