Wanna Be An Author?

Do you have an area of expertise that might make a good book or online presentation? Genium typically looks for information to publish which will make someone's job easier or more productive. Maybe it's notes or crib sheets you constantly refer to. Perhaps it's a down-to-earth translation of some complex or cumbersome procedure. It might even be derived from a class you teach.

Genium publishes extensively in the areas of occupational health and safety, environmental testing, professional certifications, mechanical drafting, materials and materials processes. From booklets to manuals, to software (including CD-ROM) and online presentations, Genium is interested in turning useful information into marketable publications.

If you're not a writer, but would like to get involved, we are also constantly searching for assistance from professionals in our areas of interest. Our Editorial Advisory Boards help us by suggesting ideas for new publications, refining these ideas into useful products, and reviewing new manuscripts to ensure that they are technically correct. The tasks are varied, but it's our Editorial Advisory Boards that help us focus on the needs of your profession.

We can't promise you'll get filthy rich, so don't quit your day job just yet. But we can guarantee that you'll be compensated fairly for your time and duly recognized in the publications for your efforts.

If interested, please contact us:

Erik Roy; New Product Development
Genium Publishing Corporation
1171 Riverfront Center
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Telephone (518) 842-4111
Toll Free (800) 243-6486
Fax (518) 842-1843
[email protected]

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Genium Publishing Corporation
1171 Riverfront Center, Amsterdam, NY 12010
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email: [email protected]

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