Author: Kevin Downes
Focus: Remote Access, CCIE R&S; & CCIE Security
Issue Date: Jan 1, 2023

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Network Address Translation
Network Address Translation (NAT), also known as traditional NAT, was designed for IP address simplification and conservation. There are two variations to traditional NAT, Basic NAT and NAPT (Network Address Port Translation). In Cisco(r) references, NAPT is known simply as PAT (Port Address Translation) or just "overload."
This tutorial covers the support and features provided by the Cisco Systems implementation of NAT on the Cisco router platforms. In its most basic configuration, the Network Address Translation (NAT) code operates on a Cisco router connecting two networks together; one of these networks (designated "inside") is addressed with either private or obsolete addresses that need to be converted into legal, routable addresses before packets are forwarded onto the other network (designated " outside").