Author: Dan Farkas
Focus: Switching, Support & CCIE R&S;
Issue Date: Feb 1, 2023

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Ethernet LAN Switching I
This is the first tutorial (of two) on Ethernet LAN switching for CCNP and CCIE candidates. This tutorial
covers the following topics:
The basics and details of Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit-Ethernet, and basic
Ethernet Switching.
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Spanning Tree but were afraid to ask, including both
Spanning Tree operation and optimization on Cisco Catalyst(r) switches.
The Author makes an assumption in this tutorial that the reader has been exposed to the basics of
Ethernet and MAC addressing so that he can focus on the more advanced details.
This Study Guide is part of a two-part Study Guide Series addressing Ethernet LAN Switching:
Part One - Basics
Part Two - Advanced Details