

Become A Zone Contributor
CertificationZone.com can be the
technical platform you need to realize additional benefits
from your Cisco expertise
You no longer have to
write a 500 page book to be a successful and respected
networking author and earn additional income. Genium
Publishing Corporation, developer of the new
CertificationZone.com website, is now actively
seeking networking professionals,including those who have
certification, to contribute to the Cisco Study Area of the
new site. This is an opportunity for you to earn additional
income, gain some positive publicity, and share your
networking expertise with a worldwide community of
networking professionals and students.
Who is Genium Publishing Corporation?
Genium used to be part
of the General Electric Company. In 1984 it spun off to
become an independent publisher of technical information,
specializing in mechanical, chemical and environmental
engineering. In 1998 Genium launched a highly successful
interactive website that provided information to those
studying for CCIE certification.
What type of
writing opportunities are available?
CertificationZone.com publishes Study
Guides that help users better understand the technical
topics addressed by Cisco certification exams. Each Study
Guide generally consists of three parts:
Tutorials - of approximately 20 to 25 word-processed
pages in length. Each Tutorial explains what the author
believes candidates for the certification should know about
a specific exam objective to answer questions on the actual
Sample Questions - Authors of the Tutorial provide at
least 25 mock test questions to help readers assess their
knowledge of the paper's topic.
Laboratory Scenarios - Study Guides also include one
or two sample laboratory scenarios designed to help readers
test their ability to apply their knowledge of the Guide's
topic to a real-world networking application.
What is CertificationZone.com's relationship with Cisco?
The CertificationZone.com website is not in any way a part of Cisco Systems, is not endorsed by Cisco Systems, and derives no information proprietary to Cisco Systems from that company. All information presented will be appropriate for assisting in learning that which is necessary to score well on CCNA , CCNP and CCIE certification exams; however, the information will all be authored by knowledgeable individuals independent of Cisco-produced texts or tests.
How will the material you prepare be used?
A portion (either the Tutorial or the Sample Questions & Lab Scenario) of every Study Guide that is published at the CertificationZone.com will be available for viewing to all Members of the site for one calendar month ZONE membership is free). At the end of the calendar month, only those with paid subscriptions will enjoy unrestricted access to each Study Guide.
How will I get recognition for what I write?
There are several benefits associated with being the author of a White Paper published at CertificationZone.com. These include:
Honorarium- Authors receive this payment as soon as their Study Guide has been approved for publication by CertificationZone.com's Technical Director.
Publicity - The name and bio of each Study Guide Author is posted at the site and in the hard-copy version of the material mailed to subscribers each month. In addition, Genium will feature the authors credentials and qualifications in the marketing material used to promote the site that will be seen by tens of thousands of individuals and organizations in the upcoming months.
Ancillary sales of other books you have authored - If you have addressed the same or similar topic in another publication, Genium would be willing to feature that publication for sale at the website and within the direct mail promotions we distribute to thousands of networking professionals. Similar efforts have sold hundreds of copies of such titles. You receive increased royalties. Your publisher will be thrilled too!
Subsequent royalties for sales of hard-copy derivatives - Genium may choose to convert selected Study Guides into derivative products and publish them under the CertificationZone.com banner. Should a Tutorial you have written be selected for this application you will receive additional royalty payments based on paid sales of the product containing your Tutorial material.
By what date does the work need to be completed?
Since the Website follows a monthly editorial schedule, there are opportunities for you to produce Study Guides for publication in both the near- and long-term future.
How do I get started?
Contact Product Manager Erik Roy and let him know you'd like to be considered. He will furnish you with a list of topics for which we are seeking authors. Erik will also ask you to provide some background information on yourself.
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