Ergonomics Pocket Guide
On March 6, 2001, with the urging of President Bush, the US Senate
voted to repeal the OSHA Ergonomics standard. One day later the US
House of Representatives followed suit. While Genium Publishing
Corporation understands and respects some of the objections certain
interest groups had with the new law, we are left to wonder why
compromise was not considered. The true losers are those who have
suffered or will suffer job induced musculoskeletal disorders simply
because they and their employers are unaware that these hazards exist.
In light of this unfortunate decision on the part of our elected
leaders, Genium has suspended plans to produce the second edition of
the Ergonomics Pocket Guide. Much of the content planned for the new
release focused on the requirements of the standard. Since the
standard will not be enforced, the planned Guide can not serve the
purposes for which it was intended.
We apologize for this inconvenience and urge you to continue your
efforts to educate employees about the dangers of job-related
musculoskeletal hazards. It may no longer be the law but it remains
the right and proper thing to do.